Smuggling Daming

Chapter 273 The assembly of troops is completed

Zhou Zhong may be in conflict with the position of Commander of the Guard. When he first came to Dinghaiwei, he was let go by Cheng Quan. In the end, he used strong methods to dismiss Cheng Quan.This is the first time I met Chang Xiao, but Zhou Zhong suspected that the other party had committed suicide, and the other party seemed to be unable to produce any valid evidence to prove that those heads were pirates, and the atmosphere on the pier was a little dignified for a while.

But at this moment, a short general suddenly walked up to Chang Xiao, and then whispered a few words in his ear. As a result, Chang Xiao slapped his forehead fiercely, and said to Zhou Zhong with a regretful expression. : "Master Admiral, this subordinate almost forgot an important piece of evidence just now. When we exterminated those pirates, we rescued a group of businessmen and women who were taken away by pirates. Now these people are on the warship. They can Testify for us!"

Hearing that Chang Xiao and the others had witnesses, Zhou Zhong gave Chang Xiao a hard look, thinking that you, the commander, are really confused, there are such a group of witnesses in the fleet, it would be better to call them out earlier Yet?It hurt me to worry for so long in vain, and I almost blamed the other party by mistake.

At that moment, Zhou Zhong immediately sent Wu Shan to personally call those people rescued by Chang Xiao. After a while, he saw more than a dozen ragged people coming down from a warship. Most of these people were dark and thin. A few were even wounded, but they were in good spirits.

"Eh? Aren't there women? Why are all these men?" Zhou Zhong asked a little strangely.

"My lord, those women have lost their virginity, so they don't want to appear in front of so many people. The subordinates also think they are pitiful, so they let them stay on the boat without authorization." Wu Shan replied immediately after hearing this, with a smile on his face. With some sympathy.

Zhou Zhong was taken aback when he heard this, and then nodded approvingly to Wu Shan. Since those women were captured by pirates, it must be difficult to keep their chastity.In this era of Ming Dynasty, women's chastity was the most important thing, so although those women were victims, they were afraid of being exposed in front of others.It is also worth mentioning that even if they have been rescued.But they will not return to their relatives, because then they will not only bear the contempt of others, but also shame their family members.

"In this case, Wu Shan, please arrange to send those girls to Shuangyu Port, and ask Sanniang to arrange for them to do laundry and cooking chores. This way at least they won't have to worry about making a living for the rest of their lives!" Zhou Zhong sighed at this moment road.

In fact, this is not the first time that Zhou Zhong has taken in such a poor woman. When he wiped out the Quanluo Chamber of Commerce and the Shangquan Chamber of Commerce, he also rescued many abducted women and boys. It is enough to go back, but those girls are unwilling to go back no matter what they say.Although they were kidnapped and sold for a good price, they still maintained their virginity when they were rescued.But for them, their reputation has been ruined after being trafficked, and going back now will only add shame to the family, so in the end, Zhou Zhong had no choice but to take them in to do some chores in the chamber of commerce. The young man in the village was hooked away, and the fastest family now even has a son.

"Your Excellency is merciful. This subordinate will do it now!" Wu Shan turned around after speaking and went to settle those poor women.

Next, Zhou Zhong walked up to the group of ragged people and asked what happened to them.As a result, these people quickly dominated Chang Xiao's words. They were either crew members on the ship or ordinary people living near Penghu. Many of their companions were tortured to death by the pirates. They were very lucky to survive. The luckiest thing was that they met sailors like Chang Xiao and the others later, which allowed them to escape from the pirates' nest completely.

With the testimony of these people, Chang Xiao and the others finally got rid of the suspicion of killing good men and pretending to be meritorious. Originally, Chang Xiao and the soldiers of Guanghaiwei still had some resentment in their hearts, but at this moment, Zhou Zhong solemnly bowed to Chang Xiao and the others : "General Chang, this admiral wrongly blamed everyone just now, and made everyone feel wronged, but as the saying goes, there must be a reward when there is a punishment. This admiral announces that all those who have contributed to the eradication of pirates in Guanghaiwei this time will be rewarded twice!"

Zhou Zhong's words hit the vital point of Chang Xiao and the others. Hearing this, all of them showed ecstatic expressions. Don't talk to these soldiers about the principle of protecting their families and the country. They are not so enlightened, and they can even say They fought hard to kill the enemy just to earn a family background and a lot of money.So when they heard that the reward was doubled, their dissatisfaction with Zhou Zhong had long since disappeared, and they even felt that this young admiral was particularly pleasing to the eye.

After the misunderstanding was resolved, Zhou Zhong immediately arranged Guanghaiwei's soldiers to rest in the barracks. As for Chang Xiao and the others, he welcomed them into the meeting hall of Zhenhai Tower, where a banquet had been set up to welcome them.However, on the way back, Shenying quietly walked up to Zhou Zhong and said softly, "My lord, I observed the soldiers of Guanghaiwei just now, and found that these soldiers have orders and orders to advance and retreat, and all of them have tough expressions. , Obviously, he must not be negligent in drills, and even has actual combat experience in destroying pirates. It seems that this regular commander is also a person with strict military management, and Guanghaiwei's combat effectiveness is much stronger than Dinghaiwei."

Zhou Zhong nodded when he heard this. When he saw Chang Xiao's soldiers just now, he also felt that these soldiers were different from Dinghaiwei's soldiers. Even Shenying, a veteran, said the same thing, which confirmed Zhou Zhong's feeling even more. It seems that this Chang Xiao is a talent. I hope he can shine in his own hands in the future, and don't insult his ancestor Kaiping Wang Chang Yuchun. reputation.

Chang Xiao looks rough on the outside, but in fact he is a shrewd general, and he is very relaxed, especially after getting double rewards, he did not hold grudges against Zhou Zhong, and soon the two chatted eagerly .During the chat, Zhou Zhong discovered that Chang Xiao admired his ancestor Chang Yuchun very much, and he always followed his ancestors as an example, but when he talked about the loss of the Duke of the Chang family, his tone was full of regret, even When drinking at the end, he even uttered drunken words about wanting to restore the past glory of the Chang family.

After the arrival of Guanghaiwei, Zhou Zhong, the admiral of the four seas, has assembled his troops. Among them, the navy army has reached 1000 to 4000 people, and there are more than [-] warships. In addition, there are [-] troops brought by Shenying. The elite Beijing Battalion has a total strength of [-]. Although this number is not a big deal in Ming's army, Zhou Zhong still feels that the number is too many. Later, after discussing with Shenying, Qu Lie and Chang Xiao, Decided to reduce the force.

When fighting, the more troops the better, especially when Zhou Zhong assisted the city of Malacca and planned to use a sneak attack strategy, so too many troops would easily expose the target in advance, and the effect of the sneak attack would not be achieved.In addition, although the military expenses for going to sea are nominally from Zhengde's internal treasury, they are actually provided by Zhou Zhong privately. The more people go to sea to fight, the greater Zhou Zhong's expenses. Naturally, the troops should be reduced.

The 3000 people brought by Shenying are the elite of the Beijing camp, and according to their previous plan, the most important thing to eliminate the Portuguese is land warfare, so naturally there is no need to reduce the 3000 people.In comparison, the number of navy divisions seemed a bit too much. Finally, after discussing with Zhou Zhong's wife, he finally decided to divide Dinghaiwei and Guanghaiwei into one hundred teams. After three months of emergency training, Zhou Zhong and several major generals personally judged and selected fifty hundred households to form an army. Only the selected elites were qualified to go to sea to fight.

In addition, in order to encourage the soldiers to practice, Zhou Zhong also proposed a series of rewards and punishments. For example, the treatment of the soldiers of the selected hundred households will be improved, and the top ten hundred households can get an extra reward. The Baihusuo who were not selected could only take the meager military salary before, and had to hand over the best warships in their hands for others to choose.In addition, Zhou Zhong also made it clear that the selected soldiers will go to sea with him to fight, and the military rewards are also extremely generous, and whether they can get them depends entirely on them.

Zhou Zhong doesn't know how to train soldiers, but he understands the truth that money can move people's hearts, especially for these military households with low incomes. His series is a means of increasing pay and rewards, plus the military achievements and rewards promised in the future, It is certain that these soldiers can be trained with the greatest energy.

Sure enough, when the above measures were announced, all the barracks of the two guards were boiling. In order to maintain a complete establishment of the two guards, the soldiers in the guards received higher treatment than the general guards, and the officers of the two guards did not. Dare to wantonly annex the soldiers' land, after all, there are countless people watching.

But even so, the life of the military households is not easy, because in the past, a military household was allocated a certain amount of land, but after years of reproduction, a family was divided into several or even dozens of households, but the number of fields was still the same. Too many, not enough for the old and young wives and children at home, and the military orders in the guards are so strict, they dare not do other livelihoods, so they can only hold on like this. Some military households even starve to death. Now there are This is simply to point out a way for them in the dark, so these soldiers are almost happy and crazy.

Shenying, Qu Lie, and Chang Xiao were also very surprised by Zhou Zhong's generosity, and at the same time admired the young admiral, but this also made them feel a kind of pressure. After all, the more Zhou Zhong was generous to the army, the more It shows that their tasks will be heavier in the future, so they also try their best to train the army and strive to satisfy Zhou Zhong.

Zhou Zhong didn't know anything about military training, so all he could do was the above. He entrusted Shenying and the other three to be responsible for all the military training, and then he was about to exercise another great power of Admiral of the Four Seas. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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