Smuggling Daming

Chapter 277 Takeover of the Tax Office

The Chinese New Year will be half a month away. At this time in previous years, Ningbo Port will be much deserted, but this year is a bit different. Even though the Laba Festival has already passed, Ningbo Port is still extremely lively, and the ships that come and go Not only did it not decrease, but it increased more than usual.

It is said that because of the major changes in Shuangyu Port this year, the three largest chambers of commerce in Shuangyu Port, Nanyang, Xiejia and Hongjia, have cooperated more closely, making Shuangyu Port more prosperous, and the throughput of goods has also increased by nearly [-]%. Double, so now many people want to take this opportunity to make a few more trips to Shuangyu Port, trying to make more money before the Chinese New Year.

Ningbo Port is becoming more and more prosperous, and the officials in charge of the port are naturally very happy, because the more ships parked in the port, the more taxes they receive. Although these taxes have to be handed over, they get a little profit from it But it is also very easy, and the more tax money, the more oil and water they extract, so they also hope that the port will be more prosperous and better.

As usual, Counselor Cheng didn't get dressed from his third concubine's concubine after three days, and he didn't eat breakfast at home, so he went directly to the tax office at the port. It was still early, so I took time to drink a bowl of porridge and a basket of soup dumplings at the Wangji breakfast shop by the port, and teased the pretty proprietress by the way, and then came to the tax office to work contentedly.

Although Ningbo Port is within the territory of Ningbo Prefecture, the management of the entire port does not belong to the local government, but to the governor's office directly above, such as the tax office in charge of Cheng Counselor.It is the agency sent by the governor's office to manage taxation in Ningbo Port. He, the counselor, is also a subordinate official of the inspector's office. It can be said that except for the governor, the local officials can't command him at all.

The scale of Ningbo Port is very large, with the Yongjiang River as the boundary, divided into two parts, the north and the south, and a tax office was set up respectively. Among them, Counselor Cheng is the chief officer of the Beigang District Tax Office, and he also manages dozens of people.Rough work like tax collection is naturally handed over to his subordinates. Counselor Cheng only needs to check the accounts every day.

Counselor Cheng walked slowly into the tax office, greeted the guard at the gate, and then came to the warehouse in the backyard.In fact, the building in the entire tax office is very simple, except for a few office rooms, there are only two large warehouses left.One of the warehouses is used to store tax books, and the other warehouse is used to store tax money. Every ten days, the higher-ups will send people to take away the tax books and tax money. As for the whereabouts of these tax money, that is not the case. Counselor Cheng could know, but he was sure.These taxes will certainly not enter the national treasury.

When Counselor Cheng came to the warehouse, he saw two large boxes piled up in front of the door of the big warehouse containing tax silver.Among them, the lid of the box has been opened, revealing a large amount of copper coins in the box, and occasionally some broken silver. Record every tax payment in the tax book, and it will be convenient for the people above to check in the future.If the tax money does not match the amount on the tax book, then the people below will be punished.

"Old bald. How is today's harvest?" Counselor Cheng looked at the cash boxes piled up on the ground, and casually asked loudly to the oldest accountant among the several accountants. This old accountant looked 60 years old. Left and right, most of the hair on the top of the head has been bald, which is why he got the nickname of old bald.

"Master Counselor, today's harvest is good. Two boxes of copper coins and broken silver have been collected since morning. It is nearly 150 taels in silver. It seems that today's tax money is likely to exceed 500 taels." The old bald bookkeeper also said excitedly.

Counselor Cheng was also very happy to hear the figure of 500 taels. Although the sharp silver had to be handed over, as the saying goes, being an official for thousands of miles is only for money. How can there be anyone in the officialdom of Ming Dynasty who is not greedy?Even in his small tax office, a part of the money will be intercepted as the welfare of the officials in the tax office.

Of course, Counselor Cheng and the others will not be so stupid as to touch the money in the account, but when collecting taxes, all the tax collectors will deduct one-tenth of the tax money, and this money will not be recorded. It will be handed over at night, that is to say, the tax money in front of you is actually only [-]% of all the tax money.Those intercepted money became the small treasury of the tax office, and when the monthly money was issued, Counselor Cheng distributed it to all the people in the tax office uniformly, so that everyone could get the money, and there was no need to worry about someone telling the truth. It is a custom in the officialdom, even if the superiors know about it, they will only turn a blind eye and close one eye.

Counselor Cheng made a rough calculation in his mind. He can get five or six taels of silver just today. If he can maintain this figure this month, then he can get more than 120 taels. This is not a small sum. Knowing that even the salary of a first-rank official is only 87 taels of grain, plus other miscellaneous discounts, it is probably less than 100 taels of silver, but now he, a small counselor, can get 120 taels.

Of course, Counselor Cheng only dared to compare with the normal salary of a first-rank official. If other hidden incomes of a senior official were counted, I am afraid that his little money would not even be worthy of carrying shoes.

Next, Counselor Cheng walked over to the old bald man who kept the accounts, flipped through the account books in front of him, and then went to the box containing the coins and grabbed a handful of coins to check the quality. After finding that there was no big problem, he went Don't care about these things anymore, tell the old bald to be more careful, then turn around and go back to his office room to go back to sleep. After all, he spent a lot of energy last night feeding the little vixen at home.

But today was destined to be an extraordinary day. Just as Cheng Canshi came back to the house, before he could lie down, he heard a noise coming from outside, and even screams, as if someone had made a move.This surprised Cheng Can in advance. There is a lot of money stored in the treasury of the tax office. Could it be that some strongman wants to rush in to grab the money?

However, Counselor Cheng quickly dispelled the above thoughts. Although everyone knew that there was a lot of money in the tax office, the military camp of Dinghaiwei was not far from the tax office. Grab money by the barracks.Since it wasn't a robbery, the only explanation was that someone was making trouble.

"Dare to come to the tax office to make trouble, I am so impatient!" Thinking that he is not a robber, Cheng Canshi's courage immediately strengthened. After all, he is only under the supervision of the governor's office. In the whole Zhejiang, who would dare to provoke their governor's office? people?

I saw Cheng Canshi straighten his clothes immediately, put on a gloomy look, and walked quickly to the place where the noise came from the front yard with his hands behind his back. As soon as he got there, he saw people from the tax office confronting a group of guards in Jinyi. Among them, several people from the tax office had already seen blood on their heads, and they looked very embarrassed. It seemed that they had suffered a disadvantage.

Seeing this, Cheng Canshi was also furious. He had been in the tax office for so long, and he had never met anyone who dared to attack the governor's office. Although the opponent was Jinyiwei, he thought that these Jinyiwei were the local Jinyiwei in Ningbo Prefecture. He is not afraid of these people, after all, this is not the capital, and it is not the turn of Jin Yiwei to be arrogant.

At that moment, Cheng Canshi rushed forward angrily, pointed at the group of guards and shouted: "You bastards, you don't even look at this place, you dare to beat the people in our governor's yamen, I think you are alive impatient……"

"Bah~, ouch~" Cheng Canshi hadn't finished speaking when someone slammed a scabbard on his head, which made him scream, squatting on the ground with his head covered and unable to stand up for a long time.

"Ma Baihu, we are here to take over the tax office, not to beat people. I will discuss the rest with them. Don't do it anymore!" Tang Bohu in the crowd was about to cry. It has been repeated no less than ten times, but it is a pity that it doesn't work at all for the group of Jinyiwei around, and even that Ma Liang and Ma Baihu took the lead in beating people.

After Zhou Zhong took over the Shibo Department yesterday, Yang Tong, who was a promotion, was eager to show his merits to Zhou Zhong, so today he immediately dispatched two deputy promotions, Li Lian and Tang Bohu. Several small officials in the company hurried to Ningbo Port to take over the tax office for tax collection.

Originally, Tang Bohu thought it was an easy time, as long as he announced His Majesty's order, and then moved out the great god Zhou Zhong, even if the tax office was backed by the governor, he might have to obediently hand over the tax office in the end.

But Tang Bohu obviously thought things too simply. When he brought people to the tax office, he didn't expect the gatekeeper of the tax office to be very arrogant. He didn't react at all when he heard his words. The governor's yamen is directly managed, and unless they have a warrant from the governor, no one can go in!

This situation has been out of Tang Bohu's expectation, and he didn't know how to deal with it for a while?But at this moment, the Jinyiwei led by Ma Liang couldn't bear it anymore. They are all the elite of Jinyiwei, and most of them even have the qualifications to enter the palace, but now they are blocked by a small tax. Outside, and the other party's attitude is still so arrogant, it simply doesn't take them seriously. It can be said that they have never been angered like this since the day they became Jin Yiwei.

It was precisely because of this that Jin Yiwei, who was blocked outside, finally couldn't help but fight. They first beat the guards of the tax office, and then planned to rush in. Naturally, the people in the tax office would not let them do what they wanted, so the two sides fought against each other. There was a confrontation in the front yard of the tax office. Just when Ma Liang was really impatient and was about to take over the tax office with strong means, Counselor Cheng rushed out, pointed at Ma Liang and scolded them, and hit the gun just in time. On the mouth, Ma Liang hit him with a scabbard and couldn't stand up. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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