Inside the governor's office in Zhejiang, Xie Di was sitting in the lobby with a half-smile. Just now he had sent invitations to the chief envoys of Zhejiang, as well as the inspectors, inviting them to come to the governor's office to discuss Zhou Zhong's seizure of the Ningbo Port Tax Office. thing.

Regarding this matter, while Xie Di was angry, he was secretly happy.On the surface, Zhou Zhong didn't care about his governor's face at all, and directly robbed the tax office, which was like slapping him in the face. Zhou Zhong's dismissal of Commander Cheng Quan before was much more serious.

But everything has two sides. Although the tax office is in the name of the governor's yamen, the tax money collected is not monopolized by Xie Di alone. The left and right political envoys, chief and deputy inspectors all share.So after Zhou Zhong took away the tax office, it was not just as simple as slapping Xie Di in the face, but also cut off a source of income for several senior officials in Zhejiang.

It is precisely because of this that Xie Di feels a little joy in his heart. Except for him, the governor, the remaining officials in Zhejiang are the chief envoy and the inspector. The first two of the three are in charge of civil affairs, and the other He is in charge of criminal affairs and is the highest-ranking administrative official in a province.Of course, there is another commander who is in charge of the military affairs of a province. It's just that Daming is very contemptuous of the military position, so the status of the commander is lower. For example, in Zhejiang, the tax money collected by the tax office is not as high as the commander. This is also a clear proof that the status of the commanding envoy of the capital is not as good as that of the chief envoy and the inspector.

Although the tax and silver income at Ningbo Port is not as good as that of the former Song Dynasty, it still has at least 10,000+ silver per year.Except for a small part of the money being taken away by other people, most of the rest was divided up by several high-ranking officials such as the governor and chief envoy, and this has formed a practice. Officials take what they deserve, with peace of mind.

But now that Zhou Zhong has cut off the income from the tax bank, although Xie Di is annoyed, he is more pleased, because this marks that Zhou Zhong has also offended several other high-level officials in Zhejiang.Speaking of which, among the two chief envoys and one procuratorial envoy, he has only won one now, and the remaining two are somewhat repulsive to him. Just by taking this opportunity, he can win over the other two to deal with Zhou. Heavy, and you can ease the tense relationship with them.He might even be able to bring them under his command in the future, and by that time, no one in the official circles in Zhejiang would ever speak against him again.

Thinking of his plan to kill two birds with one stone, Xie Di couldn't help showing a smug smile. Now that Zhou Zhong's family is in full swing, he doesn't dare to offend easily, such as the dismissal of Cheng Quan last time.Although he has an unshirkable responsibility, but in the end he didn't say anything after knowing the news.Because he knows.With Zhou Zhong's hostility towards him and the strong backing behind him, no matter what he said, it was useless. Besides, although their Xie family's hands were long, their influence on the army was extremely limited, so he simply pretended not to know.

But this time it was different, Zhou Zhong moved the tax office.It has already been regarded as meddling in the local government affairs in Zhejiang, and it has also touched everyone's financial resources.That's why Xie Di hurriedly summoned people here, and prepared to unite with other people to attack Zhou Zhong. He could also take this opportunity to win the round and restore the face he lost before.

Thinking of Zhou Zhong being pressured by the entire Zhejiang high-level officials, I am afraid that no matter how tough he is, he has to weigh it carefully. This made Xie Di very proud, and finally couldn't help laughing out loud.

But Xie Di had just been proud for a while, but suddenly felt something was wrong. The people he sent out to invite the chief ministers had been away for a while, and they should come back after some time, but why hasn't there been any movement yet?

Thinking of this, Xie Di stood up and was about to send someone to look at it again, but before he could walk out of the living room door, he saw a servant sent to deliver invitations rushing in to report to him: "Master, The little one just sent an invitation to Master Di, the right chief envoy, and told him to invite him to come to the house, but Master Di said that he couldn't come because of important matters, so please don't blame him!"

"What?" Xie Di was surprised when he heard that the right chief envoy was unwilling to come to see him. Normally, the news that Zhou Zhong had taken away the tax office should have spread throughout the official circles in Zhejiang. The messenger should have gotten the news, it's about his interests, so he should come to his place no matter what?

Before Xie Di could figure it out, he heard another rush of footsteps outside, and then another servant sent out to invite someone ran in, sweating profusely and reported: "Master, the invitation It has been sent to the residence of Master Bai, the envoy, but Master Bai did not show up, but let people say that he is not free for the time being, and he will come to visit the master when he is free."

"Bang!" Xie Di slapped the table angrily when he heard the news. The inspector of Zhejiang Province was named Bai Mingwei, and he was very hopeful to succeed the former governor of Zhejiang Province. He is very dissatisfied with Xie Di. Ever since Xie Di took office, Bai Wei has secretly had trouble with Xie Di. Now Xie Di took the initiative to show his favor to the other party, but he did not expect that Bai Wei would still be so shameless. This made Xie Di naturally Burning with anger.

However, Xie Di's self-cultivation skills are not bad, and he quickly woke up from his anger. At that moment, he waved away the two servants, turned around and returned to the living room to sit down, took a few sips of herbal tea to suppress the anger in his chest.He invited three people in total, but now two of them have stated that they will not come, and Xie Di also understands that the other party must have guessed the reason why he invited them to come, but the other party refused. Could it be that both of them are afraid Zhou Zhong's power?

"This is impossible. Although Zhou Zhong is favored by His Majesty, no matter how much he is favored, he is only an admiral and will not have much influence on local government affairs. With the powers of the chief envoy and the inspector, there is no reason Are you afraid of a temporarily appointed admiral?" At this time, Xie Di said to himself, no matter how he looked at it, he couldn't figure out why the other party would reject his invitation.

"Hahaha~ Brother Yu Ji, you don't need to waste any more time thinking about this question, let me tell you directly!" Just as Xie Di finished speaking, a hearty laugh suddenly came from outside the hall and said, Then a tall and thin middle-aged official came in, and he didn't show any courtesy to Xie Di, he found a seat and sat down.

Seeing the middle-aged official come in, Xie Di didn't show any surprise expression, but still frowned and said: "Brother Mian, do you know the reason why the two of them didn't come to see me?"

The middle-aged official who came in was surnamed Wang Mingqing and his style name was Mianzhi. He is currently serving as the Zuobu Political Envoy of Zhejiang Province.And it is worth mentioning that this Wang Qing was single-handedly promoted by Xie Di's elder brother Xie Qian, so he can be regarded as an official of the Xie family. With the support of this Wang Qing.

"Brother Yu Ji, I'm not talking about you. You are too impatient to do the facts this time. If you had discussed with me before, I would definitely not let you invite them, so that you don't have to lose face because of their refusal." !" Wang Qing took a sip of tea and said.

"Oh? Why is that?" Xie Di asked very puzzled.

"Brother Yu Ji, you may not know that Lord Di and Lord Bai both have businessmen in their families, and they are all related to smuggling. They either transport goods to Shuangyu Port for direct sale, or organize people to join in smuggling. Moreover, these businesses are the biggest source of income for the two of them. In addition, Zhou Zhong has already controlled all the smuggling business in Shuangyu Port. If they offend Zhou Zhong at this time, then I am afraid that the family business will not be possible in the future. Already!" Wang Qing said with a flat face, he has been in the officialdom in Zhejiang for more than ten years, and he has already understood the background of each official, which is one of the reasons why he can stand in the officialdom .

"So that's the case, no wonder they don't even want to see me!" Xie Di said suddenly, he didn't expect there to be such a complicated joint. Ten thousand taels of silver was nothing at all, so naturally they would not offend Zhou Zhong because of it.

Seeing Xie Di's appearance, Wang Qing said solemnly: "Of course, the reason why Lord Di and Lord Bai don't want to fight against Zhou Zhong is not just because of the family business. His Majesty's trust in him is no longer lower than that of Qian Ning, and even in time, Zhou Zhong may be more favored than Qian Ning, so now they are not willing to take the risk of offending Zhou Zhong."

Although Wang Qing didn't say it clearly, he was actually reminding Xie Di that Zhou Zhong has a bright future, so he should not get too rigid with Zhou Zhong.

Xie Di naturally heard Wang Qing's persuasion, and saw that he was also pensive.In fact, he and Zhou Zhong didn't have any personal grievances. It was nothing more than that after Zhou Zhong took over Dinghaiwei, it was equivalent to weakening the power in his hands, but this was the order of His Majesty the Emperor, so it was no wonder Zhou Zhong.

However, Xie Di soon realized that the family behind him wanted to control the smuggling trade in Shuangyu Port, but Zhou Zhong's Nanyang Chamber of Commerce had developed into a major overlord of Shuangyu Port, and Xie Da, who managed the Xie Family Chamber of Commerce, also started Not only did he marry his daughter to Zhou Zhong as a flat wife, but he also regarded the Xie Family Chamber of Commerce as his private property, preventing the Xie Family Chamber of Commerce from being accepted by the family.The Xie family was suppressed by Liu Jin a few years ago, and their financial resources were also affected. Now they are very fancy about the huge profits of smuggling, so they can't give up no matter what.

Thinking of this, Xie Di secretly sighed in his heart. For the benefit of the family, he might have to fight Zhou Zhong to the end. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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