Smuggling Daming

Chapter 283 Shandong coolie

In the Beigang District of Shuangyu Port, with the construction of Nanyang Town, more and more residents of Beigang District have moved their homes to the town. Although living here is subject to certain restrictions, such as not throwing garbage anywhere, spitting, and messing around Random construction, etc., but Nanyang Town is the place with the best law and order in Shuangyu Port. Jinyiwei sits here, and even some petty theft rarely happens, because once caught, he will be whipped in public. This taste is not good.

In addition to the law and order, as the scale of Nanyang Town expands, the corresponding supporting facilities in the town are also being gradually improved. For example, more important facilities such as books, medical centers, etc. can be easily found in Nanyang Town, so this It also attracted more people to settle in Nanyang Town. Now the town's population is close to 3. If it were placed in Daming, it could be classified as a county.

However, although Nanyang Town is good, the cost of living here is not low, especially in the town where random construction is not allowed. If you want to live here, you must either build a house yourself or rent someone else's house. It costs a lot of money. Among them, the income of the people in the Nanyang Chamber of Commerce is relatively high, and the town has preferential treatment for the people in this chamber of commerce, so it is not a problem, but it is a big problem for those with low income in other chambers of commerce. Well, at least in the short term, he might not be able to raise enough money to move to the town.

It is precisely because of this that although Nanyang Town is developing rapidly now, it is almost reaching a bottleneck. Almost all capable and qualified people have lived in the town, and the few remaining people who have no ability can only stay. In the formerly chaotic residential area, fortunately, there were many fewer people in the original residential area.As a result, the living conditions there have also improved, and the development of Shuangyu Port is getting faster and faster. All chambers of commerce can earn more money than before, and the people below have more or less some savings. I believe it will not take much In [-], these people were able to save enough money to build houses in the town.

In the open space in the south of Nanyang Town, very close to the port, there are many strange houses built here, because there are two small rivers converging into one river, and finally flowing into the sea.So here is called Sanchakou.

Sanchakou occupies a very large area. It is said that before the construction of Nanyang Town, it was the largest residential area in the Beigang District of Shuangyu Port. However, with the prosperity of Nanyang Town, most of the residents of Sanchakou chose to move to the town. They are all poor people who are temporarily unable to move away.In other words, this place has become a slum in Shuangyu Port.

Not all the poor people who lived in Sanchakou used to be the middle and upper class of various chambers of commerce. They built decent houses here, but after moving to the town, except for a few people kept the houses.Others emptied the entire house, even the green bricks and green tiles on the roof were removed and pulled to the town to build new houses.The original old yard was completely abandoned.

However, no matter how dilapidated these abandoned houses are, they are still better than some thatched huts at Sanchakou, so those who have not come and moved out see that their yards are no longer there, so they naturally live in them unceremoniously. As long as the dilapidated house is simply repaired and strengthened, it is much stronger than my original grass shed.

There is such an abandoned yard on the easternmost side of the Sanchakou. The reason for the abandonment of this yard is quite special.The owner of the yard is the president of a medium-sized North Korean chamber of commerce. Later, because of the Nanyang chamber of commerce, both the Japanese and the Koreans were forced away.So the president of the North Korean Chamber of Commerce also moved his home back to North Korea. All the valuable things in this yard were taken away, but the built houses could only be thrown here. After all, before the appearance of Nanyang Town, Shuangyu Port was a No one is willing to spend money to buy a house, because even the most basic security cannot be guaranteed here.

At the beginning, the North Korean Chamber of Commerce moved away in a hurry. Although the valuable things in the yard were removed, the yard was left intact. This is very rare in Sanchakou, so many people rushed to move in. In the end, several fights broke out. Finally, a group of coolies from Shandong won the fight because they were taller than the southerners, and they had practiced boxing and kicking for a few days. .

Coolies are the lowest-level laborers in Shuangyu Port. They don’t need to know any crafts, they only need to have some strength, and then they can load and unload goods on the pier. How many sacks can you get? Generally speaking, the wages a middle-aged man earns a day are not only enough for him to eat and live, but he can even save some to bring home when he returns home during the Chinese New Year. year's main expenses.

Today is the New Year's Eve, and Shuangyu Port has suddenly become deserted. Most of the people living in Sanchakou are the coolies at the bottom. Those coolies from Ningbo, Songjiang, Zhoushan, etc. who are very close to Shuangyu Port are here today. In the morning, I went home by boat to celebrate the New Year, and the rest were some coolies far away from home. These coolies would usually choose two reliable brothers some time in advance, let him go home early, and take the money everyone earned with them. For the young and old in the family.

The same is true for those Shandong coolies who live in the North Korean yard. As early as half a month ago, they asked two reliable brothers to bring the money back. They probably have arrived home early now, and have the money they have saved for a year. , Presumably the family can also have a good year, and even add new clothes to the children.

In the evening, the main hall of the courtyard was brightly lit, and all the candles that were reluctant to light in the past were taken out and lit today, which illuminated the entire hall very transparently. In the middle of the main hall, there were two large long tables. The dishes on the table are also very simple, big bowls of wine and big pieces of meat, forty or fifty tall Shandong men sitting around the table, for them, this is the most sumptuous New Year's Eve dinner.

"Brothers, I, Zhu Jiu, thank you all for your help this year, so that we Shandong people can gain a firm foothold in Shuangyu Port, and we have also snatched such a large yard. I won't say anything else, everyone. Finish this bowl of wine!" The red-faced man sitting at the head stood up and raised his wine glass and said loudly.

This man who called himself Zhu Jiu was the leader of this group of Shandong coolies. He was not only extremely strong, but also skilled in martial arts. When he clashed with another group of coolies last time, he once beat five of them.In addition to martial arts, Zhu Jiu is upright and fair. When there are conflicts among himself, he can be impartial, so many people are very convinced of him.

Seeing Zhu Jiu's toast, all the men in the hall stood up, raised their big wine bowls one by one to salute Zhu Jiu, and then raised their heads and drank cleanly.

"Brother Nine, I heard that you are going to take over all your sister-in-law and nephews and nieces this time. Is it true?" Everyone just sat down when one of the men shouted loudly.

"There is still such a thing. It seems that Brother Ninth has been suffering all this year. He is anxious to take over his sister-in-law to vent his anger!" A long-faced man sitting on another table also yelled loudly. Dao, his face was also full of nasty expressions, which caused everyone to burst into laughter.

Coolies earn little money, and few people will take their families over, but these adult men also have their own needs, so when they are really uncomfortable, they will inevitably go to those cheap brothels on the port to vent their anger, but Zhu Jiu has never been there. That's why the long-faced man said so.

"Donkey face, you bastard, you miss old women all day long, be careful that you will be stained with willows someday!" Zhu Jiu looked at the long-faced man and scolded with a smile. They are all rough people, and they often make rude jokes. And take it to heart.

Then everyone made a few more jokes, and finally the topic returned to the matter of Zhu Jiu bringing his family to Shuangyu Port. At this time, Zhu Jiu ate a big piece of fat, wiped his mouth and said: " Brothers probably feel it too. Now that there are more and more boats coming and going in Shuangyu Port, the work of carrying bags on the pier can’t be finished. I, Zhu Jiu, have a lot of strength, and I can do more work than others in a day. More than two days."

At this point, Zhu Jiu paused for a moment, took a big sip of wine, and then said: "There are no elderly people in my family, only my wife and two children rent other people's land in my hometown, and the little grain I harvest every year is not enough. They make a living, and it’s not a problem that the family can’t see each other for many years, so it’s better to bring the whole family here. I heard that the Nanyang Chamber of Commerce is now recruiting women to wash clothes and cook. I have a brother who is here. The chamber of commerce works, and then ask him to find acquaintances, and send my mother-in-law to work in the chamber of commerce, and the wages earned are much better than farming in my hometown."

Hearing Zhu Jiu's words, other Shandong men congratulated him one after another, and at the same time they were very envious. After all, no one wanted to be separated from their wives and children at home, but they didn't have Zhu Jiu's strength, and it was difficult for them to earn enough money to support the whole family. Secondly, there is no connection with Zhu Jiu, who can arrange his wife to work in the Nanyang Chamber of Commerce. Although it is only cooking and washing clothes, the monthly salary is not less than that of their coolies. Maybe Zhu Jiu will pay more in the future. Be the first to move to live in Nanyang Town.

Although they knew that they would not be able to take over their family like Zhu Jiu did for the time being, what happened to Zhu Jiu had also set an example for them. Many people even began to think about what they should do to take over their family.For these coolies, the most hopeful thing is to be able to join a certain chamber of commerce, especially a large chamber of commerce such as the Nanyang Chamber of Commerce, which is the place they yearn for, because as long as they join the chamber of commerce, their income can be doubled immediately. It's a pity that the Chamber of Commerce's recruitment is very strict. If you don't have special talents, it may be difficult to be favored by the Chamber of Commerce.

While Zhu Jiu and his group were having a lively New Year's Eve dinner in the hall, suddenly a staggering figure came towards their yard on the deserted street outside. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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