Smuggling Daming

Chapter 298 Pre-War Exercises

After a big wedding, Zhou Zhong didn't forget Wang Jinxuan who was pregnant. In the next few days, he tried his best to spend time with her to have an abortion. Wang Jinxuan also felt her husband's apology and was quite moved. After all, in this age It is also very common for men to have three wives and four concubines. Husbands rarely consider their wives' feelings, but now Zhou Zhong has done it. Therefore, Wang Jinxuan quickly adjusted her mentality and took the initiative to associate with Xie Lingyun. Only when there is peace, Zhou Zhong will feel relieved.

Xie Lingyun is also a smart woman. She has already figured out Zhou Zhong's temperament. She knows that although Zhou Zhong is usually careless and tolerant towards his own women, this kind of tolerance has a limit. At least the few women in the family cannot Fighting back and forth, Xie Lingyun also took the initiative to associate with Wang Jinxuan, and the two of them got along very well for a while.

Seeing that the two women in his family respected and loved each other, Zhou Zhong finally let go of one of his worries, and then devoted all his energy to training soldiers and the construction of the administration of Shuangyu Port. Among them, the management of Shuangyu Port , he mainly expanded the power of the Municipal Shipping Department, so that they not only manage the taxation of the port, but also have the function of the government office, and with the assistance of Jin Yiwei, Shuangyu Port soon ended In a chaotic state, everything is slowly changing for the better.

Time flies, the spring of the sixth year of Zhengde passed by in a hurry, and soon it was mid-April. Zhou Zhong drew five thousand sailors out of it.These navy divisions, together with the [-] Beijing battalion, will be his main force in assisting the city of Malacca.

For the remaining [-] sailors, Zhou Zhong did not let them idle, but divided them into several fleets to go out on patrol in turn, attacking pirates and helping merchant ships at sea by the way, and the scope of their patrols was no longer limited to The sea area near Ningbo began to expand outwards, reaching Suzhou Prefecture in the north and Wenzhou Prefecture in the south.Although it seems that the range of patrols is not too large, this is already the limit of this navy. If you want to expand the range of patrols, you can only wave your hands. Unfortunately, Zhou Zhong is short of money now, and the court has no money. Give him the power to recruit troops.So that's all for now.

After selecting the manpower of the navy in mid-April, Zhou Zhong ordered Shenying to transfer the navy and the Beijing camp together for training, especially the coordinated operations at sea. The time given to them is not much, only less than a month.Because before the middle of May, they will leave.

There is an unnamed island not far from the Navy Camp on the east side of Shuangyu Port.There is a mighty fleet docked next to the island, but there are not many troops on the fleet. Most of the troops have already landed on the island, and they don't know what they are doing?

But at this moment, another fleet suddenly came from a distance, and the speed of this fleet was extremely fast, before the people on the fleet beside the island could react.This fleet had already rushed in front of them, and the sudden fleet was divided into two parts.Some quickly rushed to the shore, and then teams of Jingying soldiers jumped off the ship and formed a defensive camp on land, while the other fleet went straight to the unsuspecting fleet, apparently wanting to seize the ship .

It wasn't until this time that the sneak attacking fleet reacted, and immediately began to prepare for a counterattack, but unfortunately, the sneak attacking fleet had already rushed in front of them, and even threw the rope up. There is no other choice.

Seeing that their fleet was attacked, the army on the island began to rush back desperately, hoping to return to the ship to prevent the other party from taking the ship. However, the Beijing camp brought by another fleet of the other party has already guarded the port leading to it. Therefore, they want to return to the ship unless all these Beijing camps are wiped out, but those Beijing camps are well-trained, and they only want to defend and not attack for the time being. As a result, the troops on those islands cannot rush at all for a while past.

The fleet that was attacked was seriously short of manpower, and the entire fleet was only a few hundred people, but the fleet that attacked them had more than 60 ships, and there were more than 2000 combatants. Therefore, under the advantage of numbers, The sneak attacking fleet quickly defeated the opponent steadily, and quickly seized most of the opponent's warships.

After annihilating the resistance on the opponent's ship, the sneak attacking fleet did not stop, and immediately dispatched manpower to reinforce the Beijing camp on land. For a while, the two teams all joined together and began to approach the enemy on the island step by step. The number of enemy troops on the island is only more than 1000. How can they be the opponents of these several times the enemy?Therefore, under the attacks of both sides, the army on the island also surrendered deadly, and the party that attacked finally won the final victory.

On a tall warship in the distance, Zhou Zhong, Shen Ying and other generals watched the battle with binoculars in their hands. When he saw that the army on the island was also wiped out, Zhou Zhong finally put down the binoculars and said with a smile: "Yes, I want to This is the effect, but this is just a drill, during the real sneak attack, there will definitely be some unexpected situations, you must not be careless!"

"Don't worry, Admiral, you must be careful in the final battle!" After hearing Zhou Zhong's words, Shen Ying, Chang Xiao and other generals all bowed and saluted.

After nearly a month of joint training, Shenying and the others felt that the cooperation between the navy and the Beijing camp was already good, so Zhou Zhong proposed to do such a simple military exercise. The Portuguese in the city, and they went through the strategic exercise in advance. It seems that the effect is not bad, but the exercise is an exercise after all, and it cannot be fought with real swords and guns, so this exercise is very watery. The reference is also very reluctant, but in order to boost the morale of the army, Zhou Zhong naturally wants to say a few good words.

Next, Zhou Zhong went down to the drill site under the leadership of Shenying, named and praised some soldiers who performed outstandingly, and rewarded money on the spot. After all, soldiers in this era are not so enlightened. If you work hard, then you have to pay accordingly, otherwise it is simply nonsense to just talk about the righteousness of the country.

Of course, where there are rewards, there are punishments. For those teams and individuals who performed poorly in the exercise, Zhou Zhong naturally criticized them severely, and punished several generals who commanded improperly. The battle was unfavorable, and he was demoted by Zhou Zhong on the spot. It can be said that the punishment was very severe. This also greatly increased Zhou Zhong's deterrence to the army. After all, if a general wants to lead the army, it is not enough to rely on rewards. Have enough awe for you so that they will not dare to disobey military orders out of fear on the battlefield.

After the rewards and punishments were over, Zhou Zhong asked people to set up a banquet in the barracks. Ordinary soldiers also had large pieces of meat to eat, but now that the expedition was imminent, Zhou Zhong only asked people to prepare a small amount of wine. After all, in a place like a military camp, it would be outrageous if everyone got drunk.

Compared with the other soldiers, Zhou Zhong, Shenying, Qu Lie, and Chang Xiao were at the same table alone, and they were in the newly built handsome hall, and did not drink with other soldiers. Because Zhou Zhong had something to say, it was inconvenient for others to hear, so only Shenying and the others were invited.

"It's already mid-May, everyone. According to the news I received, the Portuguese will attack Malacca on July [-]. This news is absolutely accurate. Only a few of us know about it in the entire barracks. What do you generals think?" I saw Zhou Zhong suddenly said at this moment that he had seen the time of the Portuguese attack in the history of later generations, and in order to ensure the accuracy of this time, he sent spies to Nanyang a while ago. It is basically determined that the Portuguese's attack time has not been affected by his crossing.

Hearing Zhou Zhong's determination of the time for the Portuguese to attack Malacca, Shenying and the others were also delighted. After all, knowing yourself and the enemy is the only way to win every battle. Now that they have grasped the exact time of the opponent's attack, they will be ready for this battle. Take the initiative.

"My lord, if it's July [-]st, then we still have half a month, enough time for us to reach Malacca City, and even have time to survey the terrain of Malacca City, but..." Shenying was excited at this time He opened the mouth and said, but when he said the last thing, he seemed to think of something, and his tone became a little hesitant.

"The old general has something to say, but it doesn't matter. Today I summoned everyone to announce the specific time for the Portuguese to attack Malacca. Second, I want to hear what everyone thinks about this battle. Everyone should not have any Take care!" Zhou Zhong said with a smile when he heard this.

Since Zhou Zhong said so, Shenying let go of the burden in his heart, and then said: "My lord, Malacca City is a vassal state of our Ming Dynasty, and our army will help them, so should we notify the other party in advance? In this way, Malacca City Be prepared so that you won't be caught off guard by the Portuguese, and secondly, it will allow them to better cooperate with us."

Hearing Shenying's suggestion, Qu Lie and Chang Xiao also nodded. In their opinion, Shenying's suggestion is indeed very good. If they can get the cooperation of Malacca City, then they will be more confident in defeating the Portuguese in one fell swoop. It is not too difficult to even wipe out the opponent.

However, after Zhou Zhong heard Shenying's suggestion, he sat there with his head lowered and pondered for a long time, as if he was thinking about something embarrassing?After a while, he suddenly raised his head and said: "This battle is between us Ming and the Portuguese, don't pay attention to the people of Malacca!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote Recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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