Smuggling Daming

Chapter 330 Under Luoyang City

Not long after Zhengde left Shuangyu Port, the imperial court rewarded Zhou Zhong and the others for their annihilation of the Portuguese. These were ordered by the cabinet to discuss before Zhengde left. property, and was named Jing Haibo, it can be said that he reached the sky in one step.

After the news of Zhou Zhong being made an uncle spread, it immediately caused a huge commotion. Many people were envious and envious. , I can’t help but sigh, I want to fight my whole life, and finally get the title of an earl, but Zhou Zhong just fought a battle, and he was immediately made an earl. It can also be seen from this that His Majesty's favor and trust in Zhou Zhong is now determined to follow Zhou Zhong.

Of course, in addition to Zhou Zhong's reward, Shenying, Qu Lie and others also had their own rewards, those who were promoted to officials, those who were promoted to nobles, and those soldiers who made military exploits were not forgotten by the court. The chief officer of this army is Zhou Zhong, and the Ministry of War dare not play tricks on their military achievements.

In addition to the rewards for the soldiers, the imperial court gave Zhou Zhong and his army another reward, which was to officially name the navy under Zhou Zhong the "Four Sea Navy", but most people like to call it the Four Navy, With this formal formation of the army, the entire Fourth Navy has become a permanent army in the Ming army system, just like the Beijing camp, and there is no need to worry about being disbanded after the battle.

Not long after Zhou Zhong and the others were rewarded, Zhengde, who returned to the capital, once again issued an imperial edict to Zhou Zhong, changing Zhou Zhong's official position from the admiral of the world to the governor of the world.Although only one word has been changed, the meaning is quite different. An admiral is a military post and can only manage the army in name, but a governor is a civilian post. He not only manages the government affairs of one side, but also manages military affairs. It can be said that he is a military and political power. Grab a post like Governor.If it is not a person who the emperor trusts very much, it is impossible for others to take up the position.

As a governor, it is natural to have your own jurisdiction. For example, the trilateral governor established a few years ago is the military and political affairs of the prime ministers in Shaanxi, Gansu, Yansui, and Ningxia. However, Zhou Zhong, the governor, is a bit miserable in comparison. .Because he only has one Shuangyu port and one Malacca port under his rule. Of course, this is the area under his actual jurisdiction, but in name, he, the governor of the world, manages the entire Nanyang region. Of course, most places in Nanyang are not yet there. under his jurisdiction.

In other words, although Zhou Zhong has the official position of Governor of the World.But the land under his rule needs to be expanded by himself. As for how much land he can manage.It depends on how far he can expand. If he can occupy the entire Nanyang, then he, the Governor of the Four Seas, may become the Governor of Nanyang.

The reason why Zhengde changed Zhou Zhong from the admiral to the governor was to prepare for the relocation of the victims. Zhou Zhong was named the governor, and Nanyang was his jurisdiction.The whole of Nanyang was nominally included in the territory of Ming Dynasty, in this way.It's easier to talk about when relocating victims, after all, it's all the land of Ming Dynasty, so you don't have to worry about being abandoned by Ming when you go there.

Henan Province is located outside Luoyang City. It used to be a vast farmland, but now it has become a boundless country. The army of the previous period is slowly receding, revealing the dark land below. The wheat that was originally planted on the land It has long since disappeared, and the rest are some messy debris. Even in the black mud, you can still see cattle, sheep, pigs, dogs, and even human corpses, but these corpses are exposed to the sun, one by one. They all swelled several times, exuding a disgusting stench.

The government has organized people to bury these corpses. After all, these corpses are likely to cause a plague. However, due to the limited time, corpses can still be seen everywhere on the ground. It is estimated that there is no way to clean them up within a month.

After the flood, not only corpses were left behind, but also endless victims. These victims escaped to the high ground when the flood came, and they survived. However, after the flood, the fields they planted have been destroyed. It was destroyed, and the food that had been saved at home with great difficulty was gone. It can be said that they had almost nothing except the clothes on their bodies.

Under such circumstances, these victims all marched towards Luoyang City. After all, everyone knows that whenever a flood occurs, they can only pin all their hopes on the court. According to the usual practice, there should be people outside Luoyang City. The porridge shed helps the victims. Although the clear porridge can be used as a mirror, it is still made of grain. If a rich family shows kindness, they may be able to grab a life-saving steamed bun.

It was precisely because of this that a large number of disaster victims quickly gathered outside Luoyang city, all of them looked at the city wall with numb expressions, neither making noise nor making trouble.But the more this is the case, the more dare the government dare not ignore it. After all, so many disaster victims gather together. If there is a civil uprising, the official career of the local officials will be over. In addition, the disaster victims outside the city are all people under their control. At this time, they couldn't do anything about it, so they soon opened a porridge shed outside the city, and put porridge on a regular basis every morning and evening.

Gouzi stood in the porridge line, looking anxiously at the long line of people in front of him, holding the two youngest sisters in both hands, and the lame father holding the only sheep left in the family. The gray-haired old lady was leading her two younger brothers, and the remaining younger sister was led by her newly married woman, Cao'er. The family, with broken bowls in their hands, walked slowly along with the team, waiting for the one in front of them. The porridge shed serves porridge for himself.

Gouzi is 16 years old this year. He is the eldest in the family. Although he is young, he is already the pillar of the family. Gouzi’s father broke his leg while building a house for Mr. Wang’s house the year before last. No, and Gouzi's family has no money to treat.Fortunately, Mr. Wang's family is a scholar, and he gave Gouzi dad a sum of money as compensation. Last year, Gouzi dad told Gouzi about his marriage. Just got married.

Gouzi's family has a lot of land, but the nine members of the family only have five acres of land, and it's all barren open land. If they rely on this little land, the whole family will starve to death. Usually, they rent and grow the same village. Although the family's field needs to pay a lot of rent every year, the food harvested and the wild vegetables dug in the mountains will not starve to death.

It's a pity that all of this was destroyed by this year's flood. The whole village was destroyed by the flood, and all the grain harvested in the first half of the year was gone. What's worse, the fields were also destroyed. The grain planted in the summer has just The long chopsticks were long, and the ground was washed away by the flood, and many people even died in the flood. Fortunately, the yard of his house was relatively high, and the family escaped by climbing on the big elm tree at home. As for the house It was all collapsed by Eguchi, and there was nothing left.

Thinking of the loss of a good home, Gouzi couldn't help but feel sad. People always have to live. If a home is gone, people are still there, which is much better than those that were washed away by the flood. So Gouzi and Dad After some discussion, they immediately brought the whole family to Luoyang. Although they could only drink porridge here, it was better than starving to death in their hometown.

The porridge collection team walked very slowly because there were a lot of victims, and it took time to cook porridge in the porridge shed, and there was a certain amount every day. If it was used up for the day, the remaining victims would have to starve. Gouzi looked at the length of the team and at the sky, reckoning that his family should be able to receive porridge today.

Gouzi's family was lucky. When it was their turn to get the porridge, it happened to be the last pot of porridge in the porridge shed. When Gouzi came, there was only one bottom of the pot left, but Gouzi was very happy to see the bottom of the pot, because the porridge All the rice in the pot fell under the soup, and now there are rice grains left in the bottom of the pot.

The one who distributed the porridge was a big dark fat man, who took a big wooden spoon to serve the porridge for Gouzi's family, just when the bottom of the pot was filled, he immediately knocked on the big iron pot with the spoon and shouted loudly: "It's all gone, today The porridge is gone, I want to drink porridge and come back at night!"

As soon as they heard that the porridge was gone, the victims who lined up behind immediately shouted. After all, they had worked so hard to line up for such a long time, but they were gone before their turn. Naturally, the victims were very unwilling.It's a pity that no matter how much they yelled, it was useless. The fat man who distributed the porridge put away the iron pot, and there were people from the yamen watching. These victims didn't dare to make trouble at all. The people did not disperse, but still maintained the formation of exclusion, because they had no place to live, so they might as well stay in front of the porridge shed and wait until the porridge was given out at night, when they would be able to receive the porridge immediately .

Compared with those victims who were struggling to line up, the lucky Gouzi family immediately ran to the porridge shed to form a circle after receiving the porridge, squatted on the ground and began to drink porridge. They were surrounded by people who had just received porridge. So they all ate next to the porridge shed, because there were people from the yamen guarding here, and some rascals among the victims did not dare to snatch their porridge.

Gouzi's two younger brothers are both eleven or twelve years old. Children from poor families are sensible. After eating half a bowl of porridge, they divided the remaining thick rice into three younger sisters. Gouzi's parents and Gouzi couple Both of them also drank half a bowl, and they sucked the remaining thick rice into the soup, then wrapped it in cloth to make rice balls, and saved it for everyone to share in the evening. I may not be able to get the porridge, and now I can only be hungry at night after eating.

Gou Zi Niang carefully hid the rice balls, and then the family went back to the porridge receiving line and continued to line up. No victim dared to jump in line, because the people from the yamen were watching there, and whoever jumped in line would be dragged out for a while. The disaster victims will also do it. After all, jumping in line at this time is simply stealing other people's lives. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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