Smuggling Daming

Chapter 342 The Battle of Tsushima Island

The Zong family's navy was vulnerable to a single blow from Daming's strong ships and guns. Nearly half of the hundreds of warships were sunk, and the rest all fled. It is estimated that they will not have the courage to fight against Daming's warships in the future.

After killing Zong's navy, Tsushima immediately lost its last barrier, lying in front of Chang Xiao and the others like a naked woman.Chang Xiao and the others are not polite about this, because they have already inquired clearly, knowing that the island is all spoils that the Japanese snatched from North Korea, and as long as they can capture the island, all the spoils will be theirs.

It was with this thought that Chang Xiao almost immediately commanded the battleship to rush to the port of Tsushima Island, bombarded the island port with artillery, and immediately sent troops to control the main towns on the island, especially Tsushima Island. The warehouse where the loot was stored was also quickly found by them, and they drove the Japanese people on the island to carry the loot with whips. However, because most of the island was old, weak, sick, and disabled, the speed of moving was not very fast, which made Chang Xiao feel a little regretful. If I had known, I would not have killed all the Japanese who fell into the water in the previous naval battle, and it would not be too late to leave them to finish their labor.

The Zong family originally planned to plunder North Korea before retreating, so their loot was extremely rich, not to mention food and cloth, even if Chang Xiao filled all the warships, it would not be enough , In addition, there are a lot of gold, silver and jewelry. After all, the Japanese almost killed all the Koreans in the occupied area. As long as they were valuable things, they all moved back, so they also robbed a lot of gold, silver and jewelry. Unfortunately, they are all cheap now. Filial piety them.

What Chang Xiao didn't expect was that the booty of the Japanese included not only food and property.They even snatched clothes and furniture, many of which were still stained with blood, and they could be seen to have been taken from dead people. At first, Chang Xiao and the others didn't quite understand what the Japanese were doing to grab these things, so they asked The Japanese only found out after inquiring about it. It turns out that there are continuous civil wars in Japan and the shortage of domestic materials, so as long as it is useful, it can be transported to the country of Japan and sold at a good price.

In addition to the above things after.There is also another very important trophy, that is Korean beauties. Because the Ming royal family has a special liking for Korean beauties, Korean beauties have always been very sought-after. This time the Zong family led the army to enter North Korea, so naturally they will not let it go. great opportunity.So the Japanese collected a lot of North Korean beauties and shipped them back to their hometown, planning to sell them at a good price in the future. As a result, when Chang Xiao and the others saw these North Korean beauties, they naturally unceremoniously took them on board. After all, they all knew that the Governor was the opponent The servants have always been very generous.It is very likely that he will reward himself with all these North Korean beauties in the future.

The booty of the Japanese and the original wealth on Tsushima Island made it impossible for Chang Xiao and the others to move things to the ship.In the end, Chang Xiao had to bring only his belongings and beauties onto the boat. The food only supplemented the consumption of the fleet. Without escaping from Chang Xiao and the others, the fleet circled around Tsushima Island, igniting wherever it went, and it is said that the entire Tsushima Island was burned to a white ground by them.It is no longer the prosperity it was before.

Just as Chang Xiao and the others were burning, killing and looting Tsushima Island, Zong Zhenyong, the governor of Zong's generation, finally received the news that the Daming Navy had attacked Tsushima Island.This frightened Zong Zhenyong. He no longer cared about taking advantage of North Korea. He organized 5000 of his most elite people to board the ship immediately and prepare to return to Tsushima Island. After all, it was his old nest. If so, then he would really be a bereaved dog.

But Zong Zhenyong forgot that since the Daming Fleet dared to attack his Tsushima Island, it naturally dared to attack his returning fleet. After all, after the Daming Navy arrived in the Tsushima Strait, this place has already become the world of the Daming Navy.

Just after Zong Zhenyong took five thousand elite soldiers out to sea, when he was about to reach Tsushima Island, he suddenly found dozens of tall warships suddenly appearing in the sea ahead, which made Zong Zhenyong secretly scream, He was used to running rampant in this sea area before, and he never thought about being ambushed by others, but unfortunately it was too late to escape now.

Zong Zhenyong's navy had already been dispersed by Chang Xiao. This time, the boats he came back to rescue were all ordinary merchant ships. Although they were equipped with weapons, they had no power to fight back against Daming's navy. At the beginning, several ships were sunk by the artillery of the Daming Navy, and the Japanese people who fell into the water desperately shouted for help, but unfortunately no one paid any attention to them.

Zong Zhenyong saw that the artillery of the Daming Navy was so sharp, which made him immediately understand that he had no chance of winning at sea, so he immediately made a decision and ordered all the ships to disperse and flee. The hit rate of the Daming Navy's artillery will drop, and at the same time, it will also make it easier for the Daming Navy to not know which ship to chase, and it will be easier for them to escape.

Zong Zhenyong's order to disperse and escape was indeed very effective. Chang Xiao himself had only thirty warships on his side, while the other side had hundreds of small boats. In addition, this sea area was his territory, so he didn't dare to disperse and pursue In the end, they could only hunt down the biggest ships among them, but Zong Zhenyong was not on these ships, which made Chang Xiao's plan to capture Zong Zhenyong alive come to naught.

After driving away Zong Zhenyong's reinforcements, Chang Xiao realized that the combat effectiveness of the Japanese at sea is really not worth mentioning. As long as he is on the sea, he is almost invincible, which gives him and the entire fleet confidence. Da Zeng changed his previous conservative strategy and began to take the initiative to sail the ship to the coast of Miura, which was occupied by the Japanese, and then bombarded the opponent's port, trying to destroy the Japanese ships, because the main strategic task assigned to him by Zhou Zhong before was to send The Japanese stayed in North Korea as much as possible, and let the Koreans and the Japanese settle their hatred with their swords. Anyway, it was not the Ming people who died.

The North Koreans were unaware of Zhou Zhong's sinister intentions, and they even welcomed the arrival of Chang Xiao's fleet. After all, in their view, this was the support sent by the suzerain country, and they took Zong's fleet as soon as they made a move. Lao Wo, this boosted the morale of the North Koreans, and soon sent envoys to see Chang Xiao.

On the sea outside Pusanpo, Chang Xiao led the fleet to retreat slowly. Behind them, over the Pusanpo port, puffs of soaring black smoke rose into the sky. Below the black smoke was endless fire. The Japanese docked in the port The ships were nearly burned to the ground by them.

Busanpu, also known as Fusanpu, is Busan in later generations. It is one of the Miuras where Japanese people are allowed to live in North Korea, and it is also the largest port in Sanpu. It is a pity that this is also the birthplace of Japanese turmoil. The entire port is full of rioting Japanese Under the destruction, not only the town next to the port was destroyed, but also all the Koreans in Busan Puzhong were slaughtered. The Zong family took a fancy to this place and made it a rear base for the Japanese to attack North Korea. Most of the Japanese ships docked here Here, now it was destroyed by a fire by Chang Xiao.

"Cui Yikuo, a young minister of the lower kingdom, pays homage to the general of the Celestial Dynasty. The general's kindness will be remembered forever in North Korea!" A middle-aged man in a North Korean official uniform stood on the deck, and was offering to Chang Xiaoxing who was standing at the bow. Li, this is the flagship of the entire fleet. Just before they bombarded Busan Port, the North Korean envoy named Cui Yikuo found them and expressed his gratitude to Chang Xiao and others on behalf of North Korea.

"You don't need to be too polite. This general came to support your country under the order of the Governor. Before that, we had already dispersed the Japanese navy, and we had also fought a battle with Zong's reinforcements at sea. Although we dispersed the other side's reinforcements People, it's a pity that the leader of the other party is too cunning and escaped in the chaos, so he chased him to Pusanpu, but it's a pity he still couldn't stop him at sea!" Although Chang Xiao spoke calmly, he was actually boasting to the other party The front line, so as not to let the other party underestimate it.

Sure enough, this Cui Yikuo was overjoyed when he heard that Chang Xiao had defeated the Japanese in a row, and said, "The general is brave, he really deserves to be a figure in the kingdom of heaven, the family governor of the Zong clan is named Zong Zhenyong, and he organized this rebellion. We have always wanted to catch each other, but it is a pity that the military is too cowardly, and it is a shame for us North Korea to lose one after another. Now that we have the help of the general, it is finally a sigh of relief for our North Korean soldiers and people!"

"Haha~, the little Japanese are nothing to worry about. The Portuguese, who are more ferocious and powerful than the Japanese, have been defeated by this general, let alone these Japanese who don't even have artillery." Chang Xiao was humble on the surface, but in fact he boasted once again , the result naturally attracted Cui Yikuo's admiration again.

Chang Xiao boasted a few words to Cui Yikuo, and then suddenly changed his words: "Master Cui, this general traveled thousands of miles to North Korea, and fought two battles with the Japanese, and now he destroyed Busan they occupied. Pu, this has caused serious consumption of weapons and supplies on board, and the soldiers are also exhausted, they really need to take a rest, I wonder if your country is prepared for this?"

In Chang Xiao’s words, he first said that he was at a loss, and then that the soldiers were tired. This was actually asking North Korea for money, food, and ports of call. After all, Chang Xiao and the others were helping North Korea to fight, and the money, food, and materials consumed would naturally be provided by North Korea.

Cui Yikuo has also been an official for many years, and he also went to Daming with the tribute mission. Naturally, he heard Chang Xiao's ambiguity, and he immediately bowed his hands and said: "General, don't worry, we in North Korea are receiving After the news of the general’s coming, he immediately prepared money, food and materials for the general, and now these materials are in Lishui Port not far from here, the general only needs to rush there to rest and replenish supplies.”

When Chang Xiao heard North Korea asked him to go to Lishui Port to rest, he immediately frowned and said: "No, Lishui Port is too close to Busan, I am worried that the Japanese will not be able to defeat us at sea, and they may attack Lishui Port from land, so We can't go there!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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