Smuggling Daming

Chapter 344 Ambush the Japanese

Zong Zhenyong stood on the wharf of Busanpo Port, looking at the dilapidated ships in the port, he couldn't help feeling angry, grabbed the neck of the North Korean official next to him and said angrily: "This is the ship you provided. These rags can still float on the sea now, but once out of the sea, a single wave can knock them to the bottom of the sea!"

Regarding Zong Zhenyong's anger, the North Korean official who was sent to take over was very courageous, and he sneered and said: "Patriarch Zong, the reason why we agreed to let you go this time is to exchange the property we robbed before. Ships, it's not that we can't completely destroy you, it's just that the king is kind and doesn't want to cause more casualties to the soldiers, so he agreed to your conditions. As for the ships you need, these are all the ships we can find. If the Patriarch doesn't want to If you want, the villain will take these ships and leave!"

If someone had dared to talk to him so forcefully before, Zong Zhenyong would have gone up and hacked him to death long ago, but now they are trapped in North Korea, and it was only with great difficulty that North Korea forced them to agree to let them go. I dare not anger North Korea again because of these trivial matters.

Thinking of this, Zong Zhenyong couldn't help but snorted coldly, pushed the North Korean official away, waved his big hand to let people board the boat for inspection, and repair the places that should be repaired, otherwise it would be impossible for these boats to take them to Tsushima island.

It took three days for Zong Zhenyong to repair these dilapidated ships, and then chose a fine and calm weather. More than 4 of his men crowded onto the ship and prepared to withdraw from North Korea together.Zong Zhenyong didn't dare to divide into several groups because of the hatred the Koreans had towards them. After all, if there were fewer people left, they might be torn to pieces by the Koreans.

All the boats were full of people, and nothing was allowed on the boat except people and the weapons they carried, not even a grain of food. As for the spoils they robbed in North Korea before, they were all piled up on the pier sent to the Koreans.After all, these ships also need to pay a price, not to mention those things that are originally North Koreans.

Seeing the North Korean land behind him getting farther and farther away, Zong Zhenyong, who was standing on the boat, finally let out a long breath. Although he had made a desperate plan before, he actually didn't want to die in his heart. Fortunately, those cowardly North Koreans fear death.This allowed him to escape, but he thought that his Tsushima Island was looted by Daming's navy. Not only did the spoils he robbed before disappear, but his family's savings for many years were also robbed by the other party. Thinking of this made Zong Zhenyong extremely resentful, imagining that one day those great navy masters would fall into his hands.At that time, we must let them eat it and spit it out again.

Zong Zhenyong's fleet was very fast. After all, the ships sent by the Koreans were too broken.Moreover, it is full of people, and the waterline of each ship is very deep. In this way, it is strange that the speed of the fleet can be increased.Fortunately, Tsushima Island is not far from North Korea, so by dusk, Tsushima Island is already in sight.

Seeing the dark Tsushima Island in the distance, Zong Zhenyong and the Japanese under his command finally put their hearts back into their stomachs.They haven't eaten for a day, and the bloody North Koreans won't let them take a grain of food on board.Now everyone is starving, seeing that they will be home soon, these Japanese people also start to relax, and start discussing how many people they killed in North Korea, how many property and women they robbed, but unfortunately they couldn't bring them back in the end.

Just when all the Japanese let down their vigilance, a tall fleet suddenly rushed out from the shadow of Tsushima Island in the distance, with the huge sails mustering the wind, it rushed towards Zong Zhenyong with a murderous aura.

"Da...Da Ming's navy!" Seeing the fleet rushing in from a distance, all the Japanese were stunned. Many Japanese who escaped from Chang Xiao's hands last time immediately shouted in horror. Last time they When fighting against the Daming Navy, the feeling of being slaughtered but unable to fight back is something they will never forget. Now they can recognize these warships that often appear in their nightmares at a glance.

When Zong Zhenyong saw the Daming navy rushing towards him, he was also frightened and terrified. He couldn't figure it out anyway, North Korea had already made peace with him, but why did these Daming navy appear when he was back on the opposite side of the horse On the way to the island?Moreover, they rushed over with a murderous look. Could it be that they want to drive themselves to death?

The next actions of the Daming Navy quickly confirmed Zong Zhenyong's guess. When these tall warships rushed hundreds of steps away from the Japanese fleet, the artillery on the ship immediately opened fire, and continuous shells fell into the Japanese fleet. Among them, most of the Japanese people now sit in dilapidated small boats, and the boats are full of people. Sometimes the shells don’t need to hit the boats at all. As long as they fall into the water beside the boats, the waves will overturn the boats, and the people on the boats are like dumplings. covered the sea.

"Hahahaha~, what a joy to pass on this general order, and no one will be left behind!" On the tall Portuguese battleship, Chang Xiao laughed and conveyed his order. on other warships.

Seeing that more and more ships around were destroyed by artillery, Zong Zhenyong could no longer care about his anger, and while yelling to turn the surrounding ships, he ordered the retainers around him to drive the unimportant people on his ship into the sea, because There are too many people on their boat, and the performance of the boat is also poor. They can't escape easily like last time. Now they can only drive most of the people on board, and hope they can escape faster after reducing the load.

With Zong Zhenyong's ship as an example, other Japanese ships followed suit and began to drive the people on board into the sea. Before Chang Xiao and his battleship rushed over, the Japanese themselves began to kill each other. Many Japanese were killed before being thrown into the sea. For a while, the sea area was stained red with blood.

As for the fratricide of the Japanese, Chang Xiao also knew what the other party was planning. While admiring the decisiveness of the leader of the other party, Chang Xiao also had a deeper understanding of the ferocity of the Japanese. These guys were not only cruel to others, but also cruel to themselves. It is also cruel, no wonder the governor wants to kill all the Japanese troops as much as possible.Originally, he wanted to keep some Japanese as coolies, but now seeing how these Japanese were killing each other, he thought it would be better to send them all to hell, where these people should stay.

Chang Xiao's fleet fired continuously. Most of the Japanese fleet in front of him were civilian ships transporting people. Only a few important figures such as Zong Zhenyong were on Japanese warships. Too tall were regarded as the primary target, and were quickly blasted into pieces. The remaining civilian ships did not pose any threat to them at all, and they did not even need to fire guns, just drove the warships to hit them. It will rot if you touch it.

Chang Xiao's thirty warships were like thirty steamrollers, rampaging through the Japanese fleet, crushing those slow Japanese ships full of people into pieces in a short while, and the sea was full of Broken wooden boards and churning Japanese people, holding the wooden boards to prevent themselves from sinking, shouted for help to the navy ship. Although Chang Xiao and the others could not understand the Japanese language, they could guess that these people were begging for mercy. Xiao had already issued an order not to stay, so instead of saving the Japanese sailors in the sea, he took up bows and arrows and shot down to kill the Japanese.

This is not a war at all, but a naked massacre. Chang Xiao brought veterans who participated in the Battle of Malacca this time, and all of them have seen blood, so there is no burden to kill. , and even used bows and arrows to compete who could kill more.All the Japanese in the sea were sunk except for a few ships that escaped with good luck. Forty thousand Japanese were buried in the belly of the fish, but one Japanese survived.

Zong Zhenyong's ship was one of the few Japanese warships that survived Chang Xiao's attack, and it was the tallest ship in the entire fleet. Moreover, Zong Zhenyong was wearing a set of black gorgeous armor, which could be seen at a glance. Seeing his extraordinary status, Chang Xiao commanded his flagship to chase after him personally. After firing more than a dozen cannonballs in a row, finally one shell hit the opponent's port side waterline, and the turbulent seawater rushed into the cabin, causing Zong Zhenyong's boat speed dropped all of a sudden.

Seeing that his bombardment was effective, Chang Xiao immediately commanded the warship to ram it directly. As a result, Zong Zhenyong's boat was hit in half from the middle, and everyone on board fell into the water. Zong Zhenyong's full body armor fell into the water. There is no doubt that he must die, after all, this armor weighs dozens of kilograms, no matter how good the water skills are, it is impossible to swim wearing the armor.

But just when Zong Zhenyong was about to be submerged in the sea, he was caught by a fisherman thrown from Chang Xiao's boat, and then more than a dozen soldiers worked together to rescue Zong Zhenyong from the sea, and then several soldiers They rushed forward and tied Zong Zhenyong tightly so that the opponent would not do anything to hurt the general.

"General Qi, this person is Zong Zhenyong, the family governor of the Zong family!" A North Korean businessman who was brought on board by Chang Xiao recognized him, and immediately reported to Chang Xiao through gritted teeth.Now the North Koreans hate Zong Zhenyong, who provoked the Japanese rebellion, and want to eat his flesh and lay bare his skin. If this was not on Daming's boat, the North Korean businessman would immediately rush to bite off a piece of Zong Zhenyong's meat and swallow it. Solution to hatred.

Chang Xiao walked in front of Zong Zhenyong with leisurely steps, looked up and down the wet Japanese leader, before he could speak, Zong Zhenyong suddenly asked angrily: "North Korea has obviously stopped fighting with us. Yanhe, and agreed to let us go, but you ambushed us halfway, don't you have any integrity?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support , is my greatest motivation.)

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