Smuggling Daming

Chapter 346 The Shabby Tainan County

After Zhou Zhong received the battle report from Chang Xiao, he nodded with satisfaction after reading it. Originally, he just wanted to plant a nail between Japan and North Korea, so as to influence the internal affairs of the two countries in the future. He did not expect Chang Xiao to do it. It is so outstanding, not only has it wiped out the Japanese on Tsushima Island, but it has also occupied a place on Jeju Island. This time, in the battle report to myself, I have already asked him to move some people there. After all, Tsushima Island is empty. The Koreans in Pupu were also driven away by him. If some people can be relocated to the island, they can rule there better.

Zhou Zhong is very satisfied with Chang Xiao's actions in the Tsushima Strait. However, Zhou Zhong did not agree to his request to relocate the population after thinking about it. Even if they have the courage to do anything to the relocated people, but the Japanese country is now in a state of war, if any Japanese run out, if Chang Xiao does not protect well, it will only bring unnecessary casualties, so in terms of security Before it could be guaranteed, Zhou Zhong felt that it was better to only station troops on Jeju Island and Tsushima Island, and talk about the relocation of the people later.

Zhou Zhong personally wrote a reply letter to Chang Xiao, telling him to stay in the Tsushima Strait, and also to contact Ashikaga Kazuki of the Wa country. Before that, he led the original Ashikaga Chamber of Commerce back to the Wa country, and now he is in Kyushu Island The eastern end of the city, that is, the later Nagasaki and Sasebo areas where ports were built, and the ships that Zhou Zhong sent to Japan for trade were also handed over to Kazuki Ashikaga there. If Chang Xiao had any difficulties, such as the need for food and grass, You can go directly to Kazuki Ashikaga.

The affairs in North Korea came to an end for the time being, and Zhou Zhong's family finally returned to calm.With Zhou Zhong's investigation into the man's engagement, Aunt Wang finally changed her mind and stopped mentioning the matter of marrying Zhuo'er for the time being. Jinxuan and Lingyun also raised their babies at home, secretly competing to see who Being able to give birth to the eldest son, Meng Wan's gentleness also made Zhou Zhong very fond of it. He usually went to tease his daughter after finishing his official duties. Life was full of fun, and everything seemed very beautiful.

However, Zhou Zhong's good days were soon interrupted by one incident.Before that, he sent a memorial to Zhengde, asking him to list Taiwan as a trial planting area for sweet potatoes. This memorial has been approved by Zhengde, and he also sent a lot of sweet potato seedlings, which have already been shipped to Taiwan. worried.After all, none of the victims had grown sweet potatoes, so he decided to check it out himself.

It was precisely because of this that a few days later, Zhou Zhong bid farewell to Jinxuan and Lingyun again, and only took Mengwan to Taiwan by boat. This time it was not a war.So Zhou Zhong would naturally have someone to serve him, Jinxuan and Lingyun were both pregnant.Naturally, he could only bring Meng Wan with him.

A few days later, on the large deck of Nanyang, Zhou Zhong stood at the bow and looked at Taiwan Island, which was already in sight in the distance. He was very familiar with this treasure island from later generations, but it is a pity that there is no The prosperity of later generations is just one piece after another of virgin forest.

Zhou Zhong's ship did not stop at the northern tip of Taiwan.Instead, I went directly to the Tainan area, where the climate is hot.Moreover, the land is flat. In the past, people from the mainland came here through the Penghu Islands to open up wasteland and live here. It is considered the first area on Taiwan Island to be developed, so most of the displaced victims were resettled here.

Taiwan has been divided into a separate prefecture, and there are several counties under the prefecture. The Tainan County in front of me is the most prosperous. About half of the island's population is here, so the government of Taiwan Prefecture is naturally also in Tainan County. When Zhou Zhong's boat When I came here, I saw many officials standing on the port, waiting to welcome his arrival.

"I pay my respects to the governor!" When Zhou Zhong's boat docked, just as he got off the boat, Lu Songnian, the prefect of Taiwan, immediately stepped forward to salute.This Lu Songnian is in his 40s, dark and thin. He used to be a county magistrate in Songjiang Prefecture, and also a student of Zhou Zhong's father-in-law Wang Lun. He is very talented, especially proficient in farming and mulberry. This was recommended by Wang Lun, and finally transferred by the imperial court to Taiwan as the magistrate.

"Prefect Lu doesn't need to be too polite. The last time Jiayue sent me a letter asking me about whether he, a student, can take on the important task of governing the government. I praised you very much!" Zhou Zhong smiled. Hehe said loudly, and also clearly explained his relationship with Lu Songnian in the words, which made the officials on the pier startled when they heard it, and looked at Lu Songnian with a little more awe.

Sensing the change in the eyes of the officials behind him, Lu Songnian showed a grateful smile to Zhou Zhong, and Zhou Zhong smiled casually. He heard that Lu Songnian, the magistrate, was not easy to do. After all, Taiwan is poor and white, and the officials under him are also He was not very convinced of him, which made the government's orders difficult to understand, so Zhou Zhong pointed out his relationship with Lu Songnian as soon as he got off the boat. As long as those officials were not fools, they would understand that Lu Songnian had a strong backer, and they couldn't afford to mess with them.

Lu Songnian is also a fine person, and he was grateful for Zhou Zhong's great help. He then enthusiastically helped Zhou Zhong introduce the officials of the Taiwan government behind him, and then came to Tainan County.

Although Tainan County has more than half of the population of Taiwan Prefecture, the total population is only 2 to [-], and most of these people are distributed in the villages of various places, and every household is busy opening up wasteland. The population of Taiwan is only [-] to [-], and most of them are businessmen who came from Zhangzhou and Quanzhou, selling furniture, cloth and other supplies, and also buying some local specialties in Taiwan.

Zhou Zhong, Lu Songnian and other officials came to the so-called Tainan County, but they didn't know it, and they were shocked. The county is really too shabby. Children can turn over, without any defensive ability at all, and the city gate is even more of a joke. It is just a wooden shelf with a wooden sign saying "Tainan County" hanging on it, without any majesty of the county seat.

Seeing Zhou Zhong looking at the gates and walls of Tainan County, Lu Songnian said with some embarrassment: "My lord, because Tainan County was newly established, and all the victims who moved here were devoid of everything. Said that the most important thing is to reclaim the land, so the lower officials did not recruit civilians to repair the county, and everything here was built by the Han people who migrated to Taiwan before!"

Zhou Zhong nodded when he heard this and said: "Prefect Lu has done a good job. It doesn't matter whether the county is repaired or not. The most important thing for you now is to feed the displaced victims, and the displaced victims are only the first ones. Grant, you also know the situation in China, there are many major and minor disasters, as long as you resettle the victims this time, when there are more victims in the country in the future, they will move to Taiwan. I believe that in a few years, Taiwan will become A piece of paradise!"

Zhou Zhong's words naturally attracted praise from Lu Songnian and others. Next, Zhou Zhong entered the county town and found that although the outside of the county town was simple, the inside was well planned. Rows of wooden houses stood on both sides of the street, and hanging With all kinds of signs and goods, you can know what is sold inside at a glance.

Looking at these newly built wooden houses, as well as the pedestrians coming and going to buy supplies on the street, he couldn't help but nodded in satisfaction.According to Lu Songnian, most of the people who bought things were victims of disasters who had just moved in. I saw that they were carrying various items on their backs, most of which were various prey or furs, which were found by chance when they opened up wasteland. , exchange some supplies with shopkeepers in the city, although the trading method is very primitive, but there is no other way, after all, those disaster victims have no money in their hands.

Walking through the short main street in Tainan County, Zhou Zhong soon came to the government office in Taiwan. Like the city gate, the government office is also very shabby. Like the shops on both sides of the street, they are all wooden houses, and the yard is made of wood. A wooden fence was used as a wall, and Lu Danian had vacated the best rooms in the backyard of the government office as Zhou Zhong's residence in Tainan, but Zhou Zhong took a look at the environment here, and saw Lu Danian's home Xiao even squeezed into two cabins, and immediately rejected his kindness, planning to live on the boat for a few days. After all, compared to the simple conditions here, the cabins on the boat are much better than here.

According to the official rules, Zhou Zhong came down to inspect. Lu Songnian and other officials would naturally prepare him a reception banquet, but there were no decent restaurants in Tainan County, and Zhou Zhong didn't like reception banquets, so he asked Lu Songnian to keep everything simple. He casually prepared some food and wine in the government office, and then called several officials in charge. Everyone chatted while eating. Zhou Zhong mainly wanted to know about the current living conditions of the victims.

According to Lu Songnian, the more than 30 victims who migrated to Taiwan have been resettled. Except for nearly half of the victims in Tainan County, the other 10,000+ people were resettled in several other counties. It is better to say that it is a settlement of Han people than a county, and in order to guard against the attack of the natives on the island, these counties have also arranged some garrisons. There is no problem with the natives even if there are no iron utensils.

In addition, the food for these 30 people is a big problem. Although Zhou Zhong has bought a lot of food from Linyi, Annan and other places, it is still very tight. I can’t die from starvation. Fortunately, Taiwan Island is rich in products. There are many edible animals and plants in the forest. This also solves the food ration problem for many people. You can even exchange some animal skins for daily necessities. Zhou Zhong has already done this on the street. seen.

After getting a general understanding of the current situation in Taiwan, Zhou Zhong asked about the main task of his trip, that is, the cultivation of sweet potatoes. However, when he mentioned this question, Lu Songnian and the others showed a bit of trouble on their faces. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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