Smuggling Daming

Chapter 363 The Coldest Winter

With the passage of time, the situation in North Korea is also constantly changing, and finally formed five major forces. Among them, King Lee Long of North Korea still firmly controls the two provinces of Gyeonggi. This is the most essential part of North Korea, not only the most densely populated , and the economy is the most developed. At the same time, Li Long still has a considerable number of officers and soldiers in his hands, and he still has an advantage among all parties in North Korea. Compared with the official power.

However, although Li Long's strength is strong, he is surrounded by the four-way rebel army headed by the Chung Ching Army. Except for Daehai on the west side of Gyeonggi-do, the other three sides of the land have been occupied by the rebels, and the target of these rebels is They are all the same, that is to eliminate the tyrant Li Long, so although Li Long is strong, under the attack of the four major rebels, he has almost fallen into a precarious situation and may be destroyed at any time.

But it may be that the weather in Lee's North Korea is really not over. The winter of the seventh year of Zhengde came extraordinarily early, and the climate was extraordinarily cold. It was only September, and the area north of the Yangtze River in Daming was already full of snow. The late harvested crops were actually frozen to the ground, and the yield also suffered some losses. Fortunately, sweet potatoes and corn have begun to be popularized in some areas, and the harvests are amazing, which has fully raised Daming's grain production to a higher level. It also made Daming extremely prosperous this year, and many disaster-stricken areas don't have to worry about running out of food, but it's just a little troublesome to transport food in winter.

Winter in Ming Dynasty came very early, and North Korea was no exception, and North Korea was located at a relatively high latitude.Therefore, before September, North Korea has become extremely cold. In this cold weather, the rebel army headed by the Chungqing Army had to stop attacking Li Long's army, and then retreated to the city under their control. winter.

It was also the abnormal weather in the seventh year of Zhengde that made Li Long's officers and soldiers breathe a sigh of relief, but they had no time to rest at all, because Li Long ordered his troops to start strengthening their defenses regardless of the severe winter.After all, in the spring of next year, there will definitely be an even more violent attack from the four major rebels.

It's just that everyone didn't expect that the abnormal weather this year is far from over. Not only did this winter come very early, but it was also very cold. Zhou Zhong didn't pay attention at the beginning.It wasn't until someone came to report one day that several ice-free ports north of Songjiang were also frozen because of the extreme cold weather, which aroused Zhou Zhong's attention. It was only after he reviewed the information in his mind that he suddenly realized that , the seventh year of Zhengde is known as the coldest year in the history of the Central Plains, and the only snowfall record in Hainan Island in the south.It happened in the seventh year of Zhengde, and it snowed even in Hainan, which is like summer all the year round.It is conceivable how cold the weather is this year, and even Shuangyu Port may be frozen when March [-]th comes.

Thinking of the severe cold weather in the seventh year of Zhengde, Zhou Zhong immediately wrote a letter to Zhengde, telling him that the weather this year was too abnormal, and hoped that Zhengde could make preparations for the cold by asking the court to notify all places.In addition, Zhou Zhong also made arrangements for several ports such as Shuangyu Port, such as advancing or delaying the delivery time as much as possible.Stagger the coldest time of winter, so as not to be able to use the port normally after the port freezes.

Daming made various preparations to resist this year's severe cold.However, North Korea, which has gone through more than half a year of war, has no preparations at all. Li Long and the four major rebels all feel that this year's climate is a bit abnormal, but they are all rushing to prepare for the war, so they have no time to pay attention to these things. In their view, it doesn't matter. It is even more impossible to organize the people to fight the cold, and even in order to ensure the normal supply of supplies for the army, Li Long, Qi Yanming and others even sent troops to snatch the food and warming supplies from the people.

It is precisely because of this that the Seven Years of Zhengde, which was affected by the Little Ice Age, was a nightmare for North Koreans who could never wake up. Many Koreans lost their houses during the war. They dug big holes in the ground and built sheds to sleep in them. They thought they could survive the winter, but this year's extreme cold made them sleep in the holes. They can't go down, unless there is enough fuel and food, but these two are what they lack most, so as winter comes, group after group of North Koreans are frozen to death in the ground.

In addition, even the North Korean people living in towns cannot withstand the severe cold, especially when the roads are blocked by the heavy snowfall, each town becomes a closed kingdom, and the food and fuel needed in the towns It can't be shipped in at all, so in a way it's more dangerous to live in a town.

Even according to later statistics, after the winter of the seventh year of Zhengde, at least [-]% of the towns in North Korea became dead places. The people in the whole town died of freezing and starvation due to lack of food and fuel. Dogs, but it is said that the eyes of these wild dogs turn green, and they often attack humans. It is said that it is because of eating too much human flesh.

North Korea suffered bitterly in the winter of the seventh year of Zhengde, all military operations were stopped, and there was a strange peace in the country for a while, but Li Long and the rebels knew that this peace was only temporary. There will definitely be a life-and-death battle between them.

Although North Korea has temporarily restored peace, Wa, which faces North Korea across the sea, is under the influence of warm currents. Although the winter in Wa this year is also very cold, it is not to an unbearable level, especially The southernmost ports were not frozen, and the merchant ships transporting goods from Ming Dynasty were still coming and going.

After Kazuki Ashikaga led his Ashikaga Chamber of Commerce back to the branch country, he settled in the westernmost part of Kyushu Island, which is the Nagasaki area of ​​later generations. It is the main source of Japanese pirates in the Ming and Korean coastal areas. Because their lairs are on the three islands of Tsushima, Iki, and Hirado, they are called Mishima Japanese pirates by the Koreans. The party is behind it.

Although the Matsuura Party is a local snake, Ashikaga Kazuki is powerful. He led people to defeat the Matsuura Party's army one after another, and even entered the Matsuura Party's lair, captured the Matsuura Party's patriarch, Matsuura Xingxin, and killed the Matsuura family. Killed, conquered the vast areas of the northern part of the Kyushu Island Hizen Kingdom and the Iki Kingdom in one fell swoop, and became the new daimyo of the Hirado Domain of the Wa Kingdom.

After Kazuki Ashikaga occupied the Hirado Domain, he immediately opened up the original Hirado Castle as a free port, allowing Ming's merchant ships to come in and out. Relying on the trade with Daming, Ashikaga Kakki quickly accumulated a lot of wealth, which also Let him have more strength to support his own party Ashikaga Yoshiki. As a result, with the support of Ashikaga Ikki's money, Ashikaga Yoshiki's strength has grown rapidly, and at the same time, the alliance with Tianshan and Hatano has become stronger and stronger.

Regarding the growth of Ashikaga Yoshiki's strength, Ouchi Yoshihide and Hosokawa Takakuni are not blind. They also discovered the relationship between Ashikaga Yoshiki and Ashikaga Kazuki, and also saw the relationship between Ashikaga Yoshiki and Tayama and Hatano. Collusion, although they really want to kill Ashikaga Yoshiki directly, but Ashikaga Yoshiki is a general in name after all, and they are very guarded against them, which makes Ouchi Yoshiko and Hosokawa Takakuni unsure of killing Ashikaga Yoshisa , if Ashikaga Yoshiki is allowed to escape, then the next step must be a joint crusade by the Tayama clan and the Hatano clan, and they will be passive by then.

In addition, Ouchi Yoshiko and Hosokawa Takakuni are not of one mind. As the two of them served as the governor of the Wa Kingdom at the same time for a longer period of time, the differences between the two of them due to political opinions and interests became more and more serious, and even Hosokawa Takakuni has also been pushing out Ouchi Yoshiko all the time. If there is no Zhou Zhong's intervention, Ouchi Yoshiko will be squeezed out by Hosokawa Takakuni in a few years, and the Hosokawa clan will monopolize the power again.

It is also the contradiction between Hosokawa Takakuni and Ouchi Yoshiko, and both of them feel a little jealous of Ashikaga Yoshiki's alliance with Tayama and Hatano clans, so they dare not confront Ashikaga Yoshiki for a long time. With the help of Ashikaga Kazuki, Ashikaga Yoshicai's power grew like a snowball.

Originally, according to this situation, the Ashikaga family is likely to slowly accumulate enough strength and regain the power of the shogun from the Hosokawa and Ouchi clans.

However, there will always be some accidents in the development of things. In the autumn of the seventh year of Masanori, Ouchi Yoshihide and Hosokawa Takakuni suddenly woke up. They found that if they continued to fight like this, it would only benefit the Ashikaga fisherman, so The two heroes quickly made a decision, the two families reached a reconciliation as quickly as possible, and Ouchi Yoshiko married Hosokawa Takakuni's sister as his wife, and Hosokawa Takakuni married Ouchi Yoshiko Relying on this kind of in-law relationship makes the relationship between the two families stronger.

After Ouchi Yoshiko and Hosokawa Takakuni united, they immediately aimed their spearhead at Ashikaga Yoshiki, and they even wanted to use thunderous means to kill Ashikaga Yoshiki in one fell swoop. As long as Ashikaga Yoshiki died, then he, Tayama, Hatano Even if the Hatano clan and the Tianshan clan fight against them under the banner of revenge for Ashikaga Yoshiki in the future, the Ouchi clan and the Hosokawa clan will not be afraid of them.

It's a pity that Ashikaga Yoshisai is extremely shrewd. When Ouchi Yoshiko and Hosokawa Takakuni just united, he escaped from the secret passage of Kyoto City, and took away most of Ashikaga's power.After escaping from Kyoto, Ashikaga Yoshiki immediately came to Tayama's territory and began to actively prepare for the battle. Hatano joined in without hesitation.

Regarding Ashikaga Yoshiki's preparations for the battle, Ouchi Yoshihide and Hosokawa Takakuni also began to prepare for the battle. In addition, Hosokawa Sumato, who fled to Awa, also began to move around, seeing that a big battle was about to be staged in Wa Kingdom. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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