Smuggling Daming

Chapter 372 Old Port

The Grand Master agreed to the conditions proposed by Mr. Lu and the others, and the resistance to sending troops to the old port was reduced by more than half. In the end, Shenying could no longer object, and immediately sent ten warships with a total of [-] sailors. A thousand soldiers from the Beijing camp rushed to the old port on warships.

The Old Port is located in the southeast of Jinzhou. A large river named Muxi River passes through the Old Port City and flows into the sea not far away. This also makes the Old Port City densely covered with water, known as the Water City.It is precisely because the old port city is densely covered with rivers, so if you want to attack this city, you must use the water army, otherwise those rivers alone will make it difficult for the attacking party to move an inch.

Qiu Ju stood on a large boat on the Musi River in the south of the Old Port, frowning as he looked at the Danmu National Navy that was moored by the river upstream. Since the strength of the Danmu Kingdom increased greatly, the Wandan Kingdom that ruled the Old Port has been retreating one after another. , Even before the Danmu army arrived, the Wandan army had already fled in fright, and the Old Port was no exception. Now one-third of the Banten army in the entire city has run away, and the remaining two-thirds Those who didn't run away were all Han Chinese here. After all, the Old Port was their home, and there was no way for them to escape.

Under such circumstances, the Han people in Old Port once again united. Under the call of religion and the pressure of life and death, hundreds of thousands of Han people in Old Port organized an army of tens of thousands. Although most of them did not receive special military training, they In order to protect their homeland, all the soldiers showed great courage and prepared to fight to the death with the Danmu army on the Musi River.

Qiu Ju is the commander of the army recommended by the Han people in the old Hong Kong. The origin of their Qiu family is not simple.Shi Jinqing, who was canonized by the Ming Dynasty as the Propaganda Envoy of Jiugang, had a daughter, the famous Nanyang Lady Shi, and Mrs. Shi's husband was named Qiu Yancheng. This Qiu Yancheng came from the Qiu family in Jiugang. Qiu Ju's father was Qiu Yanqing. The eldest son of Mrs. Cheng and Mrs. Shi, Qiu Ju is the eldest grandson of Qiu Yancheng, and also the patriarch of this generation of Qiu family.

At that time, Mrs. Shi saw that Jiugang could not support herself, so she turned to Majapahit, which was in full swing, to show her sincerity.She moved out of the old port by herself and lived on the east side of Jiudao, Java. In this way, tens of thousands of Han people in the old port were saved from the disaster of swords and soldiers. This incident also made the Han people in the old port grateful to Mrs. Shi, which indirectly Promoted the spread of Islam in the Old Port.After all, Mrs. Shi herself is a Muslim.

Although Mrs. Shi left Jiugang, her husband Qiu Yancheng and their children stayed in Jiugang. After all, the Qiu family has already taken root in Jiugang. As the head of the Qiu family, Qiu Yancheng cannot let go of his family in spite of.So the two couples had to be separated for many years, and in the end they couldn't even be buried together after death.

It is also the grace left by Mrs. Shi.In addition, Qiu Yancheng, his brothers, and several sons are also outstanding people of a generation, so the Qiu family has developed very quickly, and now it has become the most powerful family in Old Port. , is actually Qiu Ju's third grandfather, and was among the civil and military officials in the old port.There are many members of the Qiu family, such as Qiu Ju.He used to be an officer of Jiugang, and he was the deputy of General Jiugang, but everyone in Jiugang knows that the native general is just a puppet sent by the Kingdom of Banten, and the real power is in the hands of Han officers. After all, Jiugang is a city inhabited by Han people. , the Kingdom of Banten has the right to rule here in name, but in fact it is self-governed by the Han people.

Now that the army of the Danmu Kingdom is pressing down on the border, all the local officials in the old port, including the soldiers, have run away. Anyway, they had a hard time here before, and the old port is not their hometown, so no one is stupid enough to stay and die, but those The natives can escape, but the Han people like Qiuju cannot escape. In the end, they can only organize the whole city to prepare for a decisive battle with the army of the Danmu Kingdom. After all, this is not the first time they have done this kind of thing. Liang Daoming He and his grandmother's father had already done it, and there were only a few thousand Han people in Jiugang at that time, but now their number is [-], so it is naturally impossible for Qiu Ju to let Danmu Kingdom enter Jiugang.

Just when Qiu Ju had organized the troops in the city to deploy outside the city, the Danmu Kingdom's army came nearby and confronted Qiu Ju's army on the Musi River. Coincidentally, this time the Danmu Kingdom brought The soldier's name is Kelinan. This person once studied teachings with a man named Sunan Jiri in Java, and Sunan Jiri was the adopted son of Mrs. Shi. Counting, Qiu Ju still has to call Sunan Jiri As an uncle, he and Kerinan are considered to be of the same generation.

When Kerinan sent troops back then, he received a letter from his teacher, Sunan Jili, asking him to take care of the Han people in Old Port. After all, that was the hometown of Mrs. Shi, and her children also settled there. It seems that those are his brothers and sisters, that's why he pleaded with Kerinan.

Ke Linan also attached great importance to the teacher's entreaties, so when his army arrived at the Musi River in the south of Jiugang City, he did not rush into the army, but sent envoys to contact the city, and promised that as long as Jiugang agreed to surrender to Danmu Kingdom, Then provide food and property to his army, disband the army in the city, and allow his army to settle in. Then he can ensure the safety of the old port city, at least it will not be destroyed by his soldiers like other cities.

From Ke Linan's point of view, the conditions he proposed to the Old Port are already very generous. After all, in the previous battles, every time they captured a city, they always indulged the soldiers to plunder until the local people did not surrender at all. Only then will he rush to the next city, but now he only needs the Han people in Old Port to surrender to him, and he didn't let the soldiers plunder, which is already very rare.

But for the Han people in Jiugang, it’s okay for Ke Linan to propose to surrender to the Danmu Kingdom. Anyway, Jiugang was not very loyal to the Banten Kingdom before, and it’s not impossible to even provide some food and property, but the latter disbanded the army and It would be too much to let the army of the Danmu Kingdom settle in. After all, all the people in Old Hong Kong know that whether it is the Danmu Kingdom or the Wandan Kingdom, the natives of these two kingdoms have always been cruel, easy to kill, and lustful. If they are allowed to settle in If not, I'm afraid not only their safety will not be guaranteed, but even their wives and daughters will be insulted.

Knowing this, the Han people in Jiugang will naturally not agree to Kerinan’s request, but put forward their own surrender conditions, that is, Jiugang is still as self-Han as before, but it belongs to the Kingdom of Danmu in name, Danmu The kingdom can also send officials to manage, and the annual tax revenue will also be paid to the treasury according to the invitation, but the garrison and disbandment of the army are absolutely not allowed.

But Li Nan never thought that his rare kindness would be rejected by the Han people in Jiugang. What he didn't expect was that the Han people in Old Port had lived here for a long time, and they were not only very familiar with the terrain of the waterway, but also very proficient in water warfare. As a result, when the two armies fought, his army suffered a small loss, while the opponent only lost The boat and the people who fell into the water also swam to the shore, and few people died at all. This shocked Kerinan, and he never dared to march easily again.

It was also the last fight that made Kerinan no longer dare to underestimate the Han people in Old Port, and began to send people to investigate the surrounding terrain while actively preparing for the battle. Qiu Ju didn't have many troops, so he didn't dare to attack lightly, so The two sides entered into a confrontation for a while, but everyone knew that this period of confrontation would not last too long, and when the two armies fought again, it would be an endless situation.

Thinking of this, Qiu Ju, who stood at the bow of the boat and observed Kelinan's army on the opposite side, sighed. Although he claimed to have 2000 troops in his hand, most of the 2000 troops were ordinary people who were improvised. There are less than [-] troops available for direct confrontation. The last time they fought against Kerinan's army, it was the [-] elite that repelled the opponent's army. But if the opponent was determined to order the entire army If they charged, the Old Port would have already fallen.

"I don't know what's going on with the Grand Master. If the Ming army doesn't come again, I'm afraid we can only let the Han people in the whole city relocate. It's just that among the chaotic army, I don't know how many people can escape safely?" Qiu Ju looked at the enthusiastic Kelinan army on the opposite side and said to himself.

Corinan on the opposite side led an army of [-], and there were artillery and muskets in the army, which was not something his improvised army could resist.Speaking of which, the reason why the Danmu Kingdom was able to defeat the Wandan Kingdom this time was mainly because of those guns and cannons, although Qiu Ju knew that the power of the muskets and cannons was not as powerful as those natives rumored, even the cannons and cannons In fact, the lethality of these two weapons is not strong, but these two weapons have become the wrath of Allah in the rumors of the natives. Therefore, whenever there is a battle, as long as the Danmu Kingdom fires, the native army will immediately fall apart.

In order to prevent this from happening to his own army, Qiu Ju explained to the soldiers the power of muskets and artillery before the battle, but it was a pity that he could not get cannons or muskets, otherwise it would be more convincing. Now it is up to him to use Speaking of it, I don't know how effective it will be?

"The hateful Portuguese, who suffered such a big loss in Malacca last time, are still not giving up now, and even stretched their hands to the island of Java. If they hadn't sold their muskets and cannons to the Danmu Kingdom, we would not have fallen behind. It’s so far!” Qiu Ju thumped the ship’s rail hard. At first, he didn’t know where the Danmu Kingdom got the artillery and muskets, but in the last battle, they captured a nobleman of the Danmu Kingdom. Only then did I know that the Danmu Kingdom was involved with the Portuguese. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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