"Sister-in-law, what's going on? Who hurt Dalong so badly?" Park Lingzhu asked in surprise when she saw the situation in the room. The young man lying on the bed was her nephew, Park Dalong, who was Pu Chengshu and Cui's eldest son, although he is only 16 years old, has already acquired a good martial arts. He is usually loved by his brother and sister-in-law. Even Park Lingzhu likes this nephew very much, but he did not expect him to be beaten The whole body is injured?

Hearing Park Lingzhu's words, before Cui Shi who was crying could answer, she saw that Park Dalong who was lying on the bed turned his head and cried loudly to her: "Auntie, my father has changed. A woman beat my mother, I was so angry that I went up and kicked that woman's feet, but he let someone pull me down, and beat me thirty times. I'm his own son, but because of a woman who just entered the door , to beat our mother and son like this, to have him as a father... woo... woo..."

Before Park Dalong could finish his words, his mother, Cui Shi, covered her mouth. Maybe she thought her son's words were too rebellious, and her face turned pale from fright. At the same time, Park Lingzhu also realized that on her sister-in-law's cheek, there was There was a slap print that was swollen half an inch high, and one could tell that the person who slapped him didn't show mercy at all.

"Sister-in-law, what the hell is going on? Could it be that elder brother is really fascinated by those fox charmers, and he doesn't even care about your husband and wife relationship for more than ten years?" Seeing the scars on sister-in-law's face, Looking at the bloody nephew behind her, Park Lingzhu still asked in disbelief.She really couldn't imagine that these things were actually done by her beloved elder brother.

Hearing sister-in-law's question, Cui sighed and said: "Lingzhu, since your eldest brother became the chief, he has changed, and he doesn't care about this family as much as before. I saw you this morning. Seeing that the little concubine whom he favored the most punished his subordinates for some trivial matter, so he couldn't help but say a few words. Unexpectedly, that little concubine turned around and cried to your elder brother. She said that I bullied her, but your elder brother didn't ask any questions. , came up and slapped me, the big dragon was so angry that he stepped forward and kicked the little concubine twice, and ended up being beaten like this by your elder brother."

"Brother, how can you do this. This matter is not about my sister-in-law, but he disregards the feelings of husband and wife and favors that concubine. It is too heartless. I will go to him!" Pu Lingzhu and Cui Shi have the same mother Girl, seeing Cui Shi being beaten up by her elder brother because of a concubine, she is really outraged.Stand up and go to the elder brother for comment.

But what Park Lingzhu didn't expect was that she had just stood up.She was caught by Cui desperately and said: "Lingzhu, you must not go to your elder brother, he has a very temper these days, and now he is angry again, if you go to him in such a huff, I'm afraid he will be angry I will punish you together, just like Brother Zheng yesterday..."

Cui said here.Suddenly he covered his mouth, as if he knew what he had said that shouldn't be said.His face was also a little pale with fright, and he lowered his head and stopped talking.

However, when Pu Lingzhu heard the name "Brother Zheng", she was also surprised, and immediately asked with great concern: "Sister-in-law, what happened to Brother Zheng yesterday? Eldest brother has always respected him the most, so he shouldn't do anything to him, right?"

Regarding Park Lingzhu's questioning, Cui cried out all of a sudden, but did not answer her words. Instead, Park Dalong, who was lying on the bed, cried and said: "Auntie, my father has completely changed. He has long since lost his old relationship with him." I just forgot, back then our family had nothing to eat in the winter, it was Uncle Zheng who braved the heavy snow to go hunting in the mountains, and gave half of the prey to our family, which made us survive, and my father and Uncle Zheng went hunting together in the mountains Well, Uncle Zheng has saved his life several times, even once Uncle Zheng blocked Xiong Xiazi's slap for my father, and as a result, one of his own arms was shot flying, which saved my father's life, but even if it is Uncle Zheng was such a great benefactor, but my father killed him as soon as he said he would, and I saw with my own eyes yesterday that Uncle Zheng’s head was placed on his table!"

"What?" Park Lingzhu stood up in shock when she heard the news. Uncle Zheng in Park Dalong's mouth was named Zheng Sanlin. He used to be neighbors with Pu Chengshu's family, and both of them were hunters, so they had a good relationship with each other. Zheng Sanlin and Pu Chengshu are also friends who have played together since they were young. When they grew up, they became brothers. The two often went to the mountains to hunt together. However, Pu Lingzhu felt that her eldest brother and Zheng Sanlin were more like brothers. Zheng Sanlin even lost a left arm in order to save Pu Chengshu.

"Why, isn't brother Zheng the most powerful assistant? Why did brother want to kill him?" Pu Lingzhu also asked with tears streaming down her face. She also has a deep relationship with Zheng Sanlin. In her heart, Zheng Sanlin is actually her own. The other elder brother, even she still remembers that every time Zheng Sanlin and his elder brother go hunting together, they will bring some sweet and sour wild fruits from the mountains for themselves when they come back, and they will buy some gifts for themselves when they sell their prey, which is their first piece of jewelry. , It was this big brother Zheng who bought it for me. It was a copper hairpin. I was only 14 years old at the time. After getting that hairpin, I was very happy for a few months, and even now I still keep that hairpin .

"Oh, what else could it be because of those things in the military? I only know that your elder brother and Zheng elder brother had a big fight for some reason yesterday. I didn't care at first, but last night, your elder brother let people Killed brother Zheng and blocked the news, if I hadn't overheard this incident yesterday, I'm afraid I still don't know that brother Zheng is dead." Cui said with tears.

Although Park Lingzhu was in grief at this time, when she heard Cui's words, she suddenly became vigilant. They were forced by the officers and soldiers to have no way out, so her husband Li Anliang encouraged everyone to rebel. Brothers from Orion raised the banner and soon gathered a large number of refugees. Among them, although Zheng Sanlin lacked a left arm, he was good at wielding a hunting fork. He has repeatedly made great achievements in battle, so he has always been the most reliable helper beside his elder brother.

Now Zheng Sanlin also holds an elite army of tens of thousands in his hands, stationed in the city of Zizhou, mainly to guard the safety of the entire city of Zizhou. If there is any emergency in the city, then Zheng Sanlin's army needs to go out to deal with it .

It is also worth mentioning that Zheng Sanlin not only has a deep relationship with Park Sung-shu, but also admires Park Lingzhu's husband-in-law Li Anliang, especially in the previous battles against officers and soldiers. Whenever there is any problem, he will ask Li Anliang for advice immediately, because in his opinion, although Pu Chengshu is the leader of the Ping An Army, Li Anliang is the real soul of the entire Ping An Army. After all, no one knows Pu Chengshu better than him capable.

Zheng Sanlin is not only Pu Chengshu's old brother, but also Li Anliang's general who cares about life very much. As long as such a person does not rebel, it can be said that no one can do anything to him, but now his eldest brother Pu Chengshu doesn't know why. Regardless of decades of brotherhood, he killed Zheng Sanlin at once. This is really abnormal, and even the abnormality has already made Park Lingzhu feel a little more vigilant.

"Sister-in-law, apart from becoming very angry, have you experienced any other changes or unusual behavior?" Park Lingzhu suddenly asked very cautiously. Although she didn't have any evidence, the vigilance in her heart It was enough for her to take this matter seriously.

"This..." Mrs. Cui was startled when she saw her sister-in-law's serious expression. She thought about it carefully, and then said after a while, "It's nothing to do with unusual behavior. Now your elder brother is either talking with you every day. Some generals in the army drink alcohol, or fool around with those new vixen, I am already disheartened with your elder brother, so I don’t pay much attention.”

As soon as Cui's voice fell, Park Dalong on the bed suddenly called out: "Auntie, I know that my father has been a little unusual recently. For example, recently, not only did he often call some of his confidant generals to drink, but every time before drinking, he would I have to go to the secret room to discuss for a long time, and I don't know what they are discussing, but every time after the discussion, my father will drink very happily afterward."

Hearing what Park Dalong said, although Pu Lingzhu was still not completely sure, she was even more vigilant in her heart, and immediately stood up and said: "Sister-in-law, take care of Dalong and recuperate well, don't provoke big brother again during this time, don't even talk to big brother Take the initiative to speak, and don’t tell the eldest brother about our conversation today, I will go back right away!”

Park Lingzhu stood up and left without the slightest delay, because she already had a feeling of extreme danger. If one of them was not handled well, then not only her husband's life would be lost, but even her children would be in danger. Doomed.

It is precisely because of this that Pu Lingzhu almost ran out of her brother's general's mansion. She waited until she left the mansion and found no one intercepting her. Then she let go of her worries a little, and then looked back. The majestic general's mansion built by his brother has a very complicated look in his eyes.

"Go home!" Park Lingzhu quickly jumped into her carriage, and at the same time whispered to the driver, the complicated look in her eyes had turned into a firm look. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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