Smuggling Daming

Chapter 390 Arriving at Jeju Island

For the springboard of North Korea, Zhou Zhong is determined to win, even if it is to use some disgraceful means, such as supporting the Ping An Army and threatening to oppose the gentry alliance attached to North Korea. Anyway, they are all North Koreans. It is not wrong for North Koreans to kill North Koreans Regarding the matter of Guan Daming, even if this matter is brought up in the court of the Ming Dynasty, it has nothing to do with Zhou Zhong. As for the relationship between Zhou Zhong and the Ping'an Army, it is obviously a clean commercial exchange. Zhou Zhong just put some unused weapons It’s nothing more than selling his weapons and food to Ping An, not to mention that several other forces in North Korea have bought his weapons and food.

It can be said that Zhou Zhong has already made complete preparations for the merger of North Korea. If the gentry alliance in North Korea agrees to be included, that's all. If they don't agree, then the Ping'an Army will not show any mercy to them. Zhou Zhong is not afraid of the gentry who serve as officials in the middle of the country. At worst, he will clean up the entire Ping'an Army. At most, some more people will be killed. Anyway, he plans to move the people to North Korea in the future. More North Koreans have died now. In the future, more people can be relocated.

Facing such a tough threat from Zhou Zhong, the envoys of the four gentry alliances and the four largest gentry patriarchs in the gentry alliance couldn't help but feel helpless at the same time. After all, they all knew that with their current strength, they could not There is no possibility of resistance, and the governor of the Ming Dynasty in front of him is young, but he is extremely cruel. If they disagree, then they will really face the disaster of genocide.

After threatening the envoys of the four gentry alliances, Zhou Zhong stood up and left the hall.He said that he would give the other party a day to think about it, so naturally he had to keep his promise, but the four envoys didn't make Zhou Zhong wait too long, because they soon discovered that they had no other choice at all, so in the By noon, they had already made a choice, which was to surrender to Zhou Zhong and be willing to support North Korea's inner Ming Dynasty.

After the final obstacle of the gentry alliance is resolved.There is no longer any obstacle in North Korea's attachment to Ming Dynasty, and now Liu Tao and Li Anliang are left to take over the territory of the gentry alliance, and then submit the enclosed letter of credence to Daming, hoping to get Da Ming's asylum.

Taking advantage of the period when North Korea sent the letter of credence to Daming, Zhou Zhong left Seoul and boarded a boat, heading southeast all the way.Soon they came to Jeju Island, and now it was completely occupied by Chang Xiao's navy, and the Korean people on the island had returned. From their point of view, they were no longer Koreans, but citizens of Ming Dynasty.The reason for such a big change is all because of the continuous war in North Korea.However, because of the suppression by Chang Xiao and the food transported from Daming, Jeju Island became the only happy land during the Korean war. Therefore, the Korean people here are naturally grateful to Daming, and they usually regard themselves as Daming people, even When seeing other North Koreans who fled to the island, their eyes were full of contempt.

Jeju Island is well-known for its sandy places.There are many rocks, wind and women respectively, so Jeju Island is also called Sanduo Island.Not to mention stones and wind. The reason why there are many women in Jeju Island is mainly because the men on the island often go out to sea to fish. As a result, there are too many boys and girls on the island, and even many women cannot get married.

But now, with Chang Xiao and the others stationed on Jeju Island, the situation that women on the island cannot get married has also been improved quickly. After Zhou Zhong raised their salaries, these sailor soldiers have some spare cash in their hands. , coupled with being stationed overseas all the year round, you will naturally feel lonely at ordinary times, and the women on Jeju Island are more enthusiastic. As a result, when the dry firewood was under fire, many people raised a local woman as a concubine on the island, especially This is most common among officers with more spare money.

Zhou Zhong also knew about the navy soldiers taking concubines on the island. Some fun is also a normal thing, not to mention that these women are likely to give birth to children of naval soldiers in the future, which will also promote the stability of Jeju Island.

Now the navy garrison on Jeju Island has been moved from Seongsanpo to Jeju City in the middle of the island, which is the largest city on Jeju Island. There were riots on Jeju Island before, and North Korean officials in Jeju City were killed during the war. Xiao sent troops to take over here. As for those who made trouble, it is estimated that they have already entered the stomach of the shark.

For Zhou Zhong's arrival, Chang Xiao was naturally very happy. This was not only because Zhou Zhong was his boss, but also because when the Huang family, the descendant of Zhu Yunqi in Malacca, was disposed of, the Huang family had a subsidiary family, which was also the same. Chang Yuchun's descendants are considered to be of the same clan as Chang Xiao, but Chang Xiao was almost implicated. Fortunately, Zhou Zhong's protection kept him safe and sound, so Chang Xiao is also very grateful to Zhou Zhong. Now that Zhou Zhong came to Jeju Island, it is natural to have a warm hospitality.

Jeju Island is an island, naturally rich in various seafood, the most famous of which is abalone. The abalone produced in Jeju Island is very famous, and the same famous as the abalone is the sea girl here. Whenever the weather is sunny, Jeju Island The divers on the sea will cover their bodies with oil, then jump into the sea naked, and collect abalone, sea cucumber, shells and other seafood on the bottom of the sea.

People with a little common sense in later generations know that swimming can help women shape their bodies. Naturally, most of the haenyeo who live by the sea on Jeju Island all year round are slim and slim. In addition, they are enthusiastic and bold. They usually dive naked in the sea like fish. Drilling down, when encountering the warships of the Daming Navy, instead of avoiding them, they would boldly climb onto the ship naked and sell the seafood they just caught to the generals on board, but those generals with green eyes only looked at Walking around on the diver's body, where would they bargain, they would often pay generously without hesitation, and as a result suffered a lot of losses for nothing, but the advantages of these Ming generals were not easy to take advantage of, and soon those divers even All the money brought by people has become the private property of the generals of the Ming Dynasty.

As the highest officer of the Jeju Island navy, Chang Xiao naturally couldn't escape the temptation of the haenyeo. This time he was entertaining Zhou Zhong on a boat outside Jeju city, and the haenyeo concubine next to him jumped into the sea. Grab some seafood quickly, and then cook it fresh on the boat. Although the dishes are not very attractive, the taste is extremely delicious, which also whets Zhou Zhong's appetite.

"Chang Xiao, now that the overall situation in North Korea has been decided, the letter of credence attached to the request will be handed over to Daming soon. At that time, you must block the strait. If someone escapes from North Korea to Wa, then you don't need to pay attention to it, but you must No one is allowed to return to North Korea from Wa country!" Zhou Zhong suddenly confessed with a serious face after drinking for three rounds.

When Chang Xiao heard Zhou Zhong's order, he was a little puzzled and asked: "My lord, it's a big event for Korea to attach us to the Ming Dynasty, and it will also have a big impact on the Wa country. It is normal to block the strait at that time, but why? Just unilaterally block the road from Wa to North Korea, and let those who go from North Korea to Wa go?"

Regarding Chang Xiao's puzzlement, Zhou Zhong smiled and said: "North Korea has millions of people. Although I have used strong means to get all the forces in North Korea to agree to the attachment, there are always some people who don't know the current affairs. I will oppose this matter, so when North Korea is attached to my Ming Dynasty, some of these people will definitely not want to stay in North Korea, and they will probably move to Wa country at that time. Rather than letting these people stay in North Korea to cause trouble for us, it is better Let them leave North Korea and go to Wa, so you don’t have to worry about those people, just be careful not to let people from Wa come to North Korea to make trouble for us.”

Hearing Zhou Zhong's explanation, Chang Xiao also nodded thoughtfully. He is a general, so it's normal for him to be lacking in these political matters.

"By the way, what's the situation in Wa country during this time, are Ashikaga and Hosokawa still in confrontation?" Zhou Zhong asked again after drinking a glass of wine. During this time, he focused all his energy on North Korea. In terms of affairs, he paid less attention to the Japanese side. He only remembered that after the Ashikaga defeated the Hosokawa's thousands of troops a while ago, the two sides fell into a confrontation again.

Hearing Zhou Zhong's question about the affairs of the Wa Kingdom, Chang Xiao also cheered up and said: "My lord, since the last battle of Shigiyama Castle, the Ashikaga clan defeated the Hosokawa clan's army in one fell swoop, and after the great momentum, the Tayama clan and Hatano clan Finally, the Ashikaga clan was regarded as an equal ally. Now the three forces have been closely united and are planning to attack the Hosokawa clan from the west and south. After Kyoto, Hosokawa Takakuni and Hosokawa Sumimoto who had fled to Omi cleared up their suspicions, and the two brothers joined forces again, preparing to fight to the death with the Ashikaga three-party coalition forces."

Zhou Chong heard that Hosokawa Takakuni and Hosokawa Sumimoto were forced to unite again by Ashikaga, and he couldn't help feeling a little amused. If the two brothers had trusted each other a little bit back then, they probably wouldn't have beaten them to death. In the end, Yoshin Ouchi and Shangjun Tianshan found an opportunity, and finally squeezed into the core power circle of the Wa Kingdom. Dissatisfaction with life has directly led to the current situation where Ashikaga is rising again.

"The divided Hosokawa Clan united again. In this way, their combined strength with Ashikaga Yoshiki should not be much different. Presumably, future wars will be even more exciting. I really look forward to it!" Zhou Zhong concluded. Can't help smiling and sighing.

"Hey, sir, don't worry, according to the information we got, I'm afraid the war between the Hosokawa clan and the Ashikaga clan will start soon." At this time, Chang Xiao said again, the most important task of him stationed in Jeju Island is to monitor the situation of Wa Kingdom , and he also knows that as long as the Wa country is in chaos, it is time for him to lead the navy to make contributions. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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