Smuggling Daming

Chapter 402 The Logic of Hong Kong Natives

Wang Shouren lingered with Tang Bohu for three days. The two were old acquaintances before. When they met again this time, their identities, knowledge, and even their personalities had undergone tremendous changes, but this did not hinder their communication. Even Wang Shouren and Tang Bohu felt that the other party was their real friend.

Three days later, Wang Shouren went to the last stop of his trip according to his previous plan, which was the old port in the southeast corner of Jinzhou.Originally, Tang Bohu advocated the recovery of the old port, intending to incorporate the old port into the jurisdiction of Malacca, but after Shenying and Qu Lie occupied the old port, they found that both the Danmu Kingdom and the Wandan Kingdom were like local chickens in front of the Ming army. Like a tile dog, they took advantage of the situation to destroy the Kingdom of Banten, and then occupied the eastern part of Jinzhou, which was connected with the Jinzhou area originally occupied by the Kingdom of Malacca. In this way, the area under the jurisdiction of the Old Port became too large Therefore, Zhou Zhong simply divided the Jinzhou area, which is dominated by the old port, into a separate prefecture, and firmly controlled the Strait of Malacca with Malacca from the south to the north.

When Wang Shouren left the Port of Malacca, Tang Bohu hosted another banquet to see him off, but this time he was accompanied by officials at all levels of the Port of Malacca. This was the first time Wang Shouren appeared in public in front of local officials. When this middle-aged man turned out to be the newly-appointed procurator, he was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat. After all, the procurator was originally the chief official in charge of government affairs, so to some extent, they would definitely offend the governor, and they would not Willing to offend the inspector.

After the farewell banquet, Wang Shouren left Malacca with a dozen of his subordinates.He went directly to the old port by boat, and before he left, Tang Bohu entrusted him with a letter, which was sent to Zhu Zhishan, Tang Bohu's close friend and one of the four talented scholars in Wuzhong.

Speaking of which, Zhu Zhishan's official career was also very bumpy. He passed the examination at the age of 33, and then participated in the general examination several times, but all failed. He is now in his 50s.But still failed the exam.Later, Tang Bohu regained his fame, and relying on his own efforts and Zhou Zhong's care, he became the magistrate in one fell swoop. This made Zhu Zhishan feel sad for his bumpy official career while being happy for his old friend.

Tang Bohu is Zhu Zhishan's close friend.Naturally, he knew that the other party also wanted to be an official, at least to benefit the people of one side, so Tang Bohu finally wrote to Zhu Zhishan, who had failed the imperial examination again, to persuade him to waste all his energy on the hopeless imperial examination. , it is better to become an official as a juren now.After all, with Tang Bohu's current status, it is very easy to arrange an official position for Zhu Zhishan.

At this time, Zhu Zhishan had just experienced his fifth failure in the test.It has been 20 years since he lifted it up to the present, which made Zhu Zhishan extremely discouraged, so after receiving a letter from his friend Tang Bohu, he finally made up his mind after thinking about it for a few days, that is to give up He will try to become an official directly as a juren.Although this will affect his future promotion, but for a man in his 50s.He doesn't have much time left, so now he needs a chance to show his ambitions, instead of thinking about the gains and losses in the officialdom in the future.

It was precisely because of this that Zhu Zhishan quickly wrote back to Tang Bohu, agreeing to Tang Bohu's suggestion in the letter, hoping that he would arrange an official position for himself. This official position does not need to be too big, as long as he can do some practical things for the people.This was not a difficult task for Tang Bohu, and he quickly arranged a position as the head of a county under Malacca, and then sent it to the Governor's Office for reporting according to the official procedures.

Coincidentally, Zhou Zhong accidentally saw the official documents that Tang Bohu had arranged for Zhu Zhishan, and after asking Tang Bohu the reason, he was dumbfounded, because if he remembered correctly, Zhu Zhishan was the sixth time. It means that he will win the exam in the next exam and get an official position as a magistrate, but at this last moment, Zhu Zhishan gave up the imperial examination under Tang Bohu's persuasion, it's like God made a joke on Zhu Zhishan .

Since Zhu Zhishan finally gave up the chance to become a Jinshi because of the influence of his time travel, Zhou Zhong finally decided to make up for Zhu Zhishan, so he made an exception and appointed Zhu Zhishan as the magistrate of the next county under the old Hong Kong government. Although the situation is worse than that of Malacca, it is a newly attached territory, and Zhou Zhong is constantly moving people there. It can be said that it is the time for officials to show their talents, but I don’t know if Zhu Zhishan has this ability. ?

Tang Bohu was still a little worried when Zhou Zhong asked about Zhu Zhishan at the beginning, but when Zhou Zhong changed Zhu Zhishan's official position from master book to county magistrate, he was also ecstatic, and immediately reported the good news to Zhu Zhishan, and Zhu Zhishan was equally happy After all, even if he was selected as a Jinshi, he might be just a county magistrate in the end, but now the Governor Zhou has asked him to be the county magistrate alone, which is already an exceptional promotion.

It is precisely because of this that after receiving the news, Zhu Zhishan immediately rushed to the Governor's Mansion of the Four Seas to report, and expressed his thanks to Zhou Zhong, and then hurried to Jiugang to take up the post. The county he governs is now called Gangnan County, as the name suggests, this county is located in the south of the old port, next to the old port, the number of natives in the county is dozens of times more than the Han people, but the number of Han people in the county is continuously increasing, I believe it will not take long, Gangnan County It will become a county with Han Chinese as the main body.

Wang Shouren also visited Zhu Zhishan when he was in Yangzhou before, and even asked him for calligraphy, so when he heard that Zhu Zhishan was working in Jiugang, he was also very surprised. He immediately took the letter from Tang Bohu to Zhu Zhishan and put it in his arms. Officials at all levels in Malacca waved goodbye.

At the same time that Wang Shouren's ship left Malacca, Zhu Zhishan was looking at a piece of information in his hand in the county government of Gangnan County on the south side of the old port in the southeast of Malacca. The information showed that some natives in Gangnan County were dissatisfied with themselves The land was allocated by the government to the immigrated Han people, so these natives are preparing to launch a riot in an attempt to drive the Han people out of their land by force, but those stupid natives don't know, their every move They were all sold to the Ming government by traitors among the natives.

Speaking of the natives in Gangnan County, Zhu Zhishan was also angry and hated towards them. Originally, after the old port surrendered to Ming Dynasty, and after Shenying and Qu Lie stationed troops around the old port, the territories around the old port also belonged to Ming’s territory, such as Gangnan The county here, because it is very close to the old port, and the land here is very rich, so it was designated as the first batch of counties under the old port.

Originally, there were very few Han people in Gangnan County, and most of them were natives. But these natives are lazy and stupid. They usually lie under the trees and sleep all day long. When they wake up, they pick some fruits from the trees to eat. Anyway The old port is rich in products, and people will not starve to death even if they don't work, but in this way, the tax that Gangnan County can collect from the natives is very pitiful.

However, after Gangnan County was included in the territory of Daming, this situation changed quickly. Some immigrants from Daming began to migrate here, and the number increased. When Zhu Zhishan took office, the Han people in Gangnan County The number has reached more than 1. Although it is still much smaller than the natives, it has formed a certain scale after all, and it will continue to increase in the future.

The former officials of Gangnan County saw that the natives were so lazy, so they drove the natives to the north side of Gangnan County, and then distributed the land on the south side to the Han people who migrated.Anyway, there are not too many natives here, and the land in the north of the county alone is enough to feed them, so this matter did not encounter much resistance from the natives at the beginning.

It’s just that for the industrious Han people, the fertile land here is simply God-given to them. They cut down the woods on the south side of the county town to sell the wood, got the first money, and then reclaimed the land and started planting rice and other crops. As a result, the south side of Gangnan County quickly became a rich land. In contrast, the place where the natives live on the north side of the county is very poor.

What people are most afraid of is comparison. Even those stupid natives, seeing the rich land in the south of the city where the Han people live are full of rice and other kinds of home crops, and the Han people there can afford to wear clothes and live there. Living in tall houses, they can also drink good wine, but the natives in the north of the city can only use a small piece of cloth to cover their lower bodies. Both men and women are shirtless and live in low sheds. Except for a few native nobles, others can only taste it in their dreams.

It is also under this kind of comparison that the natives of Gangnan County have a kind of psychological loss, and then start to feel a little psychologically unbalanced. After all, in their view, they are the masters of this land, and those Han people are just They moved from outside, and the land in the south of the city was originally theirs, but now they are all occupied by Han people. For them, those Han people are simply robbers. It was the arrival of these Han robbers that made them lose themselves. the best land.

It can be said that these natives have all selectively forgotten one thing. The south of the city and the north of the city are originally the same land, and the number of Han people is much smaller than them. It is only because of the hard work of the Han people that the south of the city has become more prosperous. beauty.However, for the natives, these reasons are simply unreasonable, and even everything is just an excuse made by the Han people, so they began to unite and prepare to use force to take back the land that should belong to them, and kill all the Han people and snatch them away. Clothes from the corpses, occupy their houses, and then taste the fine wine of the Han people in the tall houses. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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