Smuggling Daming

Chapter 404 Wang Yangming in the Old Port

A few days after Wang Shouren and his party came to Jiugang, they heard the news of the local riots in Gangnan County. As a result, they immediately put down what they were doing and rushed to Gangnan County, but when they came here, what they saw was It was a peaceful scene, and the people in the county still lived in an orderly manner as usual, but the lazy natives who could be seen everywhere before could no longer be found.

"My lord, didn't the local riots just happen in Gangnan County? Why doesn't it seem to have been affected at all?" Seeing the lively scene in front of him, a middle-aged man in Wang Yangming's group asked very puzzled.

The doubts of this middle-aged man also resonated with other people, and one of the young people standing next to Wang Shouren also said: "The matter of Qian Qian is good, and the students have the same doubts. The current Gangnan County does not look like it. The appearance of the riot just now, can’t it be that the news we received before was wrong?”

"Yuan Heng, there is nothing wrong with the news we received before. You may not have noticed when you entered the city gate just now. There are traces of recent weapon injuries on the city gate. Although it has been repaired, you can still see it if you observe carefully. , must have been left behind during that riot!" Wang Shouren, with his tall forehead and long face, stroked his bushy beard and said with a smile on his face as he looked at the bustling scene on the street.

The young man called "Yuan Heng" by Wang Shouren is named Ji Yuanheng. He is the first disciple Wang Shouren accepts, and he is also the student who has the deepest understanding of his psychology. Wang Shouren also loves himself as a disciple very much. I like to bring him by my side, so that it is convenient to teach at any time.Secondly, it can also allow Ji Yuanxiang to gain some experience.

It’s just that in the original history, Ji Yuanheng’s ending was very tragic. A few years later, King Ning rebelled and was wiped out by Wang Shouren. The teacher was innocent, and he was not released until Emperor Shizong of the Ming Dynasty came to the throne. Unfortunately, he died of his injuries only five days after he was released from prison.

Ji Yuanheng is also a very smart person.After hearing the teacher's reminder, he immediately came to his senses, but then his face turned pale, and he murmured, "Teacher, when we entered the city gate just now, we smelled a stench, and the students searched for it on purpose. But I didn't see the source of the stench, now that I think about it, it could be..."

"Hehe, Yuan Heng, you guessed right. The stench did come from the previous riot. I saw a half-armed man under the city wall. It was probably left by the people who cleaned the battlefield in the city. The color is dark. It is likely to be soaked in blood, and the stench comes from the city wall itself, and it will probably take a year to dissipate slowly." Wang Shouren said with a smile. He had encountered several Miao people in Longchang before. , the conflict between the Liao clan and the Han people, so they are not particularly unfamiliar with the native riots in front of them.

Hearing that what he smelled just now turned out to be the rotten stench of corpses and blood, Ji Yuanheng and some other people also turned pale.Except for Ji Yuanheng, everyone else followed the affairs of the inspector's yamen.It can be said that they are all Jinshi backgrounds, and they can't even kill chickens, let alone experience the battlefield. It is estimated that this is the first time they have been so close to the battlefield.

Seeing the reaction of Ji Yuanheng and the others, Wang Shouren smiled indifferently. When he saw the cruel scene on the battlefield for the first time, he also felt very uncomfortable. He also regards the experience on the battlefield as a life experience.In addition, Gangnan County is only his first battle, and there are more cruel places that he needs to personally inspect. By the way, he can also bring his disciples to experience the cruelty of the battlefield.

It was already noon, and Wang Shouren and his party were all dressed in plain clothes, so naturally they would not go to the county government office. Although Wang Shouren and Zhu Zhishan were old acquaintances, and he still had Tang Bohu's letter in his arms, Wang Shouren always put business first. He would only go to see Zhu Zhishan if he thought he had checked out the local officials. For example, when he was in Malacca, he was the last person to see Tang Bohu.

The weather in Nanyang is hot. After the Han immigrants came here, it took a long time to adapt to the local climate. The biggest problem is the diet. After all, in this hot weather, many people have no appetite. If you can't eat, and often don't eat enough, your body's resistance will drop, and then all problems will come out.

However, the current Nanyang immigrants have summed up their own diet. For example, the diet here in Old Port and Malacca is mainly sweet and sour. Last year, Zhou Zhong also distributed his own chili seeds to Nanyang. There is an added taste of spiciness in the diet. Whether it is sweet, sour or spicy, it can stimulate people's appetite and make people eat enough food unconsciously.

Although Wang Yangming and his group have stayed in Malacca for nearly a month, they are still not used to the local food, especially the sour and sweet taste, which makes some people who are not used to it unwilling to use their chopsticks at all. .Moreover, Gangnan County is not the old port. There are still some Central Plains restaurants on the old port side, but in Gangnan County, all the places to eat are of the same taste.

In desperation, Wang Yangming and his group found the best tavern, ordered a few spicy dishes, and then each ordered another rice, and ate some hastily to replenish their strength. It was just the thought of Ji Yuanheng and others. The stench of corpses that he smelt before made him lose his appetite, but Wang Yangming was not affected in any way, and after these days of adaptation, he can already appreciate those hot and sour dishes.

After eating, Wang Yangming and the others took the free fruit from the store and left the county while eating. In a place like Nanyang, fruit is not worth much at all, and there are as many as you want in the forest outside the city, and many fruits can be sweet. The lost tooth, which is also the main source of sweetness in Nanyang vegetables.

Previously, the natives stormed into the Han settlement in the south of the city in a riot, but were led into a village built in a valley by the Ming army ambushing there, and then the army blocked the way out of the valley and burned most of the natives to death. , Now Wang Yangming is going to go to that valley to have a look. After all, although the natives who died in this fire cannot be counted, according to preliminary estimates, there are at least more than [-] people.

In addition, Wang Yangming himself has always been very interested in the military. He has also been familiar with military books since he was a child, so he wants to do a field trip to see how the garrison in the old port wiped out those more than 20 natives?

At that moment, Wang Shouren and his party left the south gate of the county seat and walked all the way to the valley where countless natives were burned to death. On the way, they finally saw the obvious traces left by the riots of those natives, such as some neat and orderly buildings. The villages have now turned into scorched earth. Fortunately, the residents of these villages had moved to the county town before the riots, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Following the traces of destruction left by the natives, Wang Shouren and the others didn't need to ask for directions, and soon came to the burnt black valley. They saw that this valley was not particularly dangerous, and there were two hills on the east and west. It is surrounded by a small river in the middle. The original village was built on the east bank of the river, but it has long since disappeared. Even the entire valley is pitch-black, and there are rocks on the cliffs on both sides that have been burnt. It is barren.

When Wang Shouren and his party came to the valley, they found that the entrance of the valley was guarded by soldiers, and no one else was allowed to enter. The reason was that the corpses in the valley had not been cleaned up. In order to avoid the plague, the whole valley was temporarily closed. No one is allowed to enter.

"Uh~, teacher, these sergeants don't allow others to enter, how can we go into the valley to check?" Ji Yuanheng asked while retching, although they were still quite a distance from the valley, they could still smell the smell coming from the valley. The smell of barbecue, and the thought of the countless dead bodies in the valley, made everyone feel their stomachs churning.

Wang Shouren's face was as usual. He looked at the terrain of the valley not far away, and then nodded with satisfaction. Although this valley does not seem dangerous, the cliffs on both sides are enough to block those who want to escape. People, and the exits at both ends of the valley are not wide, only a small amount of troops are needed to trap the valley to death.

"Yuanheng, take out my seal. The army is no different than others. If we don't use the status of inspectors, I'm afraid these people will never let us enter the valley!" Wang Shouren said at this time, he came out to visit this time. They are all in the identity of ordinary people, because he knows that only in this way can he see a more real side, but when encountering some problems that ordinary people cannot solve, he will not introduce his identity.

Hearing the teacher's order, Ji Yuanheng immediately agreed excitedly, took out Wang Shouren's seal from the bag behind him, and then ran to the sergeant guarding the valley to identify himself as a group of people.The sergeant guarding the valley was shocked when he heard that the person who came was actually the Inspector General of the Governor's Mansion, and hurried to inform the highest officer here, that is, a general named Shi. It is not known whether Wang Shouren's seal is true or false.

Shi Ba always was drinking water and resting in the shade of a tree outside the valley. When he heard the report from his subordinates that the inspector of the governor's mansion had come to the small valley he was guarding, he thought he had encountered a liar, but when he saw When they arrived at Wang Shouren's seal, they were startled immediately, and hurried to greet them, and then led the way personally, leading Wang Shouren and the others into the valley, but when they saw the situation in the valley, Ji Yuanheng and the others were full of regret. blue. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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