Smuggling Daming

Chapter 408 Expanding the Navy

After sending off the Portuguese mission, Zhou Zhong immediately urged the shipyard under the Governor's Mansion to speed up the construction of warships, especially the new type of Warren warship, which has passed the navy's test and received the navy's approval. The whole division received unanimous praise, and even the captured Portuguese were full of praise for this kind of warship, so Zhou Zhong has already started to reload the opponent's navy. In the future, the Warren Warship will become the standard warship of the Daming Navy.

In addition to the warships, the Governor's Mansion of the Four Seas immediately began to expand the navy after obtaining the consent of Emperor Zhengde. After careful investigation, it was decided to expand the navy into three fleets.

The first fleet is called the East China Sea Fleet, and it mainly cruises in the Daming sea area north of Shuangyu Port. This sea area is relatively calm, especially under the premise of internal turmoil in Korea and Japan, there is not much to do. At most, it is to rescue merchant ships in distress at sea, and help the coastal state capitals to maintain law and order by the way, not a fleet for foreign wars.

The second fleet is called the South China Sea Fleet. The role of this fleet is the same as that of the East China Sea Fleet, except that the management of the sea area has become the vast sea area south of Shuangyu Port and north of Hainan Island and Luzon Island. Both fleets are The Inner Sea Fleet of Ming Dynasty does not need to be equipped with too well-equipped warships and weapons, all of which are old warships retired from the previous Four Seas Navy.

Except for the above two inland sea fleets, the remaining fleet is Zhou Zhong's real trump card, and he spent a lot of effort on this fleet.At the same time, all the elite Nanyang Fleet of the Navy was also concentrated.

Although Zhou Zhong has now occupied Malacca and the old port, blocking the passage of the Portuguese from entering Nanyang, most of Nanyang is still under the rule of the local natives, and the small countries are constantly fighting with each other, and the natives of these small countries are almost They are all lazy and stupid like those natives in the old port. If it weren't for the rich products here in Nanyang, I'm afraid they would have starved to death because of their laziness.

There are constant natural disasters in the Ming Dynasty, and every year, it is just the addition of large and small natural disasters.It is enough for the ministers in the court to have a headache. After all, as long as there is a natural disaster, it is necessary to mobilize various materials for disaster relief. These materials include not only food, but sometimes clothing, agricultural tools, seeds, etc., all of which are added together.Daming's finances have already been overwhelmed.

But now it is very different. Since the previous flood in Luoyang, Henan Province used the immigration method, and those immigrants are still living well in Taiwan, Malacca and other places, this makes the officials of the Ming Dynasty the first to deal with various natural disasters. The first thing that comes to mind is to relocate the victims, after all, as long as there are fewer victims.Naturally, there will be less relief supplies needed, not to mention the rebellion of the victims due to hunger.It can be said to kill multiple birds with one stone, and most of the relocation expenses of the victims are also paid by the Governor's Office of the Four Seas. The local government only needs to send officials to organize the relocation. Therefore, as long as there is a disaster in various places in Ming Dynasty, there will be a long relocation immediately on the land. team.

At least hundreds of thousands of disaster victims move out every year, Zhou Zhong naturally has to find a place for these disaster victims, although the place in Taiwan is huge.But with the two years of relocation, the best plains on the Taiwan side have been used up by the first disaster victims.Most of the rest are mountains or dense forests. It is not an easy task to open up a place to live in, and Zhou Zhong thinks that instead of spending a lot of effort on cutting down trees, it is better to find other better places, such as Nanyang Although the weather there is a bit hotter, the various islands in the islands are rich in products and the land is very fertile, which is most suitable for growing rice or sugar cane. Zhou Zhong himself feels sorry for the victims if there is such a good place not to occupy it.

But now those islands in Nanyang are still in the hands of those lazy and stupid natives. In order to convince them to give up the land to the poor disaster victims from Ming Dynasty, Zhou Zhong felt that it was necessary to "persuade" those natives , so he established the Nanyang Fleet. The entire fleet not only has the best warships, but also has a large number of marines. They are the main force to "persuade" the Nanyang natives.

For this Nanyang Fleet, Zhou Zhong has exhausted his mind. The entire fleet has a total of 120 main battleships, countless auxiliary warships, and a total force of more than [-] people. Commander, and the four of them are directly responsible to Zhou Zhong, the governor. After all, such a powerful force, Zhou Zhong is not at ease handing it over to anyone.

The formation of the three major fleets, especially the formation of the Nanyang Fleet, cannot be completed overnight, and the formation of a fleet is not only completed after the personnel and warships are in place, but also requires a lot of time and energy. Training, after the training, actual combat drills are required, so that the entire fleet enters a running-in period. Only after the running-in period, the entire fleet will form its own combat method and spirit, and then it can be called a fleet.

Zhou Zhong has already made a lot of preparations for the formation of the fleet. For example, the construction of the required warships has already started in various shipyards. It is estimated that the last batch of warships can be completed in three months at the latest. The navy soldiers are far from being recruited.

Among them, the East China Sea and South China Sea Fleets are mainly used to defend the coast of Daming, and they also assist the Shipbuilding Department to collect taxes on ships. When merchant ships are in danger, they will also participate in rescue. As for combat training, they will also participate, but this is not their The main task of the fleet, so the requirements for personnel are not particularly high. For example, some old, weak and disabled who were eliminated by the navy before, as long as they can still board the ship, they will be arranged in these two fleets. A group of young men were selected from the fishermen along the coast, and after the initial training, they were added to the two fleets.

In contrast, the Nanyang Fleet has much higher requirements for personnel. After all, this fleet is mainly used for combat, and in Zhou Zhong's plan, the attack on Nanyang is only the preliminary actual combat training for the Nanyang Fleet. Afterwards, he will use the Nanyang Fleet as the base, and then divide into two or three fleets. These fleets will go east or west, helping Ming to expand overseas territories and face all competitors who dare to challenge Ming.

The Nanyang Fleet needs a total of 4 people. This number is unbelievable to those small countries in Europe. This has consumed nearly half of the power of the Kingdom of Portugal, so a fleet of 3000 people is simply unimaginable for them.

But for a country like Ming Dynasty with a population approaching 4 million, [-] people are nothing to mention, and even Zhou Zhong doesn't need to worry about it at all, he just needs to post notices all over the coast, and then indicate the monthly salary of a soldier , and just after joining the army, you can receive a large amount of settlement allowance. Naturally, countless poor young people will flock to join the Nanyang Fleet. Although they know that fighting will kill people, but poverty and In the face of hunger, these people themselves feel that their lives are not very valuable.

However, the Nanyang Fleet will be the main battle force of the Ming Dynasty in the future, so the requirements for personnel are not generally high. For example, the most basic requirement is to be physically strong and understand water skills. It is best to be those fishermen who grew up by the sea. After all These people have long been accustomed to life at sea and know some skills in handling ships, so they are the best candidates for naval soldiers.

The above are only requirements for ordinary soldiers. In addition to these ordinary soldiers, Zhou Zhong also asked to recruit a group of literate soldiers, preferably soldiers who understand arithmetic or astronomy. After all, the navy is a technical arm, not only ordinary soldiers who can fight Soldiers also need to record routes, draw charts, identify directions, etc. These are not competent for ordinary soldiers, so Zhou Zhong plans to recruit some literate soldiers, and then conduct unified training for them, so that these people can master naval navigation The knowledge that must be mastered at the time has become an important auxiliary talent in the navy.

Of course, it is not easy to recruit literate people to join the navy. After all, people in this era have a bit of contempt for the military. If the heavy navy was well paid, there would not be so many people signing up, but in the era of Ming Dynasty, there were only a few literate people, and generally literate people were not very poor, so there was no need to risk their lives to join the army.

It is precisely because of this that after Zhou Zhong's recruitment notice was posted, people from all over the coast to join the ordinary navy were quickly recruited. As long as they can persevere in training, they can become an official Nanyang navy.However, the technical unit that recruits literate people has not been registered for a long time. According to the conscripts, although people occasionally come to inquire about this technical unit, when they explain it, those who inquire Just turn around and leave, and don't want to sign up at all.

Regarding this situation, Zhou Zhong thought that the military salary he gave was not enough at first. Although the military salary of technical arms was already twice that of ordinary soldiers, he finally gritted his teeth and raised the military salary of technical arms to three times that of ordinary soldiers. You must know that the military salary of the Nanyang Fleet is already high, but now it has been increased to three times, which is higher than the salary of the seventh-rank magistrate of the Ming Dynasty. This is definitely not a small attraction for ordinary people.

But what Zhou Zhong never thought of was that even if he raised the military salary, there were still very few people who applied for it in the end. Just when he was puzzled, Jiao Fang came to him with a smile and pointed out that he was A big mistake in drafting. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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