Smuggling Daming

Chapter 415 Zhengde and the Military Academy

"Zhang Yong, Yang Aiqing, now that General Qiu has expressed his support for the establishment of the military academy, what is your opinion on the military academy?" Zhengde asked again with a smile. It seems that he is not ignorant of the meaning of the military academy. The three of them came here just to find some helpers for themselves.

Seeing that Zhengde refused to let him go, Zhang Yong first sighed secretly in his heart. He is an eunuch, not a civil servant. Although he didn't want to offend the civil officials in the court over the matter of the military academy, he still didn't want to disobey the emperor's will. Meaning, after all, all the power in his hands comes from Zhengde, without the support of Zhengde, he is just an old eunuch.

It is precisely because of this that Zhang Yong quickly stood up and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, the old slave also thinks that the military academy is indeed a good idea, and although this matter was proposed by Governor Zhou Zhongzhou, the matter of the military academy The relationship is very important, so the old slave thinks that Governor Zhou said very well in the memorial, that is, the principal of the military academy must be concurrently held by His Majesty, so as to ensure the loyalty of the generals. Since His Majesty is the principal of the military academy, he naturally has the right to decide to start the military academy. How many military schools!"

Seeing that Zhang Yong also expressed his support for the idea of ​​the military academy, Zhengde also nodded in satisfaction, but this was not beyond his expectations. After all, Zhang Yong was an eunuch, and all his powers were given by himself, so Zhang Yong absolutely did not dare to object to his ideas, but Yang Yiqing, who was left in the end, was in some trouble. Although he had also led soldiers and fought in battles, in essence, Yang Yiqing was still a civilian official, and the appearance of the military academy would damage the army sooner or later. civil servants' interests.

Thinking of this, Zhengde looked at Yang Yiqing with piercing eyes.Zhang Yong and Qiu Yue also looked at him. Since they both agreed to this matter, they naturally hoped that Yang Yiqing would also agree to this matter. Even though Qiu Yue did not know the meaning of the military academy, he still wanted to Yang Yiqing also dragged himself into the water. This is human nature, which has nothing to do with interests or feelings.

Feeling the eyes of Zhengde and the others, Yang Yiqing also felt the pressure on his body increase sharply, he is a man who knows how to fight.It is precisely because of this that he knows the embarrassing position of the generals of the Ming Dynasty better than anyone else, and he also knows very clearly that if the military equipment of the Ming Dynasty continues to relax like this, it will definitely lead to the disaster of destroying the country in the future, so as a Take the old ministers who are loyal to the emperor and serve the country.Yang Yiqing naturally didn't want to see the scene of the country's subjugation in the future.

However, Yang Yiqing is also a civil servant at the same time, and like Li Dongyang, he is an official from the south. He has now become the Minister of the Ministry of War, and he has a good relationship with Li Dongyang, Yang Tinghe and others. Senior officials of the Ming Dynasty controlled the Ming government.But if it is agreed to establish a military academy now, then ten years later.The military generals who were originally like a mess of loose sand will definitely be twisted into one rope, and when these generals form an alliance, they will definitely reach out to the court to demand the power that should belong to them, and then the court will no longer be dominated by civil officials.

If he wanted to be loyal to the emperor and patriotic, he had to betray the civil official group he was born in, otherwise he would live up to the expectations of his Majesty and Daming. This dilemma made Yang Yiqing fall into deep pain.Zhengde also knew that this choice was very difficult for Yang Yiqing.So he was not in a hurry, but sat down and waited patiently while sipping tea.

Yang Yiqing's mind is in a mess now.Almost all the things he experienced in his life came up. He was known as a child prodigy when he was a child. He took part in the provincial examination at the age of 14 and was recommended as a scholar in the Imperial Academy. His Majesty the Emperor Xianzong personally ordered the cabinet to select teachers to teach him. Being a Jinshi can be said to be in the limelight for a while.

Yang Yiqing was successful in his youth, so his temperament was a little arrogant, and he was also a little impetuous in his actions. In order to polish his impetuousness, the imperial court specially sent him to the northwest as an official. Although the life there was difficult, he often faced the danger of the Mongols going south. But it is the most able to temper people's will, where Yang Yiqing learned to be calm, and at the same time learned to govern the country and fight wars.

In the first year of Zhengde, the Mongols took advantage of the change of power in the Ming Dynasty and sent tens of thousands of people south to invade Guyuan. Cao Xiong, the commander-in-chief at the time, did not dare to send troops to help because of cowardice. A team of light cavalry marched from Pingliang day and night, fought several battles with tens of thousands of Mongol troops, and finally completely disrupted the Mongol army in a surprise attack, which forced the Mongols to retreat.That time was the most proud achievement in his life. Even when he got rid of Liu Jin later, he felt that it was not as important as his repelling the Mongols' attack last time.

It was also by virtue of his military exploits in repelling the Mongols that Yang Yiqing was later appointed as the Trilateral Commander, presided over and built the defense of the frontier.At that time, Yang Yiqing had been in the Northwest for 30 years. It can be said that the best time of his life was spent here. However, it was his job in the Northwest that made him see the brutality of the Mongols and the seriousness of the Ming Frontier Army. Insufficient, even he is often worried that if the Mongols break through Ming's frontier defenses and then drive straight in, then it is likely to repeat the shame of Jingkang in the former Song Dynasty, so he can't sleep almost all night.

As Minister of the Ministry of War, Yang Yiqing hadn't thought of changing the current situation of Daming's slack armed forces. He even thought of reforming the army, but due to the narrowness of the times, he couldn't think of a way to reform the Ming army. Even facing the messy situation of the Ming army, he himself felt a little helpless.

However, the military academy proposed by Zhou Zhong this time seems to have reopened a door for him, allowing him to see the hope of changing the status quo of the Ming army, so from the heart, Yang Yiqing is very willing to support the establishment of the military academy.But he also knows that if he chooses to stand with Zhengde today, he will betray the entire civil servant group. Even Li Dongyang and Yang Tinghe, who have always had a deep friendship with him, may draw a clear line with him. He will also be squeezed out, even with the support of Zhengde, he will become a loner in the officialdom.

The thoughts in Yang Yiqing's mind are changing, and the expression on his face is also very exciting. Seeing this, Zhang Yong can't help but feel a little sympathy for Yang Yiqing. Although he is an eunuch, it is much easier to think about things. Just look at the emperor It's fine if His Majesty likes it or not, but a civil servant like Yang Yiqing has to consider all aspects of interests. If one is not good, I'm afraid he will end up in the end that Wan Fu pointed out.

I saw Yang Yiqing ponder for half an hour, then suddenly his face straightened, he gritted his teeth and said in a hoarse voice: "Your Majesty, I also think that the move of the military academy is a good thing, but although the military academy is good, But it is a double-edged sword, especially the initial construction of the military academy is very important, non-important ministers are not competent, although the veterans are old, they still have some experience in military affairs, so the veterans implore Your Majesty to entrust the early construction of the military academy to Old minister!"

Yang Yiqing finally chose to be loyal to Daming. As for his personal position, he put it in a secondary position. In order to make himself unable to retreat, Yang Yiqing even took the initiative to ask him to be in charge of the affairs of the military academy. Now he became Daming The main promoters of the military academy and those who obstruct the construction of the military academy have no room for change.

"Hahaha~, when I was still the crown prince, I heard the late emperor comment on the ministers in the court. Among them, the late emperor's evaluation of Yang Aiqing was that he was a general and a prime minister, which can be compared with the famous officials in ancient times. Today, it comes from Yang Aiqing's choice. Look, you are indeed a loyal minister. Since Aiqing wants to be in charge of the affairs of the military academy, then I will grant your wish. Zhou Zhong proposed that Wang Shouren, the inspector, be the supervisor of the naval academy, and be responsible for the early construction and future development of the naval academy. Operation, then now I will order Yang Aiqing to serve as the supervisor of the Beijing Army Academy, and manage the entire Army Academy on my behalf!" Zhengde was overjoyed when he saw Yang Yiqing's agreement.

"Minister, obey the order!" Yang Yiqing said in a tragic voice, and the next post of military academy supervisor also marked his formal break with the entire civilian group.

Seeing that Yang Yiqing took the initiative to take over the power to build the military academy, Zhang Yong also heaved a sigh of relief. He was really afraid that His Majesty the Emperor would entrust this matter to him. If that was the case, his fate would not be much better than that of Liu Jin in the future. .At this time, Qiu Yue also realized that the construction of the military academy seemed to cause some people's dissatisfaction, so Yang Yiqing and Zhang Yong didn't take the initiative to speak up just now, but for some reason, Yang Yiqing took the initiative to take over the matter, which made him He also breathed a sigh of relief. Although he was the first to express his opinion just now, at least Yang Yiqing is standing in front of him. As long as Yang Yiqing doesn't fall, he will be fine.

Yang Yiqing has a decisive personality. Now that he has made up his mind to support the establishment of the military academy, he immediately put aside some other distracting thoughts, picked up Zhou Zhong's memorial, and began to discuss with Zhengde the points that need to be paid attention to when establishing the military academy, especially what may be encountered in the early stage. How should they deal with the obstacles of the civil servants and so on.

Only then did Qiu Yue finally understand what Yang Yiqing and Zhang Yong were worried about. Thinking that a military academy would offend the entire civilian group of Ming Dynasty, he couldn't help but feel a burst of despair. He simply gritted his teeth and made up his mind to follow Zhengde and Yang Yiqing, preparing to go all the way to the dark. If he can really build a general school, maybe he can gain both fame and fortune.

However, when Zhengde was happy to find a few helpers, Yang Yiqing suddenly frowned, and then said to him solemnly: "Your Majesty, the establishment of the military academy is a good thing for my Ming Dynasty, but it has encountered This kind of resistance is not only from the civil servants, but also a considerable part of the military generals in the Ming Dynasty will also oppose the establishment of the military academy!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets , your support is my biggest motivation.)

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