Smuggling Daming

Chapter 421 After the War

I'm afraid Zhou Zhong never imagined that his idea of ​​building a military academy would give Jiang Bin the opportunity to go to Beijing to get close to Zhengde. Even his playful personality hasn't changed much. God knows if he will still follow the old path in history when he meets someone like Jiang Bin?

It is also worth mentioning that after Xuanfu's frontier army defeated the invading little Tatar prince, the chief soldier and the supervising army immediately wrote a victory report to the court, but when writing this document, the chief soldier and the overseer The supervising army seemed listless, because they knew that no matter how wonderful their writing was and how many Mongols they killed, the imperial court would not reward them in the end.

Sure enough, after the Xuan Mansion's victory report was sent to the court, not only was it not rewarded, but the court also scorned them, saying that they had falsely reported their military exploits, so in order to know the real battle situation, the Ministry of War sent an official to check , As a result, the official turned a blind eye to the heads of those prairie people, insisting that the Xuanfu army killed ordinary herdsmen to make up the number, but actually killed at most a dozen prairie cavalry, and then the military official took himself to get the result of the war I went back, and it was recorded in the record. As for the reward from the Xuanfu, there was no reward at all, and even half of the next year's military salary was deducted.

Regarding the above result, the whole Xuanfu had already expected it, because it had almost become a tradition of the frontier army. No matter how many Mongols the frontier army killed, the imperial court would doubt their victory documents. Up to now, it has developed to the point where they don't believe in their victory documents at all.Even if the facts are in front of them, the bosses of the Ministry of War can open their eyes and tell lies. They talk about the military achievements of 5000 people, and it would be good if there are only a dozen left in the end.

This kind of encounter is not limited to the Xuanfu. The year before last, the little Tatar prince led troops into the country from Ningxia. At that time, Qiu Yue was still serving as the general soldier in Ningxia, so he had a battle with the little prince. Although the Ming army suffered a lot of losses, But the Mongols also died a lot.And finally had to retreat.But what was the final result?When the document of victory arrived at the court, it became a three-level decapitation, and more than a dozen horses were taken back. The court rewarded them with no pain or itching. After Zhengde heard about this incident, the ministers in the court were also very dissatisfied.So he found an opportunity to transfer Qiu Yue to work in the capital as compensation for him.

In fact, not to mention the frontier soldiers like Qiu Yue, in the original history, Zhengde secretly ran from the capital to the Xuanfu, but just happened to meet the little prince of Tatar who led [-] troops to the south again, and Zhengde had long been waiting for this person to go up in person Opportunities on the battlefield.So he commanded [-] to [-] Ming troops to meet the enemy. As a result, the two sides started a big battle in the area of ​​Yingzhou.This is the most glorious "Battle of Yingzhou" in Zhengde's life,

Zhengde personally commanded the Battle of Yingzhou, and finally repelled the army of the little Tatar prince. Zhengde even beheaded an enemy himself. As Zhengde, there were enemies who could rush to his side. According to the intensity of the state battle, it is reported that there are more than a hundred battles between the two sides.Numerous soldiers were killed and wounded.

But in the "Records of Wu Zong" officially compiled by the Ming Dynasty, in the battle of Yingzhou.The Mongols only suffered 16 casualties, while the Ming army killed 52 people.You must know that it was a battle with more than 10 people, and it was fought fiercely for more than a month, and there were more than a hundred battles. I am afraid that it is a military exercise of later generations. The number of casualties is more than the number recorded above, so anyone with a little brain can see this. There is a problem with the numbers, but the officials of the Ming Dynasty still record it in the official history in such a grand manner, which can be regarded as a great spectacle in the history of the Ming Dynasty.

Even the officials of the Ming Dynasty dared to blatantly reduce the results of the war that Zhengde personally commanded, let alone a frontier general like Qiu Yue. It can even be said that when the frontier army fought the Mongols, it was a victory. It should be, the imperial court will not reward, defeating is a serious crime, and even before the end of the war, the generals who lead the troops may be arrested by the imperial court for questioning, and sometimes the Ming army needs to temporarily avoid the edge on the battlefield, but the imperial court does not They are allowed to retreat, so even though sometimes the frontier army knows that fighting the Mongols head-on will undoubtedly kill them, but the general who leads the troops can only helplessly lead people to meet them to death, because if he does not die, their whole family will be arrested Get up and ask.

It is also because the frontier army has been treated unfairly by the court for so many years, so the generals in the frontier army are also quite resentful towards the Ming court, and if this kind of resentment accumulates for too long, it will definitely make the frontier army lose their fighting spirit , even as corrupted as those guards inside the Ming Dynasty, the small Jurchens of later generations could defeat the frontier army of the Ming Dynasty, from which we can see how poor the military equipment of the Ming Dynasty was at that time.

But now that the news of Zhengde's construction of the military academy has spread, these frontier soldiers finally see hope. After all, no one in this world is a fool. Said that this is the only chance for the generals of the Ming Dynasty to stand up, so those generals in the frontier army are scrambling to go to the military academy. Born, after all, staying in a ghost place like the frontier army, it’s fine to fight every year, the key is that you will be angry if you win, because no one wants to stay in the frontier army.

The autumn of the ninth year of Zhengde passed quickly. With the arrival of the first snow this year, everyone in the Xuan Mansion breathed a sigh of relief, because as long as it snows, the grassland people will not go south again. After all, the Xuan Mansion on the grassland It's even colder. If you send troops in winter, among other things, the heavy snow alone can bury the army.

In a courtyard on Xuanfu Chengbei Street, Jiang Bin, wearing a cotton padded coat, was sitting by the stove. Several sweet potatoes were roasting on the stove, and they were already exuding a sweet smell. Beside Jiang Bin, there were several other soldiers. Men dressed as Wu sat in a circle, and everyone chatted while eating roasted sweet potatoes, and they seemed to be at ease.

"Brother Jiang, the heavy snow has sealed the Tatars on the grassland, and the area around Xuanfu is peaceful. Did the Commander-in-Chief say when he would send you to Beijing?" One of the short, fat young men took a bite of sweet sweet potatoes , then raised his head and asked Jiang Bin next to him, although they repelled the army of the little Tatar prince before, and the list of transfers to the capital was also released, but in order to prevent the Mongols from killing their carbine, the general of the Xuanfu also He didn't dare to transfer the titans under his command from the army easily.

"Well, I just received a message from the Chief Soldier this morning, let us get ready, we will leave for the capital in three days, otherwise, if it is later, the road from the Xuanfu to the capital will be blocked by heavy snow, and we will not be able to I rushed to the capital a few years ago." Jiang Bin was also eating roasted sweet potatoes. Speaking of which, Xuanfu has grown sweet potatoes everywhere in the past two years. Although corn is also good, it is not as large as sweet potatoes, so now Xuanfu, both military and civilian They all use sweet potatoes as their main food, but this thing is not very hungry. If you are full, you will soon feel empty in your stomach, so as long as you are free, everyone likes to bake sweet potatoes to fill your stomach.

"That's great. Brother Jiang is the only one among us who has made a name for himself. It's a pity that we didn't live up to it. Last time we only killed a few Mongol chiefs, and we didn't make any contribution at all. But now With Brother Jiang here, if we can establish a foothold in the capital in the future, don't forget us poor brothers." Another long-faced and thin man said with a smile.

"You talk too much, we don't know about Brother Jiang's character, as long as Brother Jiang enters the military academy, he will definitely be able to be voted for in the future, let's wait and eat and drink spicy food with Brother Jiang!" The one-eyed person who spoke last The man also laughed and said.

These three men are all officers of Weizhou Weizhong. They grew up naked with Jiang Bin since they were young. They can be said to be like brothers. They can rest assured to give their backs to each other on the battlefield, so Talking is also very casual.

Hearing what the brothers said, Jiang Bin also laughed and said, "We are all our own brothers, so naturally we have to support each other. As long as I am the eldest brother, I can gain a foothold in the capital, and naturally I will not forget you brothers!"

Hearing Jiang Bin's words, the other three people also praised Jiang Bin's righteousness repeatedly, but then the long-faced and thin man suddenly said: "Brother Jiang, I have been hearing from my brothers in the army that there is no one in the military academy. Talents like you are mobilized to serve as instructors. In addition, a group of young people from the army will be selected to study in military academies. As long as they can graduate from military academies in the future, they will be at least a position with thousands of households and have a bright future in the future. You have a lot of connections, I don’t know if you have heard of this matter?”

As soon as the long-faced and thin man finished speaking, the short and fat man on the other side of Jiang Bin also rushed over with the same excited expression: "Yes, Brother Jiang, we three brothers have no chance to serve as instructors in the military academy, but if we can be Selected to study in the military academy, then we brothers can get together again."

Hearing what the two brothers said, the one-eyed man also showed longing looks, but Jiang Bin shook his head with a wry smile when he heard this: "Brothers, I also agree with the matter of selecting the children of the army to study in the military academy." I have heard of some, but we brothers close the door and tell the truth, I am afraid that such a good thing will not happen to us at all. After all, those high-ranking officials such as general soldiers and guard commanders all have their own nephews. If there is such a good thing, they Naturally, I will give priority to my family, and it takes several years to study in a military academy, so the students recruited are all teenagers, so we brothers are probably hopeless."

Hearing Jiang Bin's analysis, the other three people showed a bit of disappointment. Originally, they had a little extravagant hope of going to the military academy, but now they all gave up.However, they were all open-minded people, and soon recovered, and began to congratulate Jiang Bin for leaving this ghost place of Xuanfu. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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