Smuggling Daming

Chapter 430 The Ferocious Japanese

To the southeast of Edo Castle is Edo Bay. Originally, there was a small seaport close to the coast, but since the arrival of Daming's fleet, that small seaport has become too crowded. Under the order, the servant army captured countless Japanese people to work in the port to expand the size of the port.

"Brother Anliang, look at these Japanese people, they are really slow. It took three months, and the entire port has not yet expanded the berths for warships. They are all food and no work!" On the battleship, Shenzhou, who had just returned from inspection, pointed at the densely packed Japanese working in the port, and said with resentment that the battleships in their fleet were too huge, and the port of Edo was too small, so it was impossible for the battleships to dock. All need boats to transport people or goods back and forth.

Li Anliang followed Shenzhou's finger to look at the muddy and skinny Japanese people on the port, and he didn't show any expression of embarrassment. Instead, he smiled and said, "Brother God, don't complain, these Under the management of the supervisor, the Japanese need to work for eight hours every day before they can rest, and they can only eat two meals of sweet potato rice every day. This is already the limit of these Japanese. At that time, I have to trouble the servant army to arrest people."

As soon as Li Anliang finished speaking, he heard a series of screams from among the working Japanese workers. When Shenzhou and Li Anliang looked up, they found several Japanese supervisors beating a Japanese laborer to death. , although the laborer was covered in mud and water, and the age of the other party could not be seen, but from the screaming voice of the other party, it could be distinguished that the person who was beaten should be a young Japanese.

"Brother God. These Japanese people are really strange. We just divide the Japanese people into three classes. We use the Japanese people of the upper level to manage the Japanese people of the next level. As a result, these Japanese people seem to be crazy. The upper level is against the lower level. Crazy squeeze, everyone is very cruel, there is no sense of camaraderie, do you think these Japanese people are cruel by nature?" Li Anliang looked at the supervisors beating the laborers, still indifferent The opening said, this kind of thing happens every day in the port.And the supervisor is also to speed up the progress of the project, so naturally he will not interfere.

"Hey, I dare not say anything else, but these Japanese people are indeed the most brutal people I have ever seen. They are not only cruel to others, but also very cruel to themselves. Such a nation is the best for thugs! "Shenzhou also laughed after listening.

After Shenzhou conquered Edo and the surrounding area by force, Li Anliang immediately started to govern this area. He already had experience in this area when he was in North Korea, so it went very smoothly.

For example, one of the most important policies implemented by Li Anliang in Edo and other places.It is to divide the Japanese people under the rule into three classes. The first class is the Japanese officials and their families who help them govern Edo and other places.It also includes the servants and their family members. They are the highest-ranking group of people except the Han people, and they have various privileges. The Japanese who were not under the rule of the Ming Dynasty naturally did not receive any protection. Even if the second-class Japanese killed the third-class Japanese, they only needed to be punished a little.

For this method of dividing the Japanese into three classes, Li Anliang called it "Using the Japanese to rule the Japanese". After all, most of them brought troops, which were only suitable for fighting, and could not be used to govern the country at all, and the number of Japanese was also theirs. Dozens of times, so under such circumstances, Li Anliang naturally thought of promoting a group of Japanese people, and then using them to manage the Japanese people. In this way, they only need to manage the top Japanese people.

In addition, after the Japanese are divided into three levels, it is easy to create antagonism among the Japanese of each level. In this way, the Japanese of each level hate each other, and the purpose of dividing the Japanese is achieved, and the number of Japanese at the top At least, if they want to maintain their dominant position, they can only hug Daming's thigh tightly, which is more conducive to Daming's rule in the Wa Kingdom.

With the beatings of the second-class supervisors, the screams of the Japanese boy became lower and lower, and finally became silent, but those Japanese supervisors dragged the boy along with a smile. legs, and then threw them directly into the big hole dug on the construction site, and the big hole will be filled soon, which can be regarded as the last contribution the other party can make to the port.

At first, Li Anliang and the others were also a little uncomfortable with the cruelty of the Japanese supervisors to the Japanese laborers. After all, what these Japanese people did was almost beyond the limit that civilized people could bear, but in the eyes of the Japanese, But they are all very normal, so in this case, the bottom line of Li Anliang and Shenzhou is getting lower and lower, and even finally began to appreciate the ferocity of those Japanese supervisors. After all, under their supervision, not only The progress of the project has been accelerated a lot, and at the same time, the last bit of value of the workers has been squeezed out, without any waste.

Shenzhou's flagship was slowly approaching the port, but because the draft of this warship was too deep, it was unable to approach the port for the time being, so it could only stop a few dozen steps away from the port, and then the two of them went ashore in a small boat , Crossing the busy port to the residence of the two in Edo, which is also where they work.

A beautiful Japanese girl brought tea, and Shenzhou and Li Anliang drank it all in one gulp. After sitting on the boat for a long time, and shouting with the Qiu Bas on the boat for a long time, they are naturally very thirsty now, but when Shenzhou put down After the teacup, he immediately said to Li Anliang: "Brother Anliang, the governor's order has been issued, and I will leave with the fleet in a few days. At that time, there will only be a small number of officials left here, as well as [-] North Koreans." Soldiers, plus the [-] Japanese servants you formed, how about, do you have the confidence to help the court defend this place?"

"Hehe, don't worry, Brother God. After this period of attack, all the forces around us have been scared by us. Even if the fleet leaves, they will not dare to do anything wrong. What's more, I still have [-] troops in my hands. Even if Zhou Zhong's Japanese daimyos are united with such strength, they will not be able to produce so many troops, so Brother God just leaves, and Edo will be handed over to Brother Wei!" Li Anliang said with a smile.

"Haha, that's true, but I'm overthinking, little brother. It's just that some time ago we beat up almost all the big names around us. Although this let them know how powerful we are, they have formed hatred after all, so if Brother Anliang is leaving, so Brother An Liang wants to shrink his troops and try not to provoke those big names anymore, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble." Although Shenzhou said that he was supercilious, in the end he still suggested with some worries, After all, he took a lot of effort to win Edo, and it was also an important proof for his future promotion, so he naturally didn't want to see Edo have any accidents.

"Hahahaha~, brother god, you are wrong. If you leave with the fleet, instead of shrinking my troops, I will send troops everywhere, and it is even better to destroy a certain famous name around it, and carry out the arrogant posture to the end. After all, those Japanese people are all bullying and afraid of being tough. If you are too weak, they will jump up and tear you into pieces without hesitation. Only when you are tougher, will they show their respectful side, even It was I who fucked those famous wives, and they wouldn't say anything!" Li Anliang obviously disagreed with Shenzhou's opinion, but put forward his own opposite point of view.

Shenzhou was taken aback when he heard Li Anliang's words, but then he had to nod his head and said: "This is my little brother's negligence, these Japanese people have always been fearful of power and not virtuous, the more we bully them , the more they dare not resist. On the contrary, if we show a little transmission, they will be regarded as weak. This seems unbelievable to us before, but this may be the way of survival of the Japanese, that is We can’t show any kindness to them, on the contrary, we have to be tougher than them everywhere, only in this way can we make them respect and fear us!”

Speaking of this, Shenzhou immediately stood up and bowed to Li Anliang, saying: "Brother Anliang really deserves to be valued by the governor, and he has a clearer understanding of the Japanese character than my younger brother, and my younger brother has also benefited a lot from this." , this time the younger brother took the fleet out to do errands alone, without brother An Liang to guide him, I really don't have any confidence in my heart!"

Regarding Shenzhou's praise, Li Anliang also smiled and said: "Brother God is too humble. Li is just a general. He can't compare with Brother God's family background, and he is highly regarded by the Governor. If this errand of the Wa country is done well, in the future, it will definitely become a general in charge. In the future, there will be a god admiral in the army of the governor's mansion, and there will be a general like a god brother outside to fight. What a good story!"

Naturally, everyone loves to hear compliments, especially Shenzhou, who wanted to get rid of his father's influence a long time ago and become a general in his own right. Now hearing Li Anliang praise him by putting him in the same position as his father Shenzhou, this just tickled his itch. This made Shen Zhou laugh out loud, even though he kept saying that he didn't dare to compare himself with his father, but the expression on his face had already betrayed him.

A few days later, under the leadership of Shenzhou, the well-equipped fleet left Edo Bay again to complete the new mission assigned to them by Zhou Zhong.However, when Shenzhou left, he still left two warships for Li Anliang, secretly telling the other party that if Edo really undergoes major changes and he can't hold back, then let all Han officials board the battleships and leave After all, for the Governor's Mansion, the safety of these officials is far more important than Edo. (To be continued..)

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