Smuggling Daming

Chapter 432 Iwami Silver Mine

Relying on strong ships and sharp guns, they wantonly wreak havoc on the coasts of other countries, and even directly send troops to invade the interior of other countries. This practice is exactly the same as that of Western countries in later generations. Now he is unknowingly learning from the practices of Western countries and releasing this pain on the countries inside Ming Dynasty in advance.

Shenzhou led the fleet to block the Xiama Strait of the Wa Kingdom, directly cut off the connection between Kyushu Island and Honshu Island, and then bombarded the imperial court in the coastal areas of the Ouchi Clan. In this way, he forced Ouchi Yoshiko to cede the Iwami Kingdom to Daming. This approach is a typical European bandit approach in later generations, and now Shenzhou is doing it with confidence, and he is also extremely tough when negotiating with Ouchi Yoshiko, without any concessions, forcing the other party to agree to the conditions he proposed.

Faced with Shenzhou's outrageous approach, even though Ouchi Yoshiko is a treacherous cunning, there is nothing he can do. Finally, after weighing the gains and losses for a long time, he finally agreed to Shenzhou's outrageous request and admitted that Shi Jianguo returned to Daming's rule In the future, the Ouchi family will never step into Iwami country again.

With Ouchi Yoshiko's promise, Shenzhou was also a straightforward person, and immediately left the Xiaguan Strait with the fleet. A few months later, Zhou Zhong sent official officials to take over the management of Ishi Jianguo. On the one hand, a formal treaty was signed with Yoshiko Ouchi. In addition to the previous requirement of ceding Ishimi, the treaty also put forward many conditions, such as Yoshiko Ouchi lifted the sea ban and allowed Daming's merchant ships to operate in his territory. At the same time, Daming also gave Da Nei Yixing a trade right, and Daming shipped goods to Da Nei Yixing's territory.Ouchi has the right of first refusal and so on.

The signing place of this treaty was strongly demanded by Zhou Zhong to be signed on a ship in the Xiaguan Strait, and he named it "Xiaguan Treaty" in a wicked way.But to be honest, the entire Shimonoseki Treaty is not equal to the fact that Ouchi Yoshiko ceded Ishimi Kingdom, other treaties also have some benefits for Ouchi Yoshiko, such as the right to trade with Daming, which is all the names of the Wa Kingdom. They all want to grasp the power in their hands. In the past, Zhou Zhong only traded with Ashikaga Kakki, but now there is one more Ouchi Yoshiko, relying on this treaty alone.This is definitely great news for Ouchi Yoshiko who is fighting everywhere, and it makes him no longer so repulsive about ceding Shi Jianguo.

After signing the Shimonoseki Treaty, Shi Jianguo finally fell into the hands of Daming, and then Xu Na, who had just found two gold mines in Nanyang, was urgently recalled.Then, after Zhou Zhong personally explained to him the estimated output of the Japanese silver mine, Xu Na immediately led a group of students to Ishijian country, searching for silver mines all over the mountains and plains.

Iwami Silver Mine is one of the largest silver mines in Asia, and with Zhou Zhong as a cheating tool, Jie Xuna quickly found a large mine in those scattered silver mining areas in the Omori area. , Copper associated ore.Among them, the silver reserves are very considerable, at least in the entire Ming Dynasty, such a large silver mine cannot be found.Moreover, it is relatively easy to mine. This discovery made Zhou Zhong ecstatic, and immediately dispatched troops and officials to Ishijian to organize the mining of silver mines.

The mining of silver mines is both troublesome and simple. Zhou Zhong has money and skilled craftsmen, but the only thing he lacks is miners.But this is not a problem, there are not a few Japanese in Shi Jianguo.There are also many miners in the scattered small silver mines around. Now the silver mines in the Iwami area are all owned by Daming, and those miners are naturally owned by Daming, and they can also be recruited from the outside. There are not a few, as long as they are in charge of the mine, there will be a lot of Japanese willing to work in the mine.

However, the officials sent by Zhou Zhong to the Iwami area did not recruit miners in the nearby Iwami country, but sent people to North Korea to recruit tens of thousands of North Korean laborers to explore the mines in the Wa country.The reason for doing this is, on the one hand, to reduce the number of locals in North Korea. On the other hand, Shi Jian country is the territory of the Japanese after all. If there are only Japanese, it is not conducive to ruling, so those officials who have learned badly from Zhou Zhong thought of this The method of mixing sand moved a large number of Koreans to work in Ishimi. The Koreans hated the Japanese to the core. Now that they are on the territory of the Japanese, there will definitely be conflicts between the two groups. At that time, Daming will sit in the seat of the arbitrator. , Naturally, it is much easier to manage.

Although Zhou Zhong didn't want others to know the news that Shi Jian had discovered the big silver mine, but Shi Jian country was in the territory of Wa country after all, surrounded by Japanese people, it was impossible to keep it secret, so the news spread quickly , As a result, Ouchi Yoshiko regretted it. He wanted to break the contract but didn't dare. In the end, he had to endure the bad breath. However, as a generation of heroes, he naturally didn't give up so easily, but waited in secret. Opportunity, as long as Da Ming shows the slightest flaw, he will rush to take Shi Jianguo back.

However, compared to Ouchi Yoshiko's patience, some of the surrounding Japanese daimyos are not so patient. With such a huge interest in the silver mine, although they know that Daming's army is not easy to mess with, they still have a little illusion. In particular, Yoshiko Ouchi's old rival, Niko Tsujiu, this scheming guy also instigated some daimyos behind his back, so in this case, some Japanese daimyos formed a coalition army of 3 people to attack Ishimi country.

Speaking of Nizi Kujiu, this person is able to fight against a generation of heroes like Yoshiko Ouchi, and he is naturally not a simple person. He occupies several small countries such as Izumo, Hoki, and Bingo, and his strength is not inferior to that of the Ouchi clan. He was even invited by Ouchi Yoshiko to go to Kyoto to help Hosokawa Takakuni, but after the war he did not get the corresponding reward, which made Niko hold a grudge against Ouchi Yoshiko for a long time, so he planned an attack on Ouchi In the war, it is a pity that he still had some gaps in the face of Ouchi Yoshiko. He was defeated in the first battle, and even his son died on the battlefield. revenge.

Nizi Jiujiu is good at making calculations, and he always makes decisions before acting. This time, Nizi Jiujiu is also the same when it comes to attacking Shi Jian Kingdom occupied by Ming Dynasty. But he didn't participate in it, but prepared to sit back and watch the show. If Daming's coalition forces can defeat Daming's army, it means that Daming's army is ostentatious, and he will immediately organize an army to attack Ishijian, defeating other competitors to monopolize Ishijian For the silver mine, if Daming's army is really as powerful as it is said in the legend, then he will immediately send someone to contact the people of Daming, and then take the initiative to make friends with them. After all, he also wants to get some benefits from the trade with Daming.

Shen Zhou was almost blind to the situation in the west of Kyushu Island, so he naturally didn't know that Ni Zi Jing Jiu was behind the coalition forces of these Japanese daimyos, and he didn't even know who Ni Zi Jiu Jiu was.But it doesn't matter, anyway, he has already expected that as long as the news of the silver mine spreads, it will definitely attract some people's covetousness, so he has already made preparations for war, for example, when recruiting labor from North Korea , A group of Ming troops stationed in North Korea was also mobilized from North Korea.

The troops stationed in North Korea are all selected from the Ming border army. After all, after North Korea is attached, there will definitely be some problems and may even lead to some rebellions. Therefore, there must be a group of powerful troops to suppress, and the border troops are far away from North Korea. This is also the nearest place, so Zhengde mobilized some frontier troops from the Liaodong area into North Korea. These frontier troops have been fighting against grassland people all year round, and their combat effectiveness is much stronger than that of the Beijing camp.

Zhou Zhong has all the navy in his hands, and the marine corps is also being formed, and it is not available for the time being, so whenever he encounters such a need for land warfare, he can only ask Zhengde for help, so the garrison troops in North Korea are blocked. Zhengde was temporarily transferred to Shenzhou to help him guard Shi Jianguo. After all, Zhengde was also very greedy for Shi Jian's silver mine. If the output increased in the future, he would no longer have to worry about lack of money.

In fact, Shenzhou's navy can also be used for land warfare. For example, most of the navy on board is equipped with weapons such as bows, arrows and muskets, especially the musket equipment rate is much higher than that of the frontier army. It can be unloaded temporarily, so the combat effectiveness of the navy on land is actually no worse than that of the frontier army.

However, the reason why Zhou Zhong asked Zhengde for help, and then introduced the frontier army into the guards of Shi Jianguo, was actually awakened by Wang Shouren before, and that was to reduce the suspicion of the court, especially Zhengde, even though Zhengde was a careless person. He is a man with lungs, and he is Zhou Zhong's elder brother, but Zhengde is the emperor of Ming Dynasty after all. If Zhou Zhong's overseas development is too powerful, and he is not restrained by the court, even if Zhou Zhong has no intention of rebelling, I'm afraid it will also attract suspicion from the imperial court, so after Wang Shouren awakened him, Zhou Zhong will be careful everywhere, even if it is Shi Jianguo who occupies the country of Wa, his first thought is to introduce the power of the imperial court, so that there is no need to Worried about the suspicion of the court.

The fighting power of the frontier army is not to be boasted, not to mention that the big names who have been encouraged by Nizi for a long time are not too powerful forces, so although the coalition army they formed has reached [-], it is a group of mobs. Even after the alliance, the combat effectiveness not only did not increase, but decreased. After all, the struggle between several daimyos for the control of the army was enough to reduce the combat effectiveness of the entire coalition to a minimum.

It was also under such circumstances that the Japanese coalition forces had an offensive and defensive battle with the Ming army at the foot of Yitian City. Originally, the generals of the frontier army wanted to fight the Japanese in the field, but Shenzhou felt that it was unnecessary. He only needed to rely on the city wall of Yitian City It is enough to consume Japanese troops. The precious lives of Ming soldiers cannot be wasted in this senseless war. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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