Zhou Zhong, who was far away in Songjiang Mansion, didn't know what was going on in Beijing, let alone Jiang Bin, who had no hope of meeting Zhengde, but because of the influence of his establishment of a military academy, he went so far as to curry favor with Zhengde again as in the past. He has also jumped from a military academy instructor to a confidant around Zhengde, and Zhengde's life trajectory seems to have returned to the original path again.

After a year of construction in Shanghai New City, the city center and several major arterial roads have been completed. A small part is done, and a part of the ships can now be docked.

Taking advantage of the attractiveness of the port and the Governor's Mansion, many people began to buy land and build houses in Shanghai New City. After all, as the governor's mansion and emerging port, it is very good whether it is used for shops or residences. Taking advantage of the fact that the new city has just been built and the land price is relatively cheap, many discerning people have started to buy land in Shanghai New City. In this way, a new sum of funds has been injected into the construction of Shanghai New City. The construction speed of Shanghai City has sped up again. It is believed that within a few years, the prosperous Shanghai City of later generations will appear on the land of Ming Dynasty.

In the sand table room in the Governor's Mansion, Zhou Zhong, Wang Shouren, and Jiao Fang stood beside the huge sand table, listening to Zhang Cai, who had just returned from Nanyang, explain the development of Nanyang.Some time ago, Zhang Cai was sent to Nanyang by Zhou Zhong to inspect the local situation in Nanyang so that the Governor's Office could make adjustments and preparations for Nanyang's next strategy.

"Your Excellency, please see that after Malacca was occupied by our Ming Dynasty, although the original Malacca Kingdom was not reconciled, it was powerless to stop us from further engulfing the Malay Peninsula. Now the entire southern and central parts of the Malay Peninsula have been actually controlled by our Ming Dynasty. It's just that the jungle on this peninsula is densely covered. Except for the coastal area, other places can't be reclaimed for the time being. Therefore, for us, apart from the port, the biggest resource on this peninsula is its timber. In addition, the local area also has Several iron ore and tin mines have been discovered, and it is said that the output is not small. Now some merchants have bought mining rights to mine, and I believe it will attract many immigrants.”

After introducing the Malay Peninsula, I saw Zhang Cai's finger moving to the south, and then pointed to Jinzhou on the other side of the Malacca Strait and said: "As for Jinzhou, the progress achieved is even more beyond my expectations. Since After the annexation of the old port, we moved a large number of immigrants to Jinzhou. We originally took a fancy to the fertile land and hot climate there, which is very suitable for the cultivation of rice, tea and various spices. However, some time ago, Jinzhou discovered several Gold mines. In addition, the Governor’s Mansion organized Xu Na and others to go to the island to explore the mines, and found more gold, silver and other mineral deposits. In this way, countless people were attracted to the island to pan for gold, especially those from the Ming Dynasty. Along the southern coast, there are several seagoing ships that bring gold prospectors to Jinzhou every day."

Hearing this, Zhou Zhong took the lead in laughing and said: "Gold and silver are touching, Jinzhou is not too safe, but these gold diggers rushed to Nanyang like crazy, it seems that we have to find more gold in Nanyang." A few gold mines, this will definitely speed up the pace of immigration in Nanyang, as long as there are more people in Ming Dynasty, Nanyang can be completely stabilized!"

"Using gold and silver to attract people to Nanyang is indeed a good way, but Nanyang also needs to ensure the safety of those gold diggers, otherwise if the gold diggers die too much, I am afraid that many people who are going to Nanyang will be scared away. "Wang Shouren also added at this time.

Regarding Wang Shouren's worries, Zhang Cai smiled and said: "Don't worry, Mr. Inspector. As I said just now, the development of Jinzhou is a bit unexpected. For example, with the entry of those gold diggers, the old port stationed The army has also begun to clean up the native forces on the island. Now except for the Aceh Kingdom in the northwest corner of Jinzhou, the rest of the native forces have been completely wiped out. Then the natives within a radius of [-] miles will be killed, so now there are very few incidents of immigrants from the Ming Dynasty being attacked by the natives, but the local climate and the poisonous insects and beasts in the jungle still pose a considerable threat to the immigrants from the Ming Dynasty !"

Hearing Zhang Cai casually say that a place was attacked and that the natives in a radius of [-] miles would be massacred, Wang Shouren couldn't help showing a bit of unbearable expression on his face, but he had also been to Jinzhou himself and knew the local people. Situation, he also knew about those lazy and stupid natives, so although he felt that this decree was a bit cruel, his reason told him that this was the most suitable decree for immigrants from Nanyang.

Compared to Wang Shouren's unbearable heart, neither Zhou Zhong nor Jiao Fang showed any strange expressions. Among them, Zhou Zhong came from later generations and had a natural hatred towards the natives of Nanyang. In his opinion, what kind of cruelty It is only natural for the law to be used on those natives.As for Jiao Fang, he has seen through the world for a long time, is not bound by the world's etiquette, and his mind is as firm as iron. In his opinion, as long as it can benefit Daming and at the same time make his own power rise again, then it is considered a murder. The natives of Nanyang alone are just a trivial matter.

"By the way, what happened to the Kingdom of Aceh? With the army stationed at the Old Port, it shouldn't be too difficult to destroy a small country of native people?" Jiao Fang asked at this time, it seemed that he wanted to completely wipe out the country. Jinzhou was cleaned up, so as not to worry about Jinzhou's security in the future.

"Lord Jiao, don't worry, the reason why the Aceh Kingdom has not been wiped out is not because of the lack of power in the old port, but because there is really no oil and water in Aceh. At least Xu Na and the others failed to find gold mines there. In addition, Aceh The kingdom is mainly composed of some Muslim merchants, who travel between Malacca and the coast of India. If our Ming Dynasty wants to enter the Indian Ocean, we need the assistance of these Muslim merchants. In addition, the Aceh Kingdom is willing to submit to our Ming Dynasty, so the Old Port I didn’t destroy the opponent for the time being, but used the route controlled by the opponent to transport Daming’s goods to India.” Zhang Cai introduced again with a smile.

"So that's the case. I said that with Li Yi's character, how could he tolerate such an eyesore as Aceh by his side." Jiao Fang said with a sudden smile.

But when Zhou Zhong saw Jiao Fang's appearance, he secretly laughed in his heart. It's not that Jiao Fang didn't know the reason why Li Yi, the prefect of the old port, left the Aceh Kingdom. Yi did not make any mistakes in governing.The reason why Jiao Fang defended Li Yi was precisely because Li Yi was also from the north, and he was assigned to the Shipbuilding Department after being excluded before. He did not expect to meet Zhou Zhong, a lucky star, and now Li Yi has achieved the position of magistrate. , became an important figure among the northern officials, so Jiao Fang naturally wanted to support her in every possible way.

"Li Yi did a good job this time. Although the old port was later than Malacca's annexation to Ming Dynasty, the development there is a latecomer. He has already occupied ten percent of the entire Jinzhou. If two years later , I can propose to the imperial court to promote the old Hong Kong government to the chief minister of the old Hong Kong, and then all the adults will be recorded in the annals of history because of this!" Zhou Zhong said with a smile, and Zhou Zhong naturally felt sorry for Jiao Fang's painstaking efforts. Be considerate, not to mention that Li Yi did really well in Jinzhou.

Hearing Zhou Zhong's words, Jiao Fang's face was also full of smiles. If the old Hong Kong government is promoted to the chief minister of the old port, then Li Yi can at least become the chief minister. In this way, there will be more officials in the north With a high-ranking official, coupled with Zhou Zhongri's support, the hope of their northern officials turning over is a little bit greater.

After introducing Jinzhou, Zhang Cai's finger began to move eastward, and then pointed to the largest island in Southeast Asia, which is Borneo, and began to introduce: "This is Borneo, the largest island in Southeast Asia. There are not many places suitable for living on the entire island. There are mountains in the middle, all covered by dense forests, and plains on all sides, but it is also densely covered with jungles. The jungles are full of poisonous insects and beasts. There are fewer natives on the island than other islands. , and only in the northwestern coastal area of ​​Borneo, there are more natives living there, and there are even some native kingdoms, but now they have been wiped out by the fleets of Malacca and Old Port, and Xu Na also discovered gold mines there. Some settlements centered on gold mines have now formed."

Hearing Zhang Cai's introduction to Borneo, Zhou Zhong nodded in agreement. Even in later generations, the population density of Borneo is much smaller than that of other South Sea islands. The most essential part of the entire island is the island. In the northwest, that is to say, Brunei in later generations, there is no need for Ming Dynasty to develop the entire island, it only needs to occupy the most fertile place on the island.

Next, Zhang Cai introduced Luzon, which is the closest to Daming. Speaking of which, although Luzon is the closest to Daming, Daming’s immigration to it started very late, but now it is developing rapidly, and it is the only one in Nanyang that can compete with Jin This is because many gold and copper mines have also been discovered on Luzon Island.

Among them, the gold mine has attracted many gold diggers, while the copper mine has attracted the attention of the Ming court, because the copper mine reserves on Luzon Island are too large. The copper mines on Song Island can meet Daming's demand for copper.In addition, although the Ming Dynasty allowed the circulation of gold and silver, the most important currency is copper coins. For the common people, copper is money. Now that such a large copper mine is discovered on Luzon Island, the imperial court cannot take it calmly. The Ministry of Industry has now started Intervene in the mining industry in Luzon.

After talking about the above islands, Zhang Cai finally talked about the last Java Island. This island is still ruled by the Danmu Kingdom, but now the army of the Governor's Mansion is ready, and they are waiting for Zhang Cai to collect information After that, it is time to start attacking Java Island. (To be continued..)

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