Smuggling Daming

Chapter 439 The Destruction of Danmu Kingdom

Qu Lie was obviously a little too cautious. The Muslim nobles like Sunan Jili really surrendered sincerely. After all, they were frightened by what the Ming army did in Nanyang, and they didn't dare to have any other thoughts. He wanted to curry favor with Da Ming in exchange for Da Ming's promise to preserve his wealth and status.

It is precisely because of this that the Muslim nobles such as Sunan Jili immediately suggested that Qu Lie send troops to help them enter the interior of Sura City after assisting Daming to occupy the port of Sura. After all, the Danmu Kingdom has not yet reacted. It is a good time to capture Sura in one fell swoop.

After careful consideration, Qu Lie finally nodded and agreed to the suggestion of Sunan Jiri and others. He sent all the [-] marines from the fleet to the shore, and at the same time the artillery on the battleship provided them with firepower, and then Under the guidance of the religious army led by the Muslim nobles, they entered the city of Surah a few days later.

The Sultan of the Danmu Kingdom, Raden Pata, is also ready to fight to the death with Daming. He founded the Danmu Kingdom 30 years ago. After so many years of unremitting expansion, he finally formed the kingdom that now rules the entire Java Island. Raden Pata's painstaking efforts and hard work have condensed most of his life, so he will never give up the capital of his kingdom to others, and he is even ready to die for the country.

Raden Pata is the founding king of the Danmu Kingdom. The army under him has been expanding outwards over the years, fighting against the enemy all the time. It can be said that the Danmu Kingdom is still on the rise of a country. The country's army Still maintained a strong fighting power.

But this strength is only relative to the countries in Southeast Asia.The army of the Danmu Kingdom is naturally invincible in the face of the religious army formed by the Muslim nobles, but when they face the Marine Corps carefully formed last week, they are no match at all. After all, the entire Marine Corps has completely become All firearms troops, musketeers holding new-style arquebus guns, under three-shot shooting, those light-eyed troops holding primitive weapons were defeated, and there was no way to fight back.

In addition, Qu Lie's battleship also provided powerful fire support for the marines.Whenever the Marine Corps encounters strong resistance somewhere in Sula City, they will immediately send someone to notify the fleet, and then the Marine Corps will retreat. As a result, the fleet's artillery will soon cover that area. Finally, Qu Lie only needs to Just send the surrendered religious army up to clean up the mess.

It is also relying on the advantages of firearms, coupled with advanced combat concepts.As a result, the Ming army advanced very fast in Surak City, and quickly cleared out the Danmu army in the city. Ten days later, the Marine Corps and the Religious Army surrounded the royal palace in Surat City. , Sultan Raden Pata of Danmu Kingdom did not escape.Instead, he still stayed in the palace, and there was no intention of surrendering in the palace at all.It seems that they want to fight to the death.

The palace is far away from the port, which has exceeded the effective range of the battleship's artillery, but it is not difficult. You just need to remove some of the artillery from the battleship. It is precisely because of the artillery, which is a sharp weapon for attacking the city, that the road in the palace The strong and tall city walls could not hinder the footsteps of the Ming army at all, and finally the gate of the palace was blasted open.The Ming army rushed in, although the guards in the palace resisted desperately.But it could only be a dying struggle. Although the indifferent Sultan Raden Pata knew that his situation was over, he did not surrender, but chose to fight to the end, and finally died under the random guns of the Marine Corps.

Raden Pata's death in battle marked the official demise of the Danmu Kingdom, and at the same time, Sula Port also fell into the hands of Daming.However, the remnants of the Danmu Kingdom did not give up resistance. Among them, Eraden Pata's son Yunus led the Danmu Kingdom's navy to retreat to the western coast of Java, while his other son Teringana led Su La's defeated army also retreated to the interior of the west, refusing to recognize Ming's rule over them.

For the tough attitude of Raden Pata's two sons, Qu Lie naturally gave a serious blow. First, he personally led the fleet to the west of Java. The largest naval battle in Southeast Asia took place in the waters around Jakarta. Hundreds of Javanese warships besieged 25 warships of Ming Dynasty. Although the Javanese had a great advantage in numbers, the navy has always been a technical arm. Navigation and weapon technology The gap is not something that can be made up by numbers. The Ming Fleet hardly lost a single warship, and defeated Yunus's Danmu Navy. In the end, Yunus died in the army just like his father. The warships of the Danmu Navy sank and fled, and they were destroyed in the first battle since then.

Although Yunus's navy was wiped out, the remnant army led by Raden Pata's other son Teringana fled to the interior of Java Island. Although Qu Lie's navy was powerful, it could not drive the ship to Go to the island to destroy the enemy. In addition, although the marines are relatively strong, they are all Han Chinese after all. They are still not used to the climate of the Nanyang rainforest, and they are not familiar with the terrain of Java. It is impossible to chase into the interior of Java to destroy Teringana. of the remnants.

But it doesn't matter. Although Qu Lie can't directly send the marines to attack Tlingana, he still has the religious army from Sunan Jiri under his command. With the destruction of Danmu Kingdom, these religious troops are useless. It may even bring new threats to Java, but it is not good to disband directly. Now it can be used to let them wipe out the remaining Danmu army led by Teringana. Anyway, they are all Javanese. No disadvantages in any respect.

After Sunan Jili and the Muslim nobles helped Qu Lie destroy the Danmu Kingdom, they were always worried that the Ming army would not keep their promises. After all, the Han people in Nanyang have always been known for their shrewdness, otherwise they would not have accumulated such a large amount of agriculture. Now if this Ming general turns his back on him afterwards, it will be a disaster for them.

Fortunately, Qu Lie knew that he represented the imperial court, and he couldn't do such a thing as turning his back on his words. In addition, keeping the Muslim nobles here in Sunan Jiri was also conducive to the stability of Java and facilitated the immigration of Ming Dynasty in the future, so he occupied Surat Afterwards, it was announced that Java became the territory of Ming Dynasty. As long as the natives willing to accept the rule of Ming Dynasty, they would be protected by Ming Dynasty in the future. This order finally made those Muslim nobles feel at ease.

It is precisely because their status and wealth have been guaranteed that the Muslim nobles like Sunan Jili have also changed their previous attitude of cooperation and defense towards Daming, and began to fully assist Qu Lie in eradicating the remaining forces of the Danmu Kingdom. After all, since they The Danmu Kingdom has been wiped out, so it must be completely wiped out, otherwise, if the Danmu Kingdom revives one day, they will be the first batch of people to be liquidated.

The matter of clearing up the remnants of the Danmu Kingdom was handed over to Sunan Jili, and Qu Lie started to govern Java Island. After his fleet set off, Zhou Zhong quickly organized a group of officials to settle in Java. Even after these officials Before arriving, the Governor's Mansion had already divided the states and counties on Java Island. After all, the intelligence gathering some time ago was not done in vain.

In fact, at the moment when Surat Port was breached, Java Island had already fallen into the clutches of Daming. Whether it was Yunus who died in battle, or Teringana who was dying, no matter what efforts they made, they would never lose their lives. It may affect the overall situation in Java. After all, Da Ming is now like a beast released by Zhou Zhong himself. As long as it is his prey, he will never escape his sharp minions. As long as he is bitten anywhere, then Next, he would be eaten alive by the beast, Daming.

With the arrival of Ming officials in various parts of Java, the immigrants of Ming also rushed to Java. This immigration is different from the original disaster immigrants because they are all immigrants who voluntarily moved to Java. After all, compared with Jinzhou and Borneo Among those places covered with dense forests, Java is the island with the highest degree of development in Southeast Asia. There are not only a large number of fertile fields, but also a lot of mineral deposits, especially gold mines. mines, which are much stronger than those newly discovered gold mines, at least the investment will be much less.

With the entry of these Ming immigrants, Ming's rule over Java Island has gradually stabilized, but because the number of natives on Java Island is too large, after preliminary estimates, it is at least between 200 million and 400 million. The reason why there is such a big discrepancy is because many natives live in deep mountains and old forests, and the former Danmu Kingdom failed to completely rule the native tribes on Java Island, so Da Ming wanted to find out The number of natives on the island is simply an impossible task, which can only be estimated by the court from other aspects.

There are such a large number of natives, and because of the high level of civilization on Java Island, most of these natives live very closely together. As a result, if the high-pressure policy is used again, it is likely to trigger riots among the natives. It is not easy to suppress the riots of millions of natives.But with so many natives living together, it is likely to cause other disturbances in the future, so moving to Daming is one thing, and on the other hand, it is necessary to reduce the number of natives on Java Island.

The massacre is impossible, otherwise it will cause another turmoil in Java. In this way, the only thing left is to migrate. Anyway, Nanyang is such a big place, and many islands are densely covered with jungles, such as most of Borneo and Jinzhou. They all need to be developed in the early stage before they are suitable for human habitation. The natives on Java Island can just be used to do this. So under the means of threats or lures from Ming officials, the natives of Java began a period of migration that lasted for nearly a hundred years. history. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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