Smuggling Daming

Chapter 446 Fighting the Tiger

The tigers kept in captivity in the imperial palace are all wild tigers captured from Hebei and Henan. A middle-aged man who is proficient in martial arts with full body armor and a sharp weapon in his hand can fight a North China tiger. Even if he can't win, if there are people around to support him, it is very easy to escape.

But what Zhengde didn't know was that the tiger he chose this time was not the North China tiger, but the Siberian tiger with extremely ferocious temperament. This tiger was sent from Liaodong some time ago. It was even more astonishing. Zhengde was so confident in his own strength when he was drunk. Seeing such a big tiger in Xiyuan, he suddenly became interested. Tigers, otherwise he would not be able to reflect his bravery as an emperor.

The beast slaves in Xiyuan knew that the tiger that Zhengde chose was ferocious, but they didn't know much about the Siberian tiger's temperament. In addition, the status of these beast slaves was extremely low, so they didn't dare to disobey Zhengde's intentions, let alone Now that Zhengde was still drunk, those beast slaves didn't dare to say anything, so they all prepared their ladders and armor honestly, and after the three of them were dressed, let them go down the ladder to the tiger pit.

Although Zhengde drank a lot of wine, he would not joke about his own life, so when he arrived at Hukeng, he immediately got ready, and Jiang Bin and Qian Ning also jumped behind him to help him sweep the formation.It's just that when Zhengde and the others jumped down, they realized that the tiger below was bigger and mightier than when they watched it from above.This made Zhengde more careful for a while.At the same time, most of the wine on his body was sober.

"Roar~" The Siberian tiger in the tiger pit was caught here.Although he can eat enough every day, he has lost his freedom after all, which makes his temper even more irritable. Now seeing someone intruding into his small territory, the tiger immediately went berserk, roaring and rushing up.

Zhengde is indifferent to other things, but he is very concerned about martial arts, and he himself is very courageous.When he saw the tiger rushing towards him, he didn't feel panic at all, but rushed up. Just when he was about to meet the tiger, he saw the tiger suddenly jumped up and rushed straight at him. Tigers' habitual movements when pouncing on prey can be said to be extremely ferocious, and ordinary people can't dodge them at all.

However, this is not the first time that Zhengde has fought a tiger, and he has expected this for a long time.At that moment, he suddenly lowered his body, and at the same time rushed forward in a diagonal thrust.As a result, it happened to slip under the tiger's left paw. At this moment, Zhengde turned around again and faced the tiger's side ribs head-on. Immediately, he roared and stabbed the tiger's waist with the long knife in his hand. In the past, no matter what kind of beast it was, its waist and ribs were its weak point. As long as Zhengde could straighten this knife, he could even kill the tiger with one knife.

But Zhengde didn't know that the Siberian tiger in front of him was not only huge in size, extremely fierce in temperament, but also extremely fast in movement. It often ate wild boars and red deer in the mountains and forests, and even hunted black bears when it was extremely hungry. Said to be the real king of all beasts, even a lion on the grassland can only lose and flee when facing the Siberian tiger, the largest cat on earth.Of course, because lions live in groups and tigers live alone, if a Siberian tiger encounters a group of lions, it can only run as far as it can.

It is precisely these characteristics of the Siberian tiger that when Zhengde's knife point was about to pierce the tiger's body, this Siberian tiger with rich fighting experience suddenly swung forward, and as a result, Zhengde's knife just pierced the tiger's body. A single wound is far from fatal, and it also enraged the tiger even more. After all, the Siberian tiger is one of the tigers with the strongest sense of place, so it would not allow others to injure it in its own territory.

"Roar~" I saw the tiger roar again, and suddenly exerted force from the back, and the whole back half of the body was pressed towards Zhengde like a mountain of meat. With this blow, he immediately put the knife across his body, and suddenly pushed forward, preparing to open another hole in the tiger's body.

However, Zhengde underestimated the strength of the Siberian tiger. When his long knife collided with the tiger's rear, Zhengde only felt that the tiger's strength was far from that of the previous tigers. He even felt as if he had hit the tiger. Like a high mountain, the whole person was hit and flew out at once. At the same time, the long knife in his hand was thrown aside, and his arms were sore and numb. Change.

"Be careful, Your Majesty!" Jiang Bin and Qian Ning's expressions changed drastically when they saw the change in Zhengde's place. There were two more people in front of him, and he rushed towards them with a roar.

Jiang Bin and Qian Ning felt the bad wind blowing in their faces, and they knew that this tiger was far more powerful than they imagined. No wonder His Majesty the Emperor lost the power to fight again after just a collision.However, both of them were also brave men, and they immediately fought the fierce tiger with their long knives, but unfortunately, they were slapped out one by one by this huge Siberian tiger.

"Boom!" Qian Ning, who was shot flying, hit the wall of the pit all of a sudden, which made him scream, and felt that the bones in his whole body were about to fall apart, but he was strong and didn't suffer any serious injuries. He recovered quickly, but when he saw the colorful tiger with its fangs and claws, he couldn't help but feel a sense of fear in his heart. The courage to save Zhengde and make meritorious service just now disappeared completely, and his face was also smeared. Showing a bit of fear.

Compared with Qian Ning, who was born in Jinyiwei and had never been on the battlefield, Jiang Bin was more courageous. After he was shot by the tiger, he quickly stood up and rushed forward again with a roar. After all, he was from the frontier army. What is important on the battlefield is blood and courage. If they don't even have the courage to face the enemy head-on, then are they still fighting?

Jiang Bin's skills are much stronger than Zhengde and Qian Ning's. In addition, he crawled out of the dead on the battlefield. Just now, in order to save Zhengde, he couldn't use it for a while, so he was shot by the tiger. Now that he has attracted the tiger's attention to his side, he can finally display his martial arts. With a sense of bravery, he was able to wrestle with this furious Siberian tiger for a while, so that it could not To hurt Masanori.

At this moment, Zhengde finally stood up from the ground. When he saw Qian Ning who was cowering in the corner, and saw Jiang Bin, who was tough, wrestling with the fierce tiger, it made him feel sad and happy. The sad thing is that he used to value Qian Ning so much, but at this moment of life and death, the other party did not dare to come forward to save him because of fear. The happy thing is that fortunately he did not misjudge the person, Jiang Bin is indeed a loyal person to him .

"Your Majesty, hurry up, this tiger is extraordinary, and it cannot be defeated by one person!" Jiang Bin yelled loudly to Zhengde who had stood up while fighting the tiger desperately.

Zhengde finally came to his senses when he heard this, he didn't talk nonsense at the moment, turned around and climbed out of the tiger pit along the ladder, and at this time the beast slaves above also saw the change in the situation below, and immediately notified the big man brought by Zhengde General, these big Han generals were also scared to death. They hurried to the side of the tiger pit to take out the bow and crossbow, and shot from top to bottom. Soon the Siberian tiger was full of arrows, and it looked like a big hedgehog. At the same time, a large amount of blood dripped from the tiger, and the entire ground of the tiger pit was stained red with blood.

"Aww~" The body was full of arrows, coupled with Jiang Bin's blows, the Northeast tiger was finally overwhelmed, and finally fell to the ground with a whine. After a few twitches, it finally stopped moving. At this time, Jiang Bin, who had been wrestling with the tiger for a long time, also sat down on the ground, panting heavily.

At this moment, Jiang Bin described himself as extremely embarrassed, his armor was scratched open by the tiger's claws, his body was left with several wounds, even his face was cut several times, and his messy hair fell down. Sitting there, he could only pant heavily, and couldn't even speak for a while.

Seeing that Jiang Bin was fine, Zhengde felt relieved, and at this moment, Qian Ning below finally woke up from his fear, and hurried up to show courteousness to Zhengde, hoping to make up for the mistakes he made because of timidity.Although Zhengde didn't blame Qian Ning, he put Jiang Bin ahead of Qian Ning in his heart.

Jiang Bin rescued Zhengde from the tiger's mouth, which naturally made Zhengde pay more attention to him. He even made an exception and handed over the Dongchang, which had always been controlled by eunuchs, to Jiang Bin. After all, Jiang Bin was originally just a foreign minister, but now he has taken over Dongchang, which shows Zhengde's favor and trust in Jiang Bin, but Qian Ning has been trembling during this time, for fear that Zhengde will be unhappy. Fortunately, Zhengde is a nostalgic person. Although he was very disappointed with Qian Ning's previous performance, he did not regain the power in Qian Ning's hands.

However, at the same time when Jiang Bin was more and more favored by Zhengde, Jiang Bin did not know what purpose he had, and began to brag to Zhengde about how many beauties there were among the musicians in the Xuanfu, plus the handover between Xuanfu and Mongolia. , Wars often happen, and this is Zhengde's favorite life, so Zhengde finally had an idea, that is to leave the capital and go to Xuanfu, but before Zhengde went to Xuanfu, he did another thing to let everyone Everyone was taken aback! (To be continued..)

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