Smuggling Daming

Chapter 455 Military Academy Crash Course

In an ordinary dormitory in the middle of the military academy, Zhao Zuoxing, a student who is about to graduate, caressed his bed sadly. He slept on this bed for two full years, and here he learned things that he never dared to think about before. , I also met a lot of brothers who are devoted to each other, and now I am leaving, which makes me feel a little bit reluctant.

Zhao Zuoxing was originally a small officer in the Ningxia frontier army. Because of his bravery in battle, his military exploits many times, and his ability to read and write, he was recommended by the Ningxia General Army to study in a crash course in the military academy. I should have graduated a long time ago and went to work in the army, but because I was delayed a while ago, I didn't officially graduate until now.

The so-called military academy crash course is a concept proposed by Zhou Zhong at the beginning of the military academy. After all, the students in the military academy cannot all be the children of generals. In addition, some outstanding soldiers must be recruited into the military academy. One is to motivate the soldiers of the army, and the other is to ensure the diversity of military academies, so as to prevent the military academies from becoming a tool for the interests of a certain class.

However, if the army recommends those outstanding soldiers in the army to study in military academies, it will definitely weaken the combat effectiveness of the army. In addition, those outstanding soldiers themselves have learned many ways to use soldiers on the battlefield, so Zhou Zhong launched A crash course, so that those outstanding soldiers can return to serve in the army after a short period of study, so that it will not affect the combat effectiveness of the army too much. In addition, for those soldiers, after studying in the military academy, they can not only understand more The way of leading troops can also plate a layer of gold on yourself and become a veritable disciple of the emperor, which is more conducive to future promotion.

Zhao Zuoxing is a member of the crash course in the military the very beginning.He was still reluctant to come to the military academy.After all, he was already in his thirties, but he still had to study with a group of fifteen or sixteen-year-old boys, which really made him feel embarrassed, but after he stayed in the military academy for a month, Zhao Zuoxing was I fell in love with the life of the military academy. I learned the art of war every morning, practiced in combat in the afternoon, and took a day off every ten days.You can hang out in the capital, and you can also participate in various competitions organized by the military academy, such as the football match held by the military academy some time ago, which is now renamed the rugby match by the supervisor. Zhao Zuoxing and a group of brothers defeated other teams , Won the military academy's first school-wide rugby championship in one fell swoop.

Thinking of the happy days in the military academy, Zhao Zuoxing felt even more reluctant. He was originally from a military household in Ningxia, and he took over from his father to serve in the army. ability.Coupled with his bravery in battle, he was promoted to a hundred households in one guard.I thought that I could only fight in Ningxia for the rest of my life until I died on the battlefield, but I never thought that this time I would be able to come to the bustling capital and spend such a period of time in the military academy. Even in the days when he returns to the army in the future, he will be able to be reused. Maybe in the future, his son will be able to enter the military academy to study like those young boys in the military academy with the help of the elders at home.

Thinking of his son being able to study in the military academy in the future, Zhao Zuoxing couldn't help but feel a little excited, and even diluted the sadness in his heart a lot. He didn't hesitate anymore, and started to hurry up and pack his luggage. After the order is issued, they will go to the new army, but Zhao Zuoxing may not return to Ningxia, but may go to Xuanfu or Liaodong. Anyway, they are all frontier troops, and the conditions are similar, so Zhao Zuoxing doesn't care about himself. Where to work.

Just as Zhao Zuoxing had packed his luggage, the door of the dormitory was suddenly knocked open, and then a thin man rushed in and shouted excitedly at Zhao Zuoxing: "Brother Zhao, we are going to get rich this time!" !"

"Brother Hou, have you heard some gossip again?" Zhao Zuoxing looked helplessly at the person who came and said, this thin man is called Hou Li, and he is an officer recommended by Liaodong. The two live together. A dormitory, although Hou Lichang is thin and small, but he is good at martial arts. In the military academy, he fights alone, and few people are his opponents. In addition, Hou Li likes to inquire about things. The famous Bao Inquired, this time is approaching recently, Hou Li has been inquiring about where these graduate students can be assigned, and probably heard some news today.

"Hey, I just heard some big news today. The distribution of us people in the military academy has been decided. Instead of going to the frontier troops like Ningxia or Xuanfu, we will be placed in the four foreign armies of the Forbidden Army on the spot. , As for the original generals of the four foreign armies, they will all be dismissed and go to the military academy to study again!" Hou Li said again very excitedly.

Being able to stay in the capital is something they all dream of. Although the army in the capital has no battles and the chances of making meritorious deeds will be much less, but now that the imperial court is suppressing the border troops severely, even if they are making meritorious service, In the end, there was no reward. On the contrary, it was easier for the officers in the Imperial Army to be promoted. Even if they could get His Majesty's attention, it would not be impossible to reach the sky in one fell swoop. Just look at that Jiang Bin.

"What? Is this true?" Zhao Zuoxing was also taken aback when he heard that they would be assigned to the Forbidden Army's Four Foreign Armies. The so-called Outer Four Armies were called by Jiang Bin from the frontier army After the [-] frontier troops were added to the forbidden army, the Xiguan Office was specially set up to control the four foreign armies. Now Jiang Bin is in charge of the Xiguan Office.

"Of course it is true. I heard it from the personal guards around the supervisor. It is said that the supervisor personally suggested it to His Majesty. Now His Majesty has agreed, but the official edict has not yet been issued, but I guess it will be soon. , when we enter the army of Xiguanting as generals, we can make our home in the capital and never have to suffer in the frontier!" Hou Li said with a smile on his face, no one likes to fight by nature, these frontier soldiers The reason why they worked so hard at the border is mostly because their family members live in the city behind them. If they lose, it will be their family members who will suffer in the end. But if they can be officials in the capital now, they You can also bring your family to live in the capital, and you don't have to worry about your family's safety anymore.

"Great!" Zhao Zuoxing heard that the news came from the personal guard next to the supervisor, so there must be nothing wrong with it. You must know that the current supervisor is no longer the old Duke Xu. It's His Majesty's only younger brother, His Royal Highness King Zhao, so what he said can't be false.

But then Zhao Zuoxing thought of another thing, and asked with some puzzlement: "Brother Hou, you and I know what happened in the military academy a while ago, and Jiang Bin almost succeeded in reaching out to the military academy." Yes, but later His Royal Highness Zhao took over the military academy, which made Jiang Bin dare not think about the military academy anymore. Now His Royal Highness Zhao arranged us to be in the four foreign armies under Jiang Bin's control. Will it be..."

The entire military academy knew about Jiang Bin's meddling in the military academy before, and even many instructors had secretly joined Jiang Bin. He actually arranged them all into the army under Jiang Bin's command, and immediately thought of the previous incident.

Of course, none of the generals who can be recommended to study in the military academy is a stupid person. After hearing Zhao Zuoxing's words, Hou Li smiled and said, "Brother Zhao, it's good to know some things in your heart, there is no need to say them out. And no matter how the superiors fight, it's none of our business, but we are all from the military academy, as long as we are loyal to His Majesty and the court."

Hearing Hou Li's reminder, Zhao Zuoxing also laughed and said: "Brother Hou is right, but Brother Wei just made a mistake. We warriors just want to be loyal to our country!"

After finishing speaking, Zhao Zuoxing and Hou Li also smiled at each other, but then they both felt a little worried. Although it is a good thing to be able to settle in the capital, the prices in the capital are not low. They used to be in the army Fighting men don't have much savings at all. If they want to settle in the capital, they must at least rent a yard, and the daily expenses of the family, all of which need to be paid out of their salaries. The salary will also increase, but they are still a little worried that it will not be enough.

After discussing their personal affairs, it happened to be noon at this time, and immediately said: "Brother Zhao, today is our last day in the military academy, and we will receive the notice of appointment in the afternoon, and then we will take up the post. However, it’s not as convenient to meet as it is now, why don’t we have a drink or two?”

Regarding Hou Li's proposal, Zhao Zuoxing shook his head and said, "Brother Hou, since it's the last day in the military academy, I think it's better for us to go to the cafeteria to eat. After all, it will not be easy to come to the military academy to eat in the future, and listen It is said that what is made in the cafeteria today is your favorite tamales, this is absolutely not to be missed!"

As soon as he heard that the cafeteria made steamed pork today, Hou Li also stood up excitedly, and said impatiently: "Then what are you waiting for, let's go to the cafeteria quickly, if it's later, I'm afraid someone will give the meat to you." Snatch it all!"

Seeing Hou Lihou's anxious look, Zhao Zuoxing also laughed, and the two hurried to the cafeteria, because they were about to graduate, so they didn't have to go to class this morning, but the other students hadn't finished class yet, so the people eating in the cafeteria They are all students of these crash courses, and they all know each other, especially Hou Li, who has a lot of friends. After a while, they spread the news that they will enter the four foreign schools as generals after graduation. It also caused a lot of waves in the entire military academy. (To be continued..)

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