Smuggling Daming

Chapter 467 Extreme Hunger

The weather is very good today, the sky is cloudless, and the blue sky looks like a huge gem, which makes people feel very comfortable when looking at it, but under such a beautiful sky, there are still ugly Things are happening.

Kajir lay under this beautiful sky. Although he felt that the sun was dazzling today, no matter how hard he tried, he still couldn't open his eyes. In fact, he also knew that even if he opened his eyes, he might not be able to open them. He couldn't see the scene outside clearly, because he hadn't eaten food for a long time, and his eyes were too hungry to see anything clearly.

The eyes could not see the situation outside, and it became very difficult to even move the hands and feet. The stomach no longer felt hungry, but a kind of extreme emptiness. The dried sweet potatoes that Kakir brought in had long been eaten. The clear soup provided has also been changed from time to time, sometimes once a day, sometimes only once every three or four days, and the beans and corn in it are moldy and have bugs, but even so, everyone will rush over to enjoy it to swallow.

Kagil couldn't remember how long he had been in the Governor's Mansion. He only knew that as time went by, the food in the Governor's Mansion became less and less. , As a result, it caused dissatisfaction among many people. This dissatisfaction gradually turned into anger over time. Later, on a certain night, hundreds of young people rioted. They snatched the soldiers' weapons and prepared to occupy Unfortunately, the granary of the Governor's Mansion was suppressed by several times the soldiers in the end, and all those who participated in the riot were killed.

After the riots, the upper echelons of the Governor's Mansion may also feel that they treated ordinary residents too harshly.So in a later period of time.Some additions were made to the food of Kagiel et al.A piece of black bread made with a lot of sawdust can be distributed every day. Although it is still not full, it is much better than the clear soup before.

But this kind of preferential treatment did not last long, because of a continuous heavy rain for half a month, water entered the grain storage warehouse, and a lot of grain was moldy and spoiled. It turned into those spoiled grains, and many people died of poisoning because of eating the spoiled grains.

For this approach of the upper echelons of the Governor's Mansion.It aroused the anger of many people again, so the riot happened again, and the result was the same as last time. Riot again, improvement again, forming a vicious circle, killing hundreds of ordinary Portuguese residents.After several rounds of massacres, there were less than a hundred people left.Moreover, they are all old, weak, sick and disabled, and they have no ability to resist at all.

Kagil also thought of resistance before, but he only thought of those who were massacred, but he finally retreated because he didn't want to die, his wife and children were still waiting for him to go back in Europe, and the family was still burdened with huge debts. Pay off, so he must not die, and it is precisely because of this belief that in previous riots, even if he was called a coward and a coward by others, he was unwilling to take risks, let alone such riots. He seemed to have no chance of success at all.

But now these are meaningless to Kagil, he is just praying to God with all his heart, hoping that the high-level officials of the Governor’s Mansion will see that they are also God’s people, and send out the next meal as soon as possible, for this He has been waiting for this food for a long time, even in order to eat a bite of food earlier, he has just dawned every day these days, as long as it does not rain, Kajir will struggle to crawl from the house to the place where the food is distributed, In this way, when the food is distributed, he can be the first to receive the food.

Maybe it was Kagil's prayer that really moved God. Just as he was lying on the slate floor panting heavily, he suddenly heard the sound of the iron gate in the distance. The closure, coupled with the subsequent riots, made the senior officials of the Governor's Mansion very wary of them, so an iron gate was installed at the exit, and the iron gate would only be opened when food was distributed or when there was death.

As the iron gate was opened, Kagil heard a messy and heavy footsteps, which made him ecstatic, because if someone died, only two would come in to collect the body, and there would be no such messy and heavy footsteps Sound, only when the food is distributed, so many people are needed because of the need to carry the food and maintain order.

It was also thinking of this, so when Kagil heard the footsteps of the approaching person, he suddenly stimulated the potential of his whole body, propped up his arms and sat up, and then opened his eyes wide to look in the direction of the approaching person, although his sight was still It was very vague because of being too hungry, but a large bucket carried by those people made Kajiel more excited, and he even smelled the aroma of food.

"Bah~" The people who carried the food put the wooden barrel heavily on the ground, and then a rude and familiar voice knocked on the wooden barrel with a spoon and shouted loudly: "Pigs, come and eat!"

Although he couldn't see clearly, Kagiel knew that the shouting person was named Jove, who used to be the cook of the Governor's Mansion, and now he was responsible for providing food for them. Jove was fat and ugly, and he was very rude. I like to call them pigs the most, and he is the one in charge of raising pigs.

Kakir was still angry at Jove's insulting words at the beginning, but he gradually got used to it, and even now, Kakir is still very happy when he hears Jove's voice , because he finally had something to eat, so he struggled to climb to the front of the barrel, picked up a wooden bowl and held it in his hand, while Joseph poured him a bowl of soup carelessly with a big spoon, and as a result Kagil climbed on the bowl and swallowed the soup in a few mouthfuls, before he even had time to taste the soup.

A bowl of hot soup entered his stomach, and Kagil immediately felt much better. Although he knew that this bowl of soup could not last for a long time, at least it was better than nothing, and it didn't take long before the food entered his stomach. , Kagil felt that his body had regained some strength, and his eyes could see more clearly. He felt that he should be able to hold on for a few more days.

Following Joseph's yell, everyone in the room crawled out one by one, struggled to come to Joseph to get their own food, and then swallowed it in big mouthfuls.And only then did Kagil realize that the soup that Yove gave him just now was a kind of soup mixed with moldy grains, worms, and even soil. Although this kind of thing used to be used to feed pigs, But Kakir felt it was very delicious, and even if possible, he would like to drink another bowl.

Today should be Cakir’s lucky day, because there has been no food distribution for a long time, so a group of these ordinary Portuguese residents starved to death, resulting in a lot of food made by Jove today, and they used this soup No one would drink it when he went back, so after giving out a round, he let those who wanted to drink it to fill it up. As a result, Kajir was the first to rush up, relying on his relatively strong body, and monopolized the whole place. He drank several big bowls in a row from the wooden barrel, until he couldn't hold it in his stomach, then he let go of the wooden barrel, fell to the side and panted heavily.

Seeing those people like Kajier grabbing the pig food he made like mad dogs, Yofu and the people behind him laughed. Although they usually don’t have enough to eat, they work in the kitchen and can always eat. Find an opportunity to steal some food, so in the entire Governor's Mansion, except for high-level people like Vasco da Gama, people like Jove have the best food.

It wasn't until the wooden bucket containing the soup was licked clean that there was no need to clean it at all, then Yove and the others laughed and packed up their things and prepared to leave. The remaining Kajier and the others were lying on their faces satisfied. The ground was motionless, although they just drank a full stomach of soup, but for them, it was the most full they had eaten in this period of time, and even Kajir felt a great sense of happiness, a few Filling his stomach for the first time in months made him suddenly want to cry.

Just when Kajier lay motionless on the ground and was about to take a good night's sleep, Yofu and the others beside him had already packed their things, turned around, talked and laughed, and walked towards the big iron gate.

However, just as Yue Fu and the others walked to the gate, there was suddenly a rush of gunfire outside, followed by four loud noises, the sound of someone shouting, and the sound of smashing objects, but more It was the sound of guns and screams, and the entire Governor's Mansion seemed to be plunged into the battlefield all of a sudden, and the originally quiet atmosphere completely disappeared.

Hearing the sound of guns and guns outside, Kajier and the others also got up from the ground at once, and then looked around in a daze, thinking in their hearts, did the Ming army from outside come in?

And those people who had already walked to the gate were startled, but they quickly realized that they all retreated, led by Joseph, and closed the big iron gate from the inside.The decision made by Yove and others can be said to be very correct, because the area where Kajier and others live is actually like a big prison. The surrounding high walls are very strong, and only the iron gate can lead to the outside. What, now they just need to guard the iron gate, then people outside can't do anything to them for the time being.

For the actions of the people of Yofu, Kajier and the others were all like logs without any reaction. In fact, they are not to blame. His spirit has been greatly damaged, and many people have committed suicide because of this before, but now the rest have become insensitive, and only in this way can they live until now. (to be continued..)

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