Smuggling Daming

Chapter 473 Revocation of the Governor's Mansion

Unreasonable laws are like chains that firmly lock up the giant dragon of Da Ming, while the corruption of officials is like a virus, eroding Da Ming's body bit by bit. The whole of Da Ming has been tortured by this sworn enemy before. He was about to die, but thanks to the arrival of Zhou Zhong, he regained a bit of vitality, but if he wanted to fully recover, he had to get rid of these two root causes, otherwise he would never let Da Ming jump out of the prosperity and decline. Strange circle.

Although Zhengde also agreed with Zhou Zhong's views, he didn't want to tie himself to the government, so he told Zhou Zhong that if he wanted to reform, he could do it himself, and he would give Zhou Zhong the corresponding power. As for himself Now that Zhengde has left the capital, the power of the entire Ming Dynasty has been temporarily handed over to Zhou Zhong. As for how he will use it , then it has nothing to do with Zhengde.

It's funny to say that Zhengde is the emperor of Daming, and the whole of Daming actually belongs to him, but Zhengde is a heartless guy. In his opinion, Daming's country is far less important than his own play and war, so although he understands I know that there are many problems in Daming's country, but I don't care about it at all. On the contrary, Zhou Zhong, the younger brother, cares about Daming very much. He didn't want to wait until decades later, when the whole of China fell into the hands of barbarians again.

In order to eliminate the ills of Ming Dynasty, apart from mastering the highest power of Ming Dynasty, the most important thing is to have a group of loyal subordinates. Therefore, the first thing Zhou Zhong did after he became the supervisor of the country was to promote Jiao Fang again to be a cabinet scholar. .Then Jiao Fang secretly reached an agreement with Wang Qiong.In this way.There are two people in the cabinet for him to drive, plus the officials Wang Qiong and Jiao Fang liaise with, this makes Zhou Zhong have a lot of power in the court.

At Jiao Fang's age, Zhou Zhong also worried that he would not be able to do the job. After all, the affairs of the cabinet are notoriously heavy. Jiao Fang is already in her 80s. up.But Jiao Fang assured Zhou Zhong with full confidence.Although he is old, he is full of energy, and he will never make mistakes due to his age.

Seeing Jiao Fang's eagerness to join the cabinet again, Zhou Zhong had no choice. After all, it was thanks to Jiao Fang's advice and advice by his side in the past few years. Jiao Fang entered the cabinet again.But Zhou Zhong didn't put all his bets on Jiao Fang's guarantee, he had already given orders to Wang Shouren and Zhang Cai of Nanyang to arrange the affairs of the Governor's Mansion of the World.Immediately rush to the capital, and there will be new appointments for them.

Speaking of which, since Ming's navy defeated the invading Portuguese fleet.The entire coast of India also fell into the hands of Daming. Although the Portuguese still occupied the east coast of Africa, they were powerless to compete with Ming's navy. In this regard, Portugal is hundreds of times behind Daming, not to mention that Ming's territory is incomparably vast, and small Portugal is not as large as a chief envoy in Daming.

It is precisely because of the above that Zhou Zhong knows that in the next time, Ming's navy should not be threatened too much. Even if the Kingdom of Portugal can send a navy to the Indian Ocean again, I am afraid that they will not dare to fight against Ming. After all, with the national strength of the Portuguese, the two fleets organized before were all wiped out. If they wanted to organize a stronger fleet, they could not support it with their national strength.

Now that there is no threat at sea for the time being, there is no need for big talents like Wang Shouren and Zhang Cai to stare at the Governor's Mansion of the Four Seas. Among them, Wang Shouren is Zhou Zhong's default cabinet scholar. He also understands his own ambition best. With him in the cabinet, Zhou Zhong's reforms can be carried out smoothly.As for Zhang Cai, this person's talent is still higher than Wang Shouren, but unfortunately he is a complete villain. Zhou Zhong is very worried about putting him in the Governor's Mansion of the Four Seas. He was supervised by Wang Shouren in the past. Now that Wang Shouren is going to be transferred back , then Zhang Cai can no longer stay overseas, and he is more at ease in front of himself.

As for who will take over the Governor's Mansion of the Four Seas after Wang Shouren leaves, Zhou Zhong is also very worried about it. After all, there are many maritime affairs, and it is related to the financial lifeline of Ming Dynasty. In addition, the Governor's Mansion commands three major fleets. There is money and someone else, if it is handed over to a wolfish and ambitious person, there may be civil strife in Ming Dynasty, so a loyal person must be chosen, but loyalty alone is not enough, if you want to be qualified for the position of governor, you must have merit human talent.

There are many loyal people, and there are also many people who are qualified for the position of governor, but it is not easy to find people who have both, especially Zhou Zhong. He still needs to obey his command, which is also his little selfishness. After all, the Governor's Mansion is his foundation and the foundation of his own foothold. He doesn't want to make wedding dresses for others for nothing.

In order to find a suitable candidate for the governor, Zhou Zhong thought hard for several days. Finally, he suddenly slapped his head and scolded himself for being confused. Nanyang, after several years of development, there are already a large number of Han people living there, and Ming Dynasty's rule there has also tended to be stable. In this way, there is no need for a governor to take charge of it, but it can be directly classified as In the official territory of the Ming Dynasty, a chief envoy was set up to manage government affairs. As for the navy, it was directly under the command of the royal family and received the same treatment as the imperial army.

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhong was also shocked. The governor was originally a temporary position, mainly to manage those remote border areas, where various emergencies often occur, so there must be a minister in charge of military affairs. Now that the rule of Nanyang has stabilized, it is time to abolish the post of Governor of the Four Seas.

Zhou Zhong, as the supervisor of the country, as long as he does not rebel, he will handle all government affairs, so at the court meeting two days later, Zhou Zhong formally proposed the idea of ​​abolishing the Governor's Mansion of the World.In fact, the cabinet has some complaints about the post of the governor of the four seas, which is a military and political position. After all, this position has money and soldiers. If you directly raise it, it is likely to cause Zhou Zhong's dissatisfaction, and with Zhou Zhong's current power, no one will easily offend him except those who have no brains.

But it's different now. Zhou Zhong offered to revoke the post of Governor of the Four Seas, which was in line with the cabinet's intentions, so Yang Ting and those people agreed without even thinking about it, and they might be afraid that Zhou Zhong would go back on his word. This matter is very concerned. In just a few months, the places under the administration of the Governor-General of the World were divided into several chief ministers, namely Taiwan, Jinzhou, Java, Borneo, and Malay. , although the number of people under these chief envoys is not large, they are extremely rich in products, especially spices and precious wood, which are very tight commodities in Ming Dynasty, so when it comes to per capita wealth, these overseas cloth The Political Envoy Division is always at the forefront in Ming Dynasty.

While Zhou Zhong was busy dividing the chief envoy overseas, Wang Shouren and Zhang Cai finally came to the capital. Zhou Zhong also attached great importance to these two subordinates who he was able to use very well. For military affairs, Zhou Zhong was promoted to be the left servant of the Ministry of War and Wang Qiong's deputy. As for Zhang Cai, when Liu Jin took power, he had already achieved the post of Minister of the Ministry of Officials, but now the Minister of the Ministry of Officials is Yang Yiqing. Zhou Zhong also respects Yang Yiqing, who is capable of writing and martial arts, and is actively trying to get him to join his camp, so it is impossible for Zhang Cai to be his official secretary, and his current name is not Zhang Cai. , but called Zhang Yu, so he could only use Zhang Yu's name in the end, and became Zuo Shilang like Wang Shouren, but he still worked in the Ministry of Officials. After all, Zhang Cai was more familiar with the Ministry of Officials than anyone else.

Wang Shouren and Zhang Cai are two completely different people. This can be seen from their performance after entering Beijing. For example, after Zhang Cai returned to the capital again, he immediately called on Zhou Zhong, and not only brought many valuable gifts , At the same time, he also said in and out of the words that he would follow His Royal Highness Zhao Wang's lead in everything, and even said nakedly that since Zhou Zhongjian supervised the country, the atmosphere of Ming Dynasty has changed, and the people all over the world have called Zhao Wang Yingming, Save the people from the fire and water.

Regarding Zhang Cai's words of showing loyalty or instigating Zhou Zhong to usurp the throne, Zhou Zhong simply regarded him as farting, and even scolded Zhang Cai sharply, telling him to keep his mouth shut, but Zhang Cai laughed at this. It seems that he thinks that Zhou Zhong scolding him is just for show, so as not to spread it in the future, which will bring bad reputation to him.

Zhou Zhong had expected the behavior of a villain like Zhang Cai. In contrast, Wang Shouren's performance made Zhou Zhong feel more at ease, because the other party came to Zhao Wang's mansion as soon as he entered Beijing, and then directly asked Zhou Zhong to become a prisoner. Zhou Zhong did not hide his plans for the empress, he directly pointed out the corruption and unbearableness of Daming's prosperity. Since he has become the supervisor of Daming, he will not let this situation go on. Daming should change when he arrives. It's time.

After listening to Zhou Zhong's thoughts, Wang Shouren immediately stood up and bowed to salute, and then solemnly stated that as long as Zhou Zhong has the determination to reform, then even if he is accused by thousands of people, he will firmly support Zhou Zhong to go on! (To be continued..)

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