Smuggling Daming

Chapter 485 Zhou Zhong's Gift

This day, Zhengde still let Jiang Bin accompany him to fight for a long time in the martial arts arena as usual. Now he is not defeated by Jiang Bin as easily as before, and sometimes he can even knock Jiang Bin off his horse. It can be said that he has made rapid progress .This is also in response to the sentence, God is always fair, Zhengde can't be an emperor, and he can't give birth, but he has superhuman physical fitness. It is estimated that the legendary martial arts wizard refers to him. .

In the afternoon, Zhengde and Jiang Bin fought inextricably again. In the end, both of them were a bit exhausted, so the round was considered a tie. Then the two returned to the sidelines. Gu Dayong had already prepared towels for them. And sugar water, both of them were sweating all over, they wiped it carelessly, then took the sugar water and drank it.

Just as Zhengde finished drinking the sugar water to replenish his strength, Gu Dayong suddenly came up to report: "Your Majesty, His Royal Highness Zhao Wang sent someone from the capital to ask to see His Majesty. I wonder when His Majesty will summon you?"

Zhu Houzhao was waiting for Zhou Zhong's reply to him, when he heard Gu Dayong's report, he immediately put down his water glass and said, "What are you waiting for, hurry up and let the second brother's people go to Zhen Guogong's mansion, I will go back soon!"

"Here!" Gu Dayong agreed, and immediately turned around to inform the people sent by Zhou Zhong, and Zhengde no longer competed with Jiang Bin, got on his horse and rushed to the Zhen Guogong's mansion.

When Zhengde came to Zhen Guo Gong's mansion, he saw a row of vehicles parked in front of the mansion, which seemed to be sent by Zhou Zhong, which warmed Zhengde's heart. When he entered the living room of the mansion, this Seeing a long, dark and ugly guy standing there, when Zhengde came in, he immediately knelt down and saluted: "The manager of Zhao Wang's mansion, Fugui, pays homage to His Majesty!"

Seeing this rich man with such a strange appearance in front of him, Zhengde also smiled and said: "Pingshen, what did your lord ask you to send me?"

"Hey, please tell your majesty, the prince is worried that your majesty is not used to being in the Xuanfu, so he asked the villain to bring some food to your majesty, and there are also some very special gifts. I specially told the villain to give it to His Majesty in person, according to the prince, these are what His Majesty needs urgently!" Fugui stood up and replied with a smile, he used to be an old man in Zhou's mansion, and later became Zhou Zhong's confidant.These years, I followed Zhou Zhong here and there. Originally, Zhou Zhong wanted Fugui to be released as an official, but Fugui insisted on refusing, so I have been working in Zhou Zhong's mansion these years, and I have met Zhengde many times, so this time Seeing Zhengde for the first time didn't seem too restrained.

"What kind of presents are they? Present them here for me to see!" Zhengde didn't care too much about food, when he heard that Zhou Zhong had sent some special gifts, he immediately said impatiently, he wouldn't Think Zhou Zhong will only send someone to give himself a gift.Among them must be the answer to the establishment of cavalry.

Fu Gui promised, and immediately asked someone to bring up several gifts from Zhou Zhong. After a while, a few servants outside brought up several trays, which were still covered with red cloth.It made it difficult for people to see what these people were carrying, which made Zhengde even more impatient, and he wanted to remove the red cloth on the tray as he walked forward.

"Wait a minute, Your Majesty, these things are quite special, and need to be explained to Your Majesty by a villain!" Fugui suddenly stopped.

Zhengde was also taken aback when he heard this, he stopped smiling and said, "Second brother is really interesting, the gifts you give are so ingenious. Well, let me explain to you what these gifts are!"

Fugui responded, walked up to the first servant, reached out to take down the red cloth on the tray, and Zhengde saw that there was actually a piece of clothing on the tray.There is nothing special about the style, but the fabric seems to be very thick, and it is estimated that it can only be worn in spring and autumn, but it is not summer yet, why did my second brother give me such a thick dress?

Think here.Zhengde looked at Fugui suspiciously, but Fugui smiled and said: "Your Majesty, don't underestimate this dress, you will find it is different when you hold it in your hand!"

When Zhengde heard Fugui's words, he immediately asked Gu Dayong to bring the clothes. When Gu Dayong came to pick up the clothes, he couldn't help showing surprise on his face, and immediately brought them to Zhengde. After touching it, I immediately noticed the difference in this dress, because the fabric of this dress is not silk or cotton, and the fabric is also very thick and warm, and it feels very comfortable to the touch.

"What kind of clothes are these clothes made of? Could it be that the second brother shipped the fabric from overseas?" Zhengde was also very surprised. Because of the relationship with the sea trade, Zhou Zhong sent a batch of overseas strange clothes to Zhengde every year. Among the rare treasures are some strange fabrics or animal skins, so when Zhengde saw this strange dress, the first thing he thought of was overseas.

But Fugui smiled and bowed and replied: "Your Majesty, this is not the fabric imported from overseas, but the fabric produced by our Ming Dynasty itself, and the raw material for making this fabric is discarded by most herdsmen on the grassland. wool!"

"Wool! You said this is a fabric made of wool?" Not only Zhengde couldn't believe it, but even Gu Dayong next to him stared wide-eyed.It has been a long time since they came to Xuanfu. The grassland is not far to the north of Xuanfu. You can often see shepherds on the grassland. These shepherds mainly raise sheep, and the wool on the sheep is nothing to them. It is very useful, at most, to make some felts, but these felts are thick and hard, and can only be used to make tents or carpets. It is impossible to be as soft and elastic as the clothes in Zhengde's hands.

"Your Majesty, there is no need to doubt that the fabric of this dress is indeed made of wool. Presumably Your Majesty also knows that our Daming's cotton cloth is very popular overseas, but Daming's cotton production has not been able to increase, so the cotton production has also been affected. Therefore, my prince proposed the idea of ​​using wool to make fabrics. Finally, through the joint efforts of our Ming craftsmen and European craftsmen, we treated the wool with a special method to make it very soft, and then spun yarn with this wool. Cloth, and finally formed the clothes in the hands of His Majesty." Fugui is the steward of Zhao Wangfu, and he is mainly responsible for some industries outside the Wangfu. Among them, the wool textile industry is a new industry that he is responsible for supervising, so he is responsible for this. The thing is very clear.

"So, the second brother really knows people, and he can even use wool. Although this is just a small piece of clothing, when the entire industry is developed in the future, it will definitely provide a lot of tax revenue for my Daming! After all, Zhengde is an emperor, and he has been nurtured by Zhou Zhong, so he can see the huge benefits behind this dress at a glance.

But soon Zhengde was a little puzzled, because in his opinion, although this dress can bring a lot of tax revenue to Daming, it has nothing to do with his establishment of cavalry. Taxes to build Raiders for yourself?

Regarding Zhengde's doubts, Fugui did not rush to explain, but came to the second tray and reached out to remove the red cloth on it. As a result, what appeared in front of Zhengde this time was a glass bottle. It was a rare object, but after Zhou Zhong got the technology of firing glass, Daming's glass products began to flood. Now the price of glass has fallen to the bottom, and a glass bottle can be bought for two yuan.

But this glass bottle is obviously different, because there is something in the bottle, which looks oily like meat, and the mouth of the bottle is tightly plugged with a cork. Apart from that, there is nothing special about it, Zhengde watched for a long time, and finally looked at Fugui in a daze.

Only Fugui smiled and said: "Your Majesty, this thing is called canned food, and it was made by my prince. The function of this kind of canned food is to keep food from going bad for a long time. Made it four months ago, with dated sealant on it, and the lamb in it hasn't gone bad until now!"

Fugui said that he took the can, and used a special tool to remove the cork on the top, then took out a piece of meat from inside and ate it, and it was still delicious, it seemed that the meat in the can was still very delicious.

Zhengde also wanted to taste it, but was stopped by Gu Dayong, and then a little eunuch next to him tasted it, and after finding it was all right, Gu Dayong ate another piece himself, and found that it was indeed not spoiled, and then let him eat it. Zhengde tasted it, and Zhengde found that it was indeed as Fugui said, although the mutton inside was cold, it was very delicious and did not deteriorate at all.

"Sure enough, it's a good thing. With this can, the beef and mutton on the grassland can be transported to the country for sale very conveniently. Huh..." Zhengde suddenly seemed to understand something when he said this.The second younger brother first sent him clothes made of wool, and then canned food that was convenient for storing food. There seemed to be some key point in this, but if you think about it carefully, you can't grasp it.

But Fugui still didn't explain at this time, and then walked to the third tray, and then took the red cloth on it, but the things on it surprised Zhengde even more, because there was a stone and a small bowl on the tray, and there was a stone in the bowl. There is a pile of gray powder, it looks like flour, but it tastes very strong, I don't know what it is?

"Please look, Your Majesty, this thing is called cement. Although it looks like two things now, they are actually cement. After adding water to this powdery cement, it will quickly condense into the stone-like cement next to it, and the condensed Cement not only looks like stone, but also has less texture than stone. It is not afraid of flooding and fire. It can be used to build roads and forts. In addition, the cost of cement is not high. Given the national strength of Ming Dynasty, it can be fired on a large scale! "Fugui smiled again and said, if you offer these three things, His Majesty must know what the prince means. If your majesty agrees with the prince's opinion, then you can present the last thing to your majesty.

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