Smuggling Daming

Chapter 512 Fierce Battle

"The artillery concentrates on the opponent's cavalry. The musketeers on the two wings pay attention to defense. Don't let the opponent's cavalry break through the camp. The throwers of the servant army are ready. When the opponent's cavalry rushes close, use grenades to break the formation of the opponent's cavalry. !" When the two armies were facing each other, military orders were issued from Li Anliang's mouth, and the herald next to him was also very busy, not only to convey Li Anliang's orders as soon as possible, but also to ensure that there would be no mistakes, otherwise it might cause serious damage. A war lost.

The three guards of Jianzhou joined forces. Although the left guard of Jianzhou was beaten and disabled, the other two guards still maintained a complete force. There are more than 3 people together. Thousands of people, the three guards together organized a force of nearly [-]. Although their strength was still a bit behind that of Li Anliang's army, the gap had been narrowed by a lot.

The Jurchens mainly live on hunting. The so-called hunting is actually more primitive than nomadic. Literally, it can be understood as hunting around in order to obtain food. When the prey in a certain place is almost eaten, they will migrate to another place. a place.However, although this way of life is primitive, it has created the Jurchens' strong body and extraordinary hunting skills, so as long as they are adult Jurchens men, they are excellent fighters, and the Jurchens also like to hunt on horseback. Kung Fu is no worse than the Mongols, and they also have no shortage of war horses, so when fighting in the wild, the Jurchens mainly use cavalry.

It was precisely because of this that at the beginning of the battle between Li Anliang and the three guards of Jianzhou, he encountered a cavalry raid by the three guards of Jianzhou. Fortunately, Li Anliang had inquired about the situation of the Jurchens beforehand.Before starting the war, he had already imagined the various situations he faced.So when facing the Jurchen cavalry raid.But he arranged it in an orderly manner.

Although the Jurchen cavalry were formidable, they had no experience in large-scale battles with the Ming army. In the past, when they went south to plunder, they usually acted like robbers. The Ming army chased after them and ate them, and when there was a hole in the Ming army's defense, they would immediately kill them.After looting, they will go back after getting enough food and money, and they will definitely not confront Da Ming's army head-on.

It is precisely because of the above reasons that even though the Jurchen cavalry are tough, they have no experience in fighting against the Ming army, especially in dealing with artillery. At that time, the Jurchens on the horse were better, but the war horses under them were terribly frightened.After all, the fear of loud noises is an animal instinct, and even some war horses were frightened on the spot.He didn't listen to the control at all, but ran around.

Although Fuman had also fought with Li Anliang's army for two days before, it was mainly a city defense battle, and no Jurchen cavalry was dispatched, so he did not expect such a situation to happen. In contrast, the leaders of the other two guards Even more at a loss.

Seeing that the effect of the artillery was far beyond his expectations, Li Anliang seized the opportunity and immediately sent a musketeer to charge, disrupting the formation of the Jurchen cavalry rushing in the front, and the Japanese throwers behind also began to move forward. Using grenades to disrupt the Jurchen cavalry again, it was the Japanese army who launched a counter-charge against the cavalry. Although charging the cavalry with infantry would suffer some losses and even bring unplanned casualties, Li Anliang didn't care about the Japanese casualties at all. It seems that as long as the Jurchens can be defeated, it is worthwhile to wipe out all the [-] servants.

Daming and Jurchen combined nearly 10 people gathered on this small plain to fight desperately. The battle situation on the battlefield was extremely tragic, and people were killed in the first second. Red-eyed, the short Japanese would even get under the horse's belly, hurt the horse first and then kill the enemy. Although this may cause serious injury or even death, no one cares at this time.

Li Anliang stood at the back of the battlefield with a grim face. He didn't care about the casualties of the Japanese slave army at all. After all, the purpose of this army's training was for this day. As long as this Jurchen army is defeated, the entire Jianzhou Jurchen will no longer have any defensive power. At that time, the other party will be like a naked woman. What do I want to do? Retaliation is fine, and even the court will not interfere in any way, because this is one of the conditions for him to dedicate North Korea to the court.

"General, the Jurchen's morale is very high, and they dare to fight hard. If we continue to fight head-on like this, I'm afraid it will cause us a lot of casualties!" At this moment, Xu Cheng who was next to him suddenly said, although most of the people who died on the battlefield It's a servant army, but in Xu Cheng's view, this Japanese servant army has a good combat power, and it would be uneconomical to lose it to the Jurchens like this.

"General Xu doesn't have to worry about the servant army. The purpose of this army is for this moment, and the Japanese country should not maintain a strong army. Even if this army is in our hands now, it is not safe. So this war against the Jurchens will not only eliminate most of the Jurchens, but also consume this army of servants." Li Anliang said softly while looking at the cruel battlefield in front of him.

Xu Cheng couldn't help shivering when he heard Li Anliang's words. At first he thought that his heart was as hard as a stone after going through the experience of the battlefield, but he didn't expect Li Anliang to be more cruel than himself. He brought it out with one hand, but he didn't expect that the other party had planned to let this army die in Liaodong from the very beginning. This kind of behavior can no longer be described with a heart of stone. Xu Cheng even felt that he was standing beside Li Anliang. , can not help but feel a little cold.

Li Anliang also noticed Xu Cheng's expression, but he didn't explain, but smiled and said: "In addition, General Xu doesn't have to worry that we will consume too much in the battle with the Jianzhou Jurchen, as long as we can destroy Jianzhou Zhou Jurchen, several state capitals in North Korea will also send troops at the same time to attack the wild Jurchen with us. As for the Haixi Jurchen, His Majesty intends to let the Duoyan Sanwei after the surrender, especially Funingwei, although they have not yet Surrender, but not far away."

"The last general understands!" Although Xu Cheng has a bright future, the real commander in charge of the Jurchen army is still Li Anliang. There are many military arrangements for the sake of confidentiality, and only Li Anliang knows about them. , Now the other party told him about the next military deployment, on the one hand to reassure him, and on the other hand to let him think about the next military action.

Li Anliang's [-] Japanese servants plus [-] Ming regular troops met the combined [-] Jianzhou Sanwei Jurchen cavalry, and then fought on this small plain for several days. The battle was tragic from the very beginning. Incomparably, there are corpses everywhere on the battlefield. Among them, those who wear leather jackets and have bare heads, as long as there is a piece of hair on the back of their heads braided are Jurchens, and those who are short in stature are servants who wear simple leather armor. There are some corpses of the regular army of Ming Dynasty, but the number is not many.

A few days later, both sides with heavy casualties were exhausted. Now the Jurchens and the Ming army are like giant beasts that have been fighting for many days. Although they are covered with scars, they refuse to retreat. Endurance and tolerance to pain, the war will end only if one side cannot bear the casualties and retreats.

In this way, it was another few days of fierce fighting. Almost everyone in Li Anliang's army was injured. Among them, more than 1 servants were killed in battle, and the injuries were extremely serious. Thousands of people who were almost impossible to survive, even Da Ming The regular army also killed more than 1000 or [-] people. As for the Jurchens on the other side, although there is no exact statistics, Li Anliang estimates that the casualties on the other side will definitely not be reduced by them, and there may even be more. There are many doctors who can treat the wounded in time, but the Jurchens don't have such good medical conditions.

The Jurchens had more than 2 casualties. This is simply a miracle. You must know that they only had 4 people in total, and their death rate has reached [-]%. Although this is the cumulative number of casualties in a few days, it is still very That's amazing. After all, for an ordinary army, as long as there are more than [-] casualties in the army, then generally speaking, the army will either collapse or surrender directly, but the Jurchens rely on their determination to defend their homeland and the sharpening of the mountains. The tenacious character that came out survived such a large casualty.

Of course, the Japanese servant army also performed well, but they are not ordinary troops. At the beginning of the establishment of this army, Li Anliang had instilled a belief in them, that is, after they joined the servant army, their entire lives would be It no longer belongs to individuals, but belongs to the Ming Empire, and as long as they die in battle, their families will receive the best care in the Wa Kingdom, and their future descendants will also become the new nobles of the Wa Kingdom, so instead of being afraid of death, they are still Some expect death to bring them honor and a happy life for their families.

The two armies each had their own beliefs and had enough reasons to fight, so the fight on the battlefield became more and more tragic. However, the Jurchen side was at a disadvantage after all, and their equipment and supplies were also very poor, especially after After so many days of fighting, their supplies couldn't keep up, and their physical strength naturally dropped quickly. On the other hand, Daming's side brought enough supplies, so the situation on the battlefield slowly began to favor Daming's side. Outside the sky, the next team recharged their batteries and prepared to deal a fatal blow to the Jurchens at the right time. (To be continued..)

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