Smuggling Daming

Chapter 527 Grassland Raiders Begin

Considering that the situation in Liaodong has been stabilized, although the Jurchens still have some remnants, they can only linger in the deep mountains and old forests, and it is difficult to form a climate. In addition, the Mongolian tribes such as Duoyan Sanwei also surrendered one after another and became the people under the rule of Ming Dynasty. In a few years, these Mongols will be assimilated by Ming Dynasty, and they will no longer be as fierce as before.

After Liaodong was pacified, Daming immediately started its grassland strategy non-stop. Previously, merchants in Daming had already benefited those tribes who were closer to Daming by purchasing grassland commodities such as wool and meat, especially when winter came. They can exchange more food from the merchants of Ming Dynasty. With this food, they no longer have to worry about the problem of insufficient food in winter, and even the food in spring has been solved.

It was also because of this foundation that the cement road construction team of the Ming Dynasty also began to enter the grassland. According to the previous plan, the construction of the cement road started from two directions. The first direction was Xuanfu, and this cement road slanted to the northwest. Moving forward, the second direction is to start westward from Yuyuerhai in the west of Funingwei, Liaodong, and the last two cement roads will meet at the Kent Khan Mountain, the center of Tatar rule.

Kent Khan Mountain is rich in water and grass, and it is also the core of the rule of the little Tatar prince. His most loyal tribes live there. In fact, it is the Ulaanbaatar area of ​​later generations. There, but it doesn't matter, anyway, Daming has already made preparations for war. The two road construction teams are surrounded by large armies to protect them, and a strong fortress will be built every hundred miles, although the fortress is not big.But it is still very comfortable to live in a centurion.In the future, these fortresses will be the basis for Ming Dynasty to rule the grassland.

Regarding Daming's move to build roads in the grassland.The little Tatar prince was also terrified, especially when he learned that Daming used a special material to make the roads built without flooding, no matter how bad the weather was, it could also ensure the smooth flow of the roads. , Daming began to actively trade with the grassland, which made the little Tatar prince quickly guess Daming's intentions.The other party intends to use the method of cannibalism to completely control the Mongolian grassland.

Knowing Da Ming's actions, the little Tatar prince wanted to fight back immediately, but this was the busiest season of spring, and it was impossible for him to force the tribes to send troops, and the only ones he could use were the elite directly under him, but these There are not many cavalry, so it is impossible to have too much influence on Daming.

Seeing this situation, the little Tatar prince was also very helpless, he could only hold back his anger and wait slowly.In fact, this is a competition between two civilizations.Daming is in the stage of transformation from agricultural civilization to industrial civilization, and its own level is relatively high.A professional army can be supported, but the Mongols are at a lower level of nomadic civilization. There is no professional army in the country. Although all adult men are qualified fighters, they also have to bear the burden of food production.

So in a certain period of time, the military strength of nomadic civilizations like Mongolia is actually quite weak, unless they forcefully send troops in the danger of starvation next year, but such an order, let alone the little Tatar prince dare not issue it, even if If he issued such an order, I am afraid that not many tribes will obey it honestly. After all, they are just a loose tribal alliance. If the order of the little tartar prince conflicts with the interests of each tribe, then other tribes have the right to reject his order.

It is precisely because of the tribal alliance situation within Tatar that the little Tatar prince not only cannot force other tribes to send troops, but he also cannot prohibit other tribes from trading with Ming's caravans, because such trades will give the grassland tribes Bringing life-saving food and all kinds of necessary daily necessities, if he forbids trading, I am afraid that it will immediately attract dissatisfaction from all the tribes, and he may not be able to sit in his position by then.

In this way, several months passed with great difficulty, and the busy grassland finally calmed down slowly. At this time, the little Tatar prince issued an order to gather the leaders of various tribes and organize an army of [-]. This time he did not choose to go south. Go down to the Xuanfu, but set the target at the Ming army in the Yuerhai area, which is closer to the core area of ​​Tatar and poses a greater threat to them. In addition, the Ming has just conquered the Mongolian tribes in Liaodong, and the rule is certain It is not as stable as Xuanfu, and it is easier to conquer.

However, the little Tatar prince made a wrong calculation this time, because the army guarding the fishing sea was the [-] fire dragon cavalry led by Zhengde himself. up.

In fact, the staff officers around Zhengde have already made two-handed preparations this time. No matter which direction the little Tatar prince chooses to attack, Daming has corresponding countermeasures. , although this cavalry has just been established, its equipment is far better than other armies. For example, each cavalry carries ten grenades. After charging, they can easily break through the opponent's formation.

If the little Tatar prince did not attack Yuyuerhai, but chose to go south to the Xuan Mansion, the Xuan Mansion would also have a large army waiting for it, and the little Tatar Prince would definitely be beaten to the bone. After the prince went south, Zhengde would lead the Fire Dragon Riders into the hinterland of the grassland and directly attack the Tatar rear. At that time, the little Tatar prince would have no choice but to retreat. After all, their population was small. If there is a massacre, I am afraid that they will not be able to recover in decades.

This time the little Tatar prince chose to fish in the sea, which made Zhengde a little disappointed. He has always admired Huo Qubing's achievements, and dreamed that one day he could lead the cavalry into the grasslands, and eat the meat of the barbarians with ambition. Thirsty to drink the blood of the Huns, such ambition and pride, is the true nature of a man, but it is a pity that the little prince of Tatar did not give him this opportunity.

However, although he was a little disappointed, Zhengde soon became excited at the thought of being able to fight against the little Tatar prince on the battlefield again. His main purpose of forming the Fire Dragon Rider was to defeat the cavalry of the Little Tartar Prince. It's not long, but it has an advantage in terms of numbers, and Zhengde himself is no longer the former Zhengde, so this time he has absolute confidence to defeat the little Tatar prince.

Zhou Zhong, who is far away in the capital, is not worried about the upcoming war on the grassland. The current Tatar is no longer the Tatar it was a few years ago. The psychological advantage over Daming has disappeared, but the morale of the Ming army has soared. In the past, many troops were afraid of the Mongolian cavalry, but now they have become more daring. Generous reasons.

The Mongols have no psychological advantage over the Ming Dynasty. Although the cavalry is still strong, the Ming Dynasty has also made many reforms to the military in recent years. For example, the equipment in the army is also about to be replaced, especially the application of muskets and artillery. It made the Ming army even more powerful, and the internal system of the army is also slowly changing. This is mainly because the students who graduated from the military academy have gradually controlled the middle and lower ranks of the army, and even some outstanding generals have entered the ranks of the high-level generals. , these students who graduated from the military academy have the same philosophy, the education they receive is completely different from the old-fashioned army, so from the first day they enter the army, they have to slowly change the army under their command, such as the previous empty-paid The phenomenon has slowly disappeared in the military, because there are resistance from military cadets below and strict investigations from the Ministry of War above, no one dares to risk their lives to reap such little benefits.

In addition, the most important point is that Zhou Zhong is gradually abolishing the household registration system. The first to bear the brunt is the military households. In the future, the army of Ming Dynasty will recruit soldiers instead of letting military households serve as soldiers for generations. Zhou Zhong has already eliminated them. The old and weak in the army will then recruit the strong to join the army. Of course, if the military households are willing to join the army, they will give priority to care.

It is also the reform of the software and hardware of the army that greatly increased the combat effectiveness of the Ming army, especially the frontier army of the Ming Dynasty. It is no longer the weak army that dared to stick to the city. None of the Tatar cavalry would be an opponent of Ming. As long as Da Ming could maintain this advantage, the Tatars would be equivalent to grasshoppers after autumn, and they would not be able to survive for a few days.

Zhou Zhong is very confident in his hard work in the past few years, and he also assigned Jin Yiwei and Dongchang's spies to the grassland to check every move of the entire grassland. The outcome of this war could have been predicted long ago, so he was not in a hurry.

However, although he doesn't care much about the situation on the Mongolian grassland, he now has a troublesome matter in his hands. This matter is not big, but the impact is not small, because this matter is about the Ottoman prince Murad, This kid who has just passed his 11th birthday is more mature than his peers, and he has his own purpose in everything he does. Although Zhou Zhong doesn't take seriously the cruel succession system of the Ottoman Empire, he has to admire Selim It is true that successors will be cultivated, whether it is that Suleiman or this Murad, as long as they are allowed to sit on the throne of sultan, they will make a difference in the future.

Originally, Murad had been studying there honestly in Jiao Huangzhong, and I heard that he was very fond of Jiao Huangzhong, but just a few days ago, he suddenly made a very unexpected request to Jiao Huangzhong, which made Jiao Huangzhong very embarrassed. , I even felt that I couldn't make the decision, so I asked Zhou Zhong for instructions, but now it was Zhou Zhong who had a headache. (To be continued..)

ps: Sorry, there are some things today, the update is a little late, and this book is coming to an end, and Lao Yu will have a single chapter to explain it later.

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