Smuggling Daming

Chapter 531 The end of the farce

Zhu Chenhao assembled an army of tens of thousands, claiming to send [-] soldiers to Nanjing, and the vanguard troops will soon arrive at Anqing. As long as Anqing is captured, Nanjing will be safe and secure, and it is very likely that Zhu Chenhao will capture it in one fell swoop. It is one of the capitals of the Ming Dynasty, and it was also the land of Longxing, the ancestor of the Taizu. If it is occupied by Zhu Chenhao, it will have a great impact on the morale of the army and the people of the Ming Dynasty.

At this dangerous moment, Nanjing hastily issued distress messages to various places, especially Ningbo and Songjiang. Songjiang Mansion was the original seat of the Governor's Mansion. There, in addition, Shanghai New Town is also developing extremely rapidly. In order to ensure the safety there, an elite army of tens of thousands of people is stationed in Songjiang. In addition, Songjiang is not far from Nanjing, so it is the most suitable target for help.

As for Ningbo, it is also related to the Governor's Mansion of the Four Seas. Shuangyu Port has been classified as a port area with Ningbo Port, forming the largest port along the coast of Daming. There are also many troops stationed there, and the new prefect of Ningbo, Wu Wending, is a Jinshi. Not only is he proficient in bow and horse, he is familiar with military books, but he also attaches great importance to martial arts. He is one of the few civil servants with both civil and military skills. Therefore, as long as Ningbo and Songjiang are willing to send troops, King Ning will not be worried.

After receiving the emergency document from Nanjing, the officials of Songjiang and Ningbo did not dare to neglect it. After all, this is not an ordinary matter, but the rebellion of the vassal king. If someone dares to delay at this time, I am afraid that they will be detained in the future This is a crime of genocide, so Songjiang and Ningbo immediately dispatched troops.

Among them, Songjiang Prefecture is the closest to Nanjing.So the local garrison immediately rushed to Anqing to assist in the defense. With the addition of [-] elite soldiers, and Anqing being a fortified city, the bandits and thieves gathered by King Ning may all die under the city of Anqing. It is difficult to break this fortified city.

Wu Wending is both civil and military. After he received the emergency document from Nanjing, he also expected that the troops from Songjiang would definitely rush to Anqing, and he would definitely be able to guarantee that Nanjing would be worry-free.And if he also rushed to Nanjing with the army, on the one hand, the journey would be far away, on the other hand, he would not be of much help. Even if he and the army of Songjiang Mansion were not under each other's control, there might be some conflicts.

It is precisely because of these considerations that Wu Wending finally decided not to go to Nanjing.Instead, lead the army to the west, all the way to Nanchang, the old nest of King Ning, because Zhu Chenhao took most of his troops away to attack Nanjing, so Nanchang's troops are quite weak. Zhu Chenhao will deal a huge blow.Maybe even force the other side to come back for help, if he ambushes on the way.It can definitely defeat the opponent.

Wu Wending sent troops to Nanchang, and spread the news that he was going to attack Nanchang in a very high-profile way. As a result, when they arrived in Nanchang, Zhu Chenhao, who was already besieging Anqing, also received the news. This surprised him, and he was about to abandon Anqing immediately. Back to aid Nanchang.

But King Ning's move violated the taboo of military strategists, since the soldiers were dispatched.If they return without success, it will definitely deal a serious blow to morale.In addition, they are rebelling again. If they fail to capture one or two important towns of Daming at the beginning, the morale will definitely drop further. Therefore, Li Shishi and Liu Yangzheng beside King Ning are trying their best to dissuade King Ning and tell them His morale was undeniable, if he withdrew his troops at this time, not only would he not be able to save Nanchang, but he would also exhaust the army. If Daming were to ambush them halfway, they would die without a place to bury them.

It's a pity that Zhu Chenhao is not his ancestor Zhu Quan. Although he is good at stratagem, he knows nothing about leading troops, let alone the decision of a commander, so he doesn't listen to the dissuasion of his advisers at all, and finally insists on leading the army back to Nanchang. It also caused the siege of Anqing to be resolved immediately.

Zhu Chenhao did not listen to dissuasion, and planted the seeds of disaster for his defeat. When his army was still halfway, he had already received the news of the fall of Nanchang, which shocked Zhu Chenhao, and hurriedly stopped the army , thinking about whether he should continue to save Nanchang, or turn around and kill Anqing?

It's a pity that Daming's army didn't give Zhu Chenhao time to think about it. Not long after his army stopped, the Songjiang army that was supposed to assist Anqing suddenly came from behind Zhu Chenhao's army, and they still used the method of sneak attack at night. As a result, Zhu Chenhao's army was defeated.

As the saying goes, misfortunes never come singly. After conquering Nanchang, Wu Wending also received the news of Zhu Chenhao's return to aid, so he led his troops to ambush the opponent on the way. Unexpectedly, he happened to meet Zhu Chenhao's defeated soldiers. This made him overjoyed, and immediately ordered The whole army attacked, and the Songjiang soldiers in the rear attacked back and forth, which finally caused the rebels to collapse.

Seeing that the general situation was over, Zhu Chenhao ordered to kill all his concubines. Originally, he wanted to kill his son, but before his own soldiers could make a move, Wu Wending personally led the army to surround him In the end, from Zhu Chenhao down, all princes, as well as Li Shishi, Liu Yangzheng and others were all captured.

The capture of Zhu Chenhao and others also marked the end of the rebellion of King Ning, and it only took one month from the rise of King Ning to its downfall. It caused heavy disasters, especially that King Ning's army was mostly bandits and thieves, so the places where their army passed were almost empty. Not only the people's money was plundered, but many people were even kidnapped as thieves. Many people even lost their families because of this.

Just when Wu Wending and others put down King Ning's rebellion, Zhou Zhong, who was far away in the capital, was also troubled by this matter. He was not worried about King Ning's rebellion. The southern army was enough to suppress the rebellion, but just now Zhengde, who was about to come back from the grassland, heard the news of King Ning's rebellion, and immediately rushed back. Now he has arrived at Xuanfu, and Zhengde sent someone to send a letter to Zhou Zhong, telling him not to rush to destroy King Ning. He personally led the troops to pacify Ding, and he had to ask King Ning himself, why did he rebel if he didn't treat him badly?

It turns out that when Zhengde quelled the rebellion of King Ning in history, there were many farces. For example, Wang Shouren had already quelled the rebellion and captured King Ning, but after Zhengde arrived in Nanjing, he let King Ning be released. Then he led his own troops to arrest King Ning again, and finally stayed in Nanjing to play in the mountains and rivers. Considering Zhengde's personal feelings, we can understand Zhengde's mood at that time.

As I said before, after the death of Emperor Xiaozong, King Ning has always played the role of father and brother in Zhengde's relationship. For this elder who is not a few years older than himself, Zhengde's feelings for him are actually very deep. He is shrewd and should have noticed King Ning's changes long ago, but Zhengde himself has been unwilling to believe it, so he indulged King Ning in every possible way, but he did not expect King Ning to rebel in the end, which caused a great blow to Zhengde.

It was also because of the betrayal of King Ning, a father-brother elder, that Zhengde insisted on going to Nanjing to put down the rebellion in person. This was mainly because Zhengde wanted to ask King Ning himself, why did he rebel?As for Zhengde's absurd behavior along the way, it is also Zhengde's way of venting his pain.

Although Zhou Zhong's time travel has changed the history of Ming Dynasty, his influence on historical figures is not very great. After receiving the news of King Ning's rebellion, he also suffered a great blow to his spirit, but after going through the military experience, his psychological endurance was much stronger than before, so he quickly cheered up, and then rushed to Nanjing to suppress the rebellion. Even when passing through the capital, he did not go into the capital to meet Zhou Zhong and the cabinet, but went directly to Tianjin to take a boat to Shanghai.

Zhou Zhong and the cabinet have long been used to Zhengde's actions. They can only help Zhengde deal with the aftermath, and at the same time order the southern army to speed up to quell King Ning's rebellion. In order to deal with the matter, every day of delay will suffer huge losses, and Zhengde has not officially issued an imperial edict, and even if an imperial edict is issued, the cabinet has the right to reject such a reckless order.

Fortunately, Wu Wending and others worked very hard to quell the rebellion. They had already captured Zhu Chenhao before the order from the court was issued. When the news reached the court, Zhou Zhong and the cabinet were relieved. They were indeed a little worried. After arriving, King Ning hadn't been pacified yet. If Zhengde led the army to get mad and do something, the court would not be able to deal with it.

As Zhu Chenhao's rebellion was quelled, some people in the court who colluded with Zhu Chenhao began to be liquidated. For example, Qian Ning, who was bribed by Zhu Chenhao, not only provided information to King Ning, but also sent Jiangxi's Handing over Jinyiwei to King Ning was extremely daring, so Qian Ning was arrested and imprisoned at the same time as Zhu Chenhao rebelled.

In addition, Lu Wan, who was then Minister of the Ministry of Officials, colluded with King Ning when he was an inspector in Jiangxi. Several memorials to impeach King Ning were suppressed by Lu Wan. It can be said that Lu Wan had an indelible contribution to the reason why King Ning was able to run rampant in Jiangxi for so many years.

In addition to Qian Ning and Lu Wan, there were also some eunuchs in the palace and some middle- and low-level officials in the court who were related to Zhu Chenhao's rebellion. Some people provided some information to King Ning just because of their greed for money, which is not a big crime, but the cabinet believed that the crime of treason was a major crime, and all those involved must be dealt with severely. As a result, these people were either killed or demoted to exile. A total of more than 400 people were dealt with. Although it is not comparable to the few major cases in the early Ming Dynasty, it was also the largest case during the Zhengde Dynasty. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

ps: Sorry, something delayed me today.

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