Smuggling Daming

Chapter 64 The Crisis of the Nanyang Chamber of Commerce

Among the three major ports in Shuangyu Port, the West Port faces the mainland, so it is tightly controlled by Ming smugglers.The situation in Nangang, which is across the sea from Westport, is similar. Here, smugglers from Ming Dynasty are still the main body. For example, the Xie family has quite a strong influence in Nangang.However, there are already some Japanese and Korean forces in Nangang, but these forces are so small that they can almost be ignored.

In contrast, the situation in Beigang, which is located at the outermost edge of Shuangyu Port, is extremely complicated. Beigang has the most advantageous geographical location, and it is also the largest port in the entire Shuangyu Port. There are not only the influence of Ming merchants, but also the influence of Japanese and Koreans. Most of the forces are also concentrated here, the most representative of which are the Nanyang Chamber of Commerce of Zhou Zhong's father Zhou Hai, the Ashikaga Chamber of Commerce, the largest Japanese power, and the Jeolla Chamber of Commerce and the Chungcheong Chamber of Commerce of the Koreans.

Among the large and small forces in Beigang, the most powerful ones are Zhou Hai's Nanyang Chamber of Commerce and the Japanese Ashikaga Chamber of Commerce. Hai was also buried under the sea, which made the entire Nanyang Chamber of Commerce without a leader, and soon split into three parts.

At [-] o'clock in the evening, there was a heavily guarded house on the southernmost side of Beigang. From the outside, this house was almost similar to Xie's house in Nangang, except that the walls of this house were built taller and stronger. There are guards everywhere, as if they are guarding against something.

The main hall in the front yard of this mansion is brightly lit, as if some kind of party is being held, but if you enter the hall, you will find that there are only three people in the entire hall.I saw a tall chair in the middle of the hall, but the chair was empty, and on the two rows of chairs in front of the chair, three people sat facing each other.

Among them, a middle-aged woman who was nearly forty years old was sitting on the chair on the right. Her face was as beautiful as a full moon, and her figure was extremely plump.However, it may be due to staying at the seaside for many years, the skin looks a little dark, coupled with the erosion of the years, the corners of the woman's eyes and lips have a few undetectable fine lines, people can't help but sigh the ruthlessness of the years.

Sitting opposite this mature woman were two men, the first one was a 60-[-]-year-old man, dry and thin, wearing a blue cotton robe, with a high back, he turned out to be a hunchback .

The one at the bottom is a middle-aged man who is about the same age as a mature woman. He is not tall, but he is extremely strong. He is wearing a short coat on the upper body and a pair of black trousers on the lower body. He looks like an ordinary boatman. It is much wider than ordinary people, and its two arms are almost as thick as thighs. It looks like a chimpanzee that has lost its hair.

These three people are the only three remaining managers of the Nanyang Chamber of Commerce. Among them, the mature and beautiful woman surnamed Lu, commonly known as Sanniang, used to manage the shipyard of the Chamber of Commerce.The hunchbacked old man was surnamed Wu, but most people used to call him the hunchback or the hunchback, and he was in charge of the port revenue of the chamber of commerce.As for the strong man who spoke, his surname was Sun Mingtong. He used to be a boatman and was a good sailor. ship.

After Zhou Hai's accident, Sanniang, Uncle Tuo, and Sun Tong were fighting over ideas and interests, and no one was willing to obey the other, so in the end, although they didn't completely tear their skins apart, they also broke up to the point of splitting. The three of them divided up the remaining property of the chamber of commerce. Among them, Sanniang was just a woman and had no plans to go to sea at all, so she only wanted the shipyard in charge of her own, and the port controlled by Uncle Tuo was very profitable, but Sun Tong's manpower was The most, so in the end Uncle Tuo took out part of the port in his hand and used it to exchange part of the manpower from Sun Tong.

However, just when they finished dividing up the interests of the chamber of commerce, and then each of them was ready to go it alone, they never expected that they would encounter unprecedented troubles before they opened up the situation, forcing them to sit together to discuss again.

"Sanniang, Uncle Tuo, those bastards from the Quanluo Chamber of Commerce have already given me an ultimatum. If I don't hand over the dozen or so berths in my hand within three days, they will treat my fleet opponents. Fortunately, we helped them before, these inhuman white-eyed wolves!" I saw the middle-aged man who looked like a chimpanzee showing hatred, but then he said with some frustration, "With the little people in my hand , definitely not the opponents of those North Koreans, how are you doing?"

"Well, the situation on my side is similar. Ise Likang from the Ise Chamber of Commerce has also found me and asked me to hand over all the port interests in my hands, otherwise they are likely to use force." The wrinkled camel uncle also sighed He took a breath.At the beginning, the Nanyang Chamber of Commerce was so powerful that only the Ashikaga Chamber of Commerce in Beigang dared to challenge them, but now that Zhou Hai died, the strength of the Nanyang Chamber of Commerce was greatly damaged, and all the shrimp soldiers and crab generals jumped out.

After Sun Tong and Uncle Tuo finished talking, they looked at San Niang who was opposite, and saw that the other party was a little annoyed and said: "You are okay, the big deal is to give up the port interests in your hand, but my old lady met that The lustful Umizumi Hong Er, the other party actually proposed a marriage request, it seems that he not only wants to swallow up my wife’s shipyard, but also wants to take over her body.”

Hearing Sanniang's words, Sun Tong and Uncle Tuo also slapped their chairs angrily. Like that Ise Likang, Kamizumi Hong Er is a Japanese force second only to the Ashikaga Chamber of Commerce. They were suppressed by the Nanyang Chamber of Commerce before. In addition, there were conflicts with the Ashikaga Chamber of Commerce from time to time, so they had always been respectful to the Nanyang Chamber of Commerce, but now as soon as the Chamber of Commerce fell, the group of wolves immediately jumped up and bit them fiercely.

"San Niang, Uncle Tuo, how about we ask the Ashikaga Chamber of Commerce for help? Although we have had friction before, the Korean and Japanese Chamber of Commerce who threatened us have a bad relationship with the Ashikaga Chamber of Commerce. The so-called enemy's enemy is a friend. Maybe the other party Would you like to help us?" Sun Tong, who was five big and three rough, spoke first.But as soon as he finished speaking, Sanniang and Uncle Tuo immediately rolled their eyes.

"Sun Tong, don't come up with bad ideas anymore. Now we are facing three hungry wolves, but if we ask the Ashikaga Chamber of Commerce for help, it will be like attracting a tiger. I bet that if the Ashikaga Chamber of Commerce intervenes, in the end, although I can drive away the three hungry wolves of Ise Likang, but in the end the three of us will definitely be eaten by this fierce tiger that is attracted." Although Sanniang is a woman, she is very shrewd, and she is very shrewd. The grasp of the situation is also very precise.

"Yes, our Nanyang Chamber of Commerce holds considerable interests in Beigang. Now that the Chamber of Commerce has collapsed, the strength in the hands of the three of us is insufficient. In the eyes of others, it is almost like three dolls holding gold ingots. Those chambers of commerce are drooling, and if they attract foreign aid like the Ashikaga chamber of commerce, in the end they can only be the vanguards and the backwards, and they will kill themselves!" Uncle Tuo also nodded at this time.

Seeing that Sanniang and Uncle Tuo disagreed with his idea, Sun Tong took up the teacup and drank it in one gulp: "I can't use my brain, the three of us have become grasshoppers on the same rope now, and we can't run away from you." You can’t run away from me, you can put forward any ideas, and everything will be handled according to the old rules of the former chamber of commerce.”

Sun Tong is not only a good boat runner, but also a member of the Nanyang Chamber of Commerce. He has participated in many battles with other chambers of commerce. Hit people who dare to kill, so from the perspective of force, he is the strongest among the three, but he has a problem, that is, he doesn't like to use his brain, and he likes to use force to solve everything, if he is not forced to surrender the port berth this time The strength of the Quanluo Chamber of Commerce is several times that of his. I am afraid that he has already led people to kill the opponent's lair.

Both Uncle Tuo and Sanniang knew about Sun Tong's problems, so they didn't expect him to give any advice.Uncle Tuo took a sip from his teacup, and then said, "San Niang, we are now facing a critical moment of life and death. Although the three of us had some disputes before, we have known each other for many years and there is always some affection. In this case, I think it is best for us to abandon the previous disputes and unite again, and gather the hands of the three of us in this way, presumably those Japanese and Koreans who are eyeing tigers will not dare to act arbitrarily."

Hearing that Uncle Tuo was the first to put forward a joint proposal, San Niang also agreed: "Uncle Tuo said very well, no matter how much we fought in the past, it was still an internal matter of our chamber of commerce, but now those Japanese and Koreans want to take the opportunity Annexing us, among other things, the industry in the Chamber of Commerce was built by Brother Zhou and all the brothers. Although Brother Zhou is gone now, I will never give it up to those despicable and shameless Japanese and Koreans for nothing. !"

When Sanniang mentioned the three words 'Brother Zhou', a rare tenderness flashed across her evil eyes, but then she thought of Zhou Hai's death, and a few traces of grief appeared on her face.

Uncle Tuo and Sun Tong saw Sanniang's expression, and both of them sighed secretly.But then Uncle Tuo thought of another thing, so he said again: "Sanniang, since we want to unite, there must be one person who decides, otherwise the three of us disagree at critical moments, and it will be fatal. So see if you can send someone to Songjiang to take the little boss..."

"No!" Before Uncle Tuo could finish speaking, San Niang interrupted her sharply, and she stood on her head with her eyebrows upside down, saying like a female leopard protecting her cubs, "Brother Zhou has already said when he was alive, I don't want The members of the family are involved in the affairs of the chamber of commerce, especially the talented young master, who has already passed the examination of scholar at a young age, and is likely to gain fame in the future, so he must not be distracted by the affairs of the chamber of commerce. This is my mother's bottom line. If anyone If you dare to go to the Young Master's house on your own, then don't blame Sanniang for turning my back on him!"

Seeing that Sanniang who was still fine just now turned her face suddenly, Uncle Tuo and Sun Tong looked at each other with a bit of wry smile on their faces. When Zhou Haigang had an accident, they suggested to find Zhou Zhong to preside over the chamber of commerce, but The relationship between Sanniang and Zhou Hai is unusual. She thinks that if Zhou Zhong can get a good name in the exam, it is more important than the future of the Chamber of Commerce. Therefore, people from the Chamber of Commerce are forbidden to find Zhou Zhong, and she will turn against him once Uncle Tuo and Sun Tong mention it. Once, they didn't dare to mention it again in the end, until now that it was about the life and death of the chamber of commerce, Uncle Tuo had to bite the bullet and bring it up. Unexpectedly, the result was the same.

"'s not good, we are surrounded by people outside!" Just as Sanniang and the three of them were discussing how to unite, suddenly a guard ran in in a panic, his face full of horror.

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