Smuggling Daming

Chapter 70 It's Debt Again

"According to the original rules, the main people involved in human trafficking were executed, and the rest were expelled from Shuangyu Port, and they would never come back again forever!" Hearing Zhou Zhong's question, Xie Lingyun replied without thinking.There were a lot of people involved in human trafficking back then, Zhou Hai and Xie Lingyun's father didn't want to cause too many murders, so he just executed the leaders of the human trafficking chamber of commerce, and drove out all the other young people.

But Zhou Zhong snorted coldly when he heard the punishment, "It's too light. Today I, Zhou Zhong, set a new rule here. Anyone involved in human trafficking will be killed!"

As soon as Zhou Zhong said the last word 'kill', he suddenly turned around and came to the captives of Pu Yuanjiang, pulled out his saber from the waist of Zheng Ling who was beating the captives, and then slapped the captured Pu Yuanjiang's neck hard cut down.

Hearing the sound of "噗~", Pu Yuanjiang's head fell in response, and the bright red blood spurted out several feet at once, and even Zhou Zhong's face was splashed with a few drops of blood. cruel.

No one expected that Zhou Zhong would kill someone suddenly. For a moment, everyone in the square was stunned. Some even maintained the posture of beating someone, as if they were frozen in time.Xie Lingyun, Sanniang, Uncle Tuo, Sun Tong and others also showed expressions of incredulity. In their view, Zhou Zhong was just a frail scholar, and it was impossible for him to commit murder anyway.

No, what happened next made them even more unexpected. After Zhou Zhong killed Pu Yuanjiang, he didn't stop, but walked up to the stewards of the Quanluo Chamber of Commerce with a bloody long knife. With the knife in hand, several heads fell to the ground. Two of them were terrified before being killed and kept begging Zhou Zhong. The other side cut two paragraphs.

After Zhou Zhong killed several people in a row, he looked up and scanned the audience, then pointed at the kidnapped girls and children with the bloody long knife in his hand, and said with a murderous expression: "Brothers, these people They are all brothers and sisters of our Daming, but they were abducted by the Jeolla Chamber of Commerce, and their parents cried and wailed because of this. Do you think these people should be killed?"

"It's time to kill!" As soon as Zhou Zhong's voice fell, the bloody men headed by Zheng Ling and Sun Tong immediately roared loudly.Immediately afterwards, Sun Tong, whose hands and feet are always faster than his brain, followed suit, drew out his waist knife and killed two captives on the spot, and now the curtain of massacre finally opened. In a short while, nearly 200 captives were hacked and killed. Although countless people begged for mercy during the period, unfortunately, no one was lenient.

In an instant, Xie Lingyun watched nearly 200 captives being massacred in front of her, and almost all of them had their heads chopped off. There was a strong smell of blood.Originally, Xie Lingyun felt uncomfortable in her stomach stimulated by the smell of barbecue in the village, but now coupled with the unpleasant smell of blood, she couldn't bear it anymore, turned her head and ran to a deserted place and vomited. Fortunately, Sanniang noticed her abnormal state and hurried to take care of her.

Zhou Zhong also killed people in his previous life, and there were more than one, but the people he killed would never be reported to the police, let alone the police. Therefore, even though he killed several people in a row, he didn't feel any discomfort. A feeling of enthusiasm, as if this is the life I need.

However, Zhou Zhong quickly calmed down the blood in his chest, and then ordered Sun Tong and others to clean up the battlefield. The corpses were directly pulled to the cliff next to the stockade and thrown into the sea, but all the heads were kept because Zhou Zhong was still useful.

And just when Zhou Zhong gave orders, he also made a gratifying discovery, that is, everyone showed a kind of awe to him, especially the people in the Nanyang Chamber of Commerce headed by Sun Tong and Uncle Tuo, they obeyed his words , any command is completed without any discount.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Zhong was also overjoyed, because this marked that he had initially established his prestige in the chamber of commerce, and through this bloody method, Zheng Ling and others from the Xie family also had feelings for him. A sense of awe, I believe this kind of awe will soon spread throughout Shuangyu Port, and by then, he, the young owner of the Nanyang Chamber of Commerce, will also become the number one person in Shuangyu Port.

The stockade of the Quanluo Chamber of Commerce was quickly cleaned up. The cleared goods and the ships moored in the port were the spoils of war this time. However, Xie Lingyun gave all these things to Zhou Zhong. Of course, she would not trade at a loss. The water village of the Quanluo Chamber of Commerce has since belonged to their Xie family, and this village can definitely bring greater wealth to their Xie family, so Xie Lingyun took advantage of it.

After dividing the loot, the aftermath was not over. Next, Zhou Zhong asked people to load more than 300 human heads from the Jeolla Chamber of Commerce into several carts, and then according to the previous plan with Xie Lingyun, each side sent a hundred people to follow the head-filled carts. The car made three laps along the entire Beigang area.

As soon as the car with the heads arrived at the port, it immediately caused a sensation. After all, no one saw so many heads at once, especially when they saw that there were many people from the Nanyang Chamber of Commerce among the people escorting the heads. The flames they saw last night made many people very curious and chatted around the car.

"Brothers from Shuangyu Port, these heads are from the Jeolla Chamber of Commerce in North Korea. There are a total of 360 and seven heads. Our Nanyang Chamber of Commerce was in trouble a while ago. These white-eyed wolves not only did not want to repay the favor, but colluded with others to plot our chamber of commerce. industry, and secretly abducting women and children to sell to North Korea, it is a heinous crime and intolerable, in order to eradicate this cancer, our Nanyang Chamber of Commerce and the Xie Family Chamber of Commerce in Nangang joined forces to raid last night..."

These heads were originally used for publicity, so in each carriage, there is a brother who can speak well to tell the people around the origin of these heads, as well as the fact that the Jeolla Chamber of Commerce will avenge revenge and abduct human beings. There is another point, that It is to emphasize the joint action between the Nanyang Chamber of Commerce and the Xie family to highlight the close relationship between the two.

Many people know the grievances between the Jeolla Chamber of Commerce and the Nanyang Chamber of Commerce, and many people don't have any good feelings for Pu Yuanjiang, who will avenge his kindness. In addition, they heard that the Jeolla Chamber of Commerce actually abducted girls and children. This is really true. The most important thing is to stab the hornet's nest. All the smugglers in Ming Dynasty scolded the Jeolla Chamber of Commerce, and at the same time praised the Nanyang Chamber of Commerce and the Xie family for eradicating such a scourge.

However, compared to those ordinary smugglers, the other major chambers of commerce in Beigang District thought more about it. They didn't care about the collapse of the Jeolla Chamber of Commerce at all. The only thing that shocked them was that this action came from a sudden The young owner of the Nanyang Chamber of Commerce, and the other party slaughtered more than 300 people from the Jeolla Chamber of Commerce. This cruel and bloody method really made them feel chills all over their bodies, and at the same time, they also had a layer of awe for the Nanyang Chamber of Commerce.

In addition, the worst thing is that the Xie family has united with the Nanyang Chamber of Commerce.Although the power of the Nanyang Chamber of Commerce is not as strong as before, but as the saying goes, a lean camel is bigger than a horse. Although the power of the Nanyang Chamber of Commerce is not as powerful as the Ashikaga Chamber of Commerce in Beigang, it is also much stronger than the average medium-sized chamber of commerce. Otherwise, the Jeolla Chamber of Commerce, the Ise Chamber of Commerce, and the Shangquan Chamber of Commerce would not have united to dare to attack the Nanyang Chamber of Commerce.

But now the Nanyang Chamber of Commerce, which has just declined, has colluded with the overlord of the Nangang District, the Xie family. You must know that the Xie family is also one of the four overlords of Shuangyu Port, and they are the only large chamber of commerce in the entire Nangang District. The Xie family's meals are not in the small business associations, and it can even be said that the entire Nangang District is actually the Xie family's private port.

With a force like the Xie family, it is now united with the Nanyang Chamber of Commerce, and it can be seen from the annihilation of the Jeolla Chamber of Commerce that the two may have secretly formed an alliance. It's a huge matter, and now there is only one thing they have to do, and that is to understand their position, how to get along with the Nanyang Chamber of Commerce and the Xie family in the future?

As the saying goes, every family has its own hard-to-read scriptures. After Zhou Zhong returned to the Nanyang Chamber of Commerce to officially take over the affairs of the Chamber of Commerce, he discovered that he had another headache, that is, the financial situation of the entire Chamber of Commerce was not optimistic.

"Small owner, now there is a shipyard under the name of the chamber of commerce, with a total of 130 craftsmen. The west side of the Sha'ao Wharf in Beigang District also belongs to the management area of ​​our chamber of commerce. In addition, there is a smuggling fleet under Sun Tong, with a total of six three-masted ships. The big ship and twelve small and medium-sized ships, but except for the two big ships that are newly launched, the others are all old ships, and if they take the Nanyang and other routes, I am afraid it will be very dangerous." In the hall of the Nanyang Chamber of Commerce , Sanniang briefly introduced the current industry of the chamber of commerce.

"Hmm!" Zhou Zhong flipped through the account books of the chamber of commerce. The account books in ancient times were all written in words, not the kind of forms of later generations. This made Zhou Zhong dizzy and couldn't figure out the current financial situation of the chamber of commerce.In the end, Zhou Zhong also had to give up this futile move, put down the account books and asked Sanniang: "Sanniang, what is the current income of these industries for the chamber of commerce, and how much will be the balance at the end of the year?"

Hearing Zhou Zhong's question, Sanniang smiled wryly and said, "Young master, where does the chamber of commerce have any balance? It would be nice to be able to settle all the payments at the end of the year."

"Debt again?" Zhou Zhong sighed, his face full of helplessness. He had just paid off the debts of his family. He didn't expect that after taking over the Chamber of Commerce, he would continue to pay the debts. Could it be because he failed to pay back the debts in his previous life? Clear the bank debt, so you have to continue to pay the debt in this life?

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