Smuggling Daming

Chapter 99 The Promise on Huangquan Road

It was already the third watch at this time, and the sails on the bow had already been put down by Shangizumi Honger, but the violent wind and waves around them were like giant palms, patting them on the boat one after another. The sturdy little boat was smashed to pieces.Although the boat can escape from the wind and waves every time, the situation is very bad. The whole boat looks like a leaf falling in the wind, and it can only drift around with the wind and waves. , so it was not overturned by the wind and waves.

"Baga!" Shangquan Honger was almost thrown off the boat by a wave, and he was so angry that he even cursed in his native language, but this did not lighten his burden at all.

After the previous fierce battle, most of Umizumi’s strength has been consumed, and now he is desperately manipulating the ship, leaving him no time to rest, and now he is even more exhausted, so he can only grit his teeth and hold on. Zhou Zhong and Xie Lingyun didn't know how to steer a boat at all, if they were to replace him, the boat might capsize in a short while.This also made Shangquan Hong Er secretly regret, if he knew this, he should have let the Xie family send a master boatman to accompany him on board.

Zhou Zhong and Xie Lingyun who had calmed down were also very worried when they heard the voice of Shangquan Hong Er scolding their mothers outside. Now the three of them are in this small boat. If the boat capsizes, in this kind of storm, all three of them may die. So now they instead prayed secretly in their hearts, hoping that Shangizumi Honger would hold on, at least drive the boat to a safe place before dying.

However, Zhou Zhong and Xie Lingyun were obviously not devout believers, and the temporary hugging and praying did not have any effect at all.The wind and waves outside not only did not get smaller, but became more and more violent, and Umizumi Hong Er became more and more powerless. The huge waves almost capsized the boat several times, and even deep water entered the cabin. Zhong and Xie Lingyun were all soaked in the icy sea water from the knees down.

What was even worse was that the whole boat was thrown up and down by the waves like a toy. Although Zhou Zhong and Xie Lingyun tried their best to fix their bodies, they still couldn't avoid rolling around in the cabin.In the end, not only were the noses and faces bruised and swollen from the fall, but their minds were also dizzy, showing symptoms of seasickness.

Also in this situation, Zhou Zhong and Xie Lingyun didn't know when, they hugged each other tightly again, after all, the space in the cabin was not big.The two were thrown around again, and they instinctively wanted to grab something to fix themselves, and the two of them hugged each other while their backs were pressed against the cabin, so it was easier to fix than one person.

"Zhou Zhong, are we going to die?" Xie Lingyun closed her eyes slightly.Asked feebly, she was already a little seasick.Now being tossed around by the wind and waves is even more unbearable, and my mind is so heavy that I want to sleep.

"Maybe!" Zhou Zhong whispered. He is also having a hard time now. When he was rolling in the cabin just now, his foot was twisted, and he was soaked in the cold sea water again.Now the pain is severe, and I don't know if I hurt the bone?But it was also the pain in the foot.It made his mind clearer.

"If...if we can survive, you still hate me?" Xie Lingyun, who was about to pass out, suddenly opened her eyes, and looked directly at Zhou Chongdao with weak eyes. Although she didn't have much sailing experience, she Judging from the current situation, I am afraid that it is difficult for them to escape the fate of hiding in the bottom of the sea today, but it is also at this time that she suddenly wants to know Zhou Zhong's thoughts now.

Zhou Zhong was also a little surprised by Xie Lingyun's question, looked down at her pale face, and then said expressionlessly: "Hate, I'm such a grown-up Zhou Zhong, I hate others to lie to me, especially when the other party is a beautiful woman!"

"Hehe~, this is the first time you praised me for being beautiful!" Xie Lingyun smiled weakly, but then her face changed, and she said sadly, "I know you can't forgive me, and I know , in your eyes, I am a vicious woman, but...but..."

When Xie Lingyun said this, two drops of clear tears flowed from her slightly closed eyes, as if there was something unspeakable hidden.And Zhou Zhong was also very surprised, because he really didn't expect that Xie Lingyun would say this to him at this moment of life and death?

After seeing Xie Lingyun shed a few tears alone, she opened her eyes again and looked at Zhou Zhong, but Zhou Zhong had already discovered that Xie Lingyun's eyes were no longer as shrewd as before, and all that was left was weakness and helplessness.

"Zhou Zhong, I'm going to die anyway, can I tell you a secret?" Seeing Xie Lingyun crying, she suddenly said this to Zhou Zhong.

"What's the secret?" Zhou Zhong asked bluntly. Now that the wind and waves outside are getting more and more violent, even he, who has always been tough, can't help but despair. At the same time, he is a little self-deprecating. He was drowned in the sea in his previous life, and he will be drowned in this life. Died in the sea, it seems that his horoscope must be in conflict with the sea.

"You may not believe it, our Xie family has actually been married to the Hong family long ago. Hong Feiyun's husband is my cousin Zheng Longhai, and the same person is behind our two families. You can't imagine this person!" Xie Lingyun When he said this, there was a somewhat relaxed look on his face.

"Oh, who is it?" Zhou Zhong didn't expect that the two overlord-level chambers of commerce in Shuangyu Port would have joined forces long ago, and the same person was behind it. If this is the case, then the strength of this person is too terrifying.

I saw that Xie Lingyun did not answer Zhou Zhong's words directly, but smiled and said: "Our Xie family is actually the same as your Zhou family. They are not natives of Songjiang, but moved from other places, but your Zhou family is a They moved from the north, but our Xie family moved here from Yuyao in the south. Yuyao has outstanding people and a strong academic atmosphere, so it has been a place for talented people since ancient times. Among these Yuyao people, there is one most famous person, he is also my family uncle, now you should know who he is."

"Your family uncle?" Zhou Zhong couldn't help thinking when he heard this. Hearing what Xie Lingyun said, the other party was an official surnamed Xie, and his position was very high, at least in Yuyao.

"Kach~" While Zhou Zhong was meditating, suddenly there was a violent vibration on the hull, and then there was a crisp sound of breaking the cabin wall, and a foot-long crack appeared on the cabin wall, and the strong wind carried the sea water Seeing the crack, it began to pour in desperately, and in the blink of an eye, Zhou Zhong and Xie Lingyun were completely soaked in seawater.

Regarding the changes in the cabin, Zhou Zhong and Xie Lingyun, who had already disregarded life and death, just glanced at them lightly, their faces were very calm. Under this kind of majesty, their shrewdness and talent have become useless , death seems to have become their only destination, and now they just want to enjoy the last time before dying.

"It's so cold!" Xie Lingyun tightened her body, and couldn't help shrinking into Zhou Zhong's arms, and Zhou Zhong also hugged Xie Lingyun tightly. After all, the clothes on her body are all soaked now, and hugging them together can keep warm. In the weather, two people hugging each other feels more secure.As for the previous grievances, they are nothing in the face of life and death.

"Who is this person?" Zhou Zhong thought for a long time, and finally had to give up.If it was the original Zhou Zhong, he might have guessed it right away, but the current Zhou Zhong doesn't know much about the scholars of Ming Dynasty, so he couldn't guess it at all for a while.

Seeing that Zhou Zhong couldn't figure it out, Xie Lingyun, who was shivering from the cold, suddenly raised her head, and said with a mischievous smile on her pale face, "Isn't Mr. Zhou always knowledgeable about the past and the present, and how can he not even guess such a small question?" come out?"

"You... hurry up and tell me who is that person?" Zhou Chong stretched out his hand and slapped Xie Lingyun's upturned little butt angrily. Although the clothes were covered with water, the slap was really good.

However, Xie Lingyun, who was already determined to die, revealed a little girl's eccentricity. Instead of answering Zhou Zhong's question, she forced a smile and said, "I just won't say it. If you want to know who this person is, Then hug me tightly like this before you die, so that even after you die, we can walk on the road to Huangquan together, and I will naturally tell you when the time comes!"

"You..." Now Zhou Zhong really has nothing to do with the other party. After all, Xie Lingyun has completely disregarded life and death, and there is nothing to threaten her, so in the end Zhou Zhong could only shake his head with a wry smile and said: "You are ruthless, but Huangquan Road You must wait for me, don't run away by yourself!"

"Ahem~, why did you ask me to wait for you? Are you so sure that I will die before you?" Xie Lingyun coughed a few times dissatisfied with some seawater blown into her mouth by a gust of sea breeze.

"Okay, then I will die first, but you will have to hold my dead body tightly." Zhou Zhong said indifferently.

"I...I don't want you to die!" Xie Lingyun suddenly said something very contradictory, and at the same time hugged Zhou Zhong tightly with both arms, tears could not stop streaming down.

At the same time, Umizumi Hongji, who was manipulating the ship at the stern, finally exhausted his strength at this time. What's worse, the rudder cabin at the stern had been smashed by the violent sea wind and huge waves, and his whole body was completely exposed to the wind and waves. Next, although he desperately grasped the rudder, the icy sea water almost froze his whole body, and he was about to be unable to hold on any longer.

As the saying goes, misfortunes never come singly, just when Shangquan Honger was about to be swept away by the sea, a big wave suddenly hit, throwing the whole ship as high as two people, and then fell rapidly, with a loud "bang", The small boat they were on bumped into a rock, and the whole boat was torn apart, and Zhou Zhong and Xie Lingyun hugging each other were also thrown out from the fragments of the plank.

"Baga, if I knew I was going to die, I should have dealt with this little girl from the Xie family first. I didn't expect that Zhou Zhong, the bastard, would be cheaper now!" This was the last thought that flashed in Shangquan Honger's mind, and then Falling into the icy sea water, he was immediately submerged without a trace. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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