base of war

Chapter 118 Seized

Su Yuan raised his gun on guard and started to move down the hillside with the posture of shooting at any time. His muzzle scanned the entire battlefield. Coupled with the shooting shock of Li Zhuang, Xiaowu and others, the enemies on the road did not slow down for a while. , let alone resist.

Those responsible for driving the enemy's transport vehicles did not dare to move too much. The sudden gunshots made some animals frightened and trampled while neighing. The puppet army on the front cart wanted to drive He fled, but the animal pulling the cart was shot through the head by Su Yuan, and the whole car was blocked in the middle of the road, and the rest of the puppet soldiers just pulled the reins of the animal and squatted on the ground.

Just as Su Yuan was rushing down to kill the last devil with a grenade, there were clear gunshots from the woods in front of him. After a few shots, the devil hiding in the embankment was terrified this time. In a daze, the two accomplices lying on the river bank were shot through the back of the head by a bullet. The last three devils realized that they were surrounded. One devil looked at the slowly flowing river, it was impossible to hide, He plucked up his courage and wanted to rush onto the road, but just as his head was exposed on the road, a flying bullet pierced his helmet.

Not to mention the reflection of the devil's helmet, the yellow five-star in the center was just in front of the devil's forehead, and Su Yuan shot through the devil's helmet and head that had just appeared.

The only two remaining devils were frightened, they had never seen such an opponent before, and they were attacking from front to back. The gun jumped out of the embankment, and the two devils kept howling with their bayonets back to back on the road full of puppet troops.

"I don't have time to play with you today." Su Yuan said and pointed the gun at the head of a devil, and with a gunshot, there was only one devil left on the battlefield.But at this moment, a bright light flashed on the road, Su Yuan's muzzle glanced at the bright light, and found that a woman squatting beside the carriage was playing with the camera, Su Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

There was only the last devil left on the battlefield. Without the surveillance and courage of his comrades, the devil already had the heart of surrender, and the gun he was holding started to move sideways, and he had already held the gun with both hands. lift.

As soon as the devil moved his hand, Su Yuan had already seen his purpose, "Damn, that's such a cheap thing!" Although Su Yuan said so in his heart, he couldn't help hesitating for a moment when he remembered the discipline of the Eighth Route Army. There was a gunshot in the forest, and when Su Yuan heard the gunshot, the last devil had already fallen to the ground and died.

"Good marksmanship!" Su Yuan couldn't help but praise, at this moment he was very interested in the person opposite, and wanted to get to know him very much, but the task had not been completed yet.

Su Yuan raised his gun on the slope to guard against the puppet soldiers on the road. He raised his left hand and pushed forward in the air. The team members behind immediately understood what he meant. According to the previous deployment, the team members rushed down the slope immediately.

Soon, the elated team members disarmed all the puppet troops. Xiao Wu held machine guns and Li Zhuang stood at a high place to control the situation, while Huzi and Chen Xing ordered several puppet troops to put all their guns and ammunition to the ground. Load the wagon.

Chunlei and Baoguo carried out political propaganda on the prisoners of the puppet army. Several puppet army veterans agreed to them with a smile, which made Baoguo very angry. Isn't it embarrassing!?"

"We're just here to make a living..." The puppet soldiers didn't feel blushed but replied, "We didn't fight back just now, even if we fired, we fired into the sky."

"You guys are acquainted." Chunlei shouted, he told them that he was a member of the Eighth Route Army, and told them some Eighth Route Army policies before signaling Li Zhuang to let him go.

At this time, Ding Wan, who had just bandaged several wounded puppet soldiers, came to a woman squatting beside her and shouted, "Hand over your camera!"

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