base of war

Chapter 125

For Su Yuan's arrival, the formation on Feiyun Mountain is really not small, but it doesn't look like a welcome. In front of the gate of the village, there is actually a big pot, the firewood piled up below has been lit, and the raging flames have already begun. The entire cauldron was surrounded, and the flames and thick smoke had already risen high, but it seemed that it had not been lit for a long time, and the water in the pot had just shown a trace of heat but was not boiling.

Su Yuan had heard of this when he came two years ago. It was called an oil pot. It was often used by the various forces in the mountains to resolve their conflicts of interest and avoid mutual losses. way to compare.Once the other party can't meet it, they have to admit defeat and honestly agree to the other party's conditions.

Su Yuan came here this time as the captain of the Eighth Route Army's guerrilla team. It seems that Shanshang guessed his intention of coming, but this created a problem for himself. He couldn't compete with the people here who self-harmed themselves, right?

But this time, he didn't seem to want to compare with himself. Thinking about it, he wouldn't be able to if Xiaoyun was around, so he would give himself a blow.

"Young master, jump over there before the oil pan is hot." Shanzi who followed Su Yuan understood these rules, and he also knew that Su Yuan's martial arts could be easily surpassed, so he said, "This is called the Mountain Gate." , only by jumping over can you enter the cottage."

Su Yuan walked over slowly, when everyone was staring at him, Su Yuan stopped in front of the pot that started to bubble.

Su Yuan didn't want to act like a show here, he actually yelled to the minions around him: "Isn't it an oil pan, why is it boiling water, do you want to cook, or do you want to invite me to take a bath? "

His words made everyone stunned, but many people around knew his relationship with the cottage, so it was difficult to come forward and say more.

But I heard Su Yuan continue to say: "No matter what, we must fill up the water to make the fire more vigorous."

Hearing what he said, the minions on the side really came to add water and firewood. Everyone wanted to watch the fun. Seeing the water in the pot boil, Su Yuan said: "Today I will try to get a piece of ocean for everyone."

Su Yuan's words shocked everyone. Many people have heard of this legendary branch trick. Even if it's not a frying pan, the boiling water is enough to bear.

But Su Yuan took out a piece of ocean from his pocket, held the ocean flat on the pot with his right hand, and didn't see how his fingers flicked, and the silver dollar in his hand shot down.

But Su Yuan didn't move at all, and everyone was surprised to see that the water in the pot was decreasing rapidly, and the flame below was also gradually falling, and a cloud of white smoke rose from the fire, and soon, the flame disappeared .

"Why can't you even afford a piece of ocean? It seems that money is the magic power." Su Yuan said with a smile, he jumped up and stood on the edge of the empty pot and walked around on his own before jumping past.

In front was the opened gate of the village, Su Yuan walked over, and the people who didn't know why couldn't help but looked up strangely, there was no shadow of the ocean in the pot, what was just a gap through which the ocean passed, everyone couldn't help being dumbfounded.

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