base of war

Chapter 172 Policy

"I am also here to thank everyone for your support." Su Yuan replied,

"We haven't done anything." Some squires said shyly.

"You have given us a lot of support." Su Yuan took the opportunity to say, "I have received all the money and things you donated not long ago."

It wasn't until this time that everyone understood, and some people who didn't understand earlier regretted and said: "I'm really confused, really, how could Mr. Su do things for devils with his personality, if I had known, I would have donated more. "

"It's not too late now." The person who knew the inside story joked.

This is the best opportunity to publicize the party's anti-Japanese policy. This is what Su Yuan planned for Chunlei and Baoguo to do today. He signaled to Su Yuan on a table.

Su Yuan stood up and said: "That's right, we need more support from everyone in the future. Our Eighth Route Army's anti-Japanese program is to unite some anti-Japanese people to fight against Japan. I hope everyone can contribute money and effort. Together, we want to establish a democratic coalition government and start reducing rent and interest..."

After all, Su Yuan had never done any work in this field, so what he said was a little straightforward, and the landlords and squires who didn't understand the policy for a while were a little silent.

Grandpa stood up and said: "Folks, what is the most important thing for us now? Fight devils, think about it, how can there be no eggs under the overturned nest? Now the country is in danger, and the country will not protect the family. Why are you safe? The cruelty of the Japanese pirates is obvious to all. Why not donate it to the anti-Japanese team instead of the devils coming and looting our property."

His words made some conscious squires agree, but some people seemed a little worried. Chunlei saw that Su Yuan's expression was not clear, which would inevitably cause some people to misunderstand. He immediately stood up and explained: "Our captain only said A general idea, this reduction of rent and interest also includes letting the common people pay rent and interest.”

"That's right. In short, everyone contributed." Su Yuan continued: "Our instructor, Comrade Song Chunlei, will explain to everyone later."

"I'll go and listen then." Grandpa said, "Okay, let's celebrate their victory today, and everyone holds a cup."

The development of the situation is beyond anyone's expectation. First of all, the news that the guerrillas wiped out many devils and puppet troops spread rapidly. At this time, the guerrillas expanded rapidly. In addition, some local anti-Japanese armed forces also sent people to communicate the intention of unity.

In the team brought by Xiaoyun and Cao Bao, many people asked to stay. They also wanted to join the real anti-Japanese team. Who would want to carry the name of a bandit on their backs.Even Cao Bao expressed his reluctance to go back to the mountain.

The guerrilla team quickly expanded to more than 300 people. This is Su Yuan's repeated consideration. Let Cao Bao lead the brothers on Feiyun Mountain back.

As for the anti-Japanese propaganda around Ancheng, it went smoothly, and the party's anti-Japanese united front policy was widely publicized, which was widely supported by the people. Under the exposure of the singing servants at home, the guerrillas already knew the details of their family property, so they couldn't help but not pay for the property.

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