base of war

Chapter 181 Reconnaissance

The situation is constantly changing. Su Yuan, who was planning to gather forces to liberate Ancheng, was changed by the change of form.

As soon as they returned to the village, Li Zhuang and others immediately came to report that the devils had increased their troops to Ancheng and sent troops to occupy Xicheng again.

"The devil came very quickly." Su Yuan said.

"Yes, Ancheng's geographical location is important. It is the main intersection from the mountainous area to the east to the plain, and it is also a city on the north-south passage. Naturally, the devils will not give up." Meng Tian explained.

"How many devils have come?" Su Yuan asked.

"The Xicheng devils alone have sent a small team and a battalion of puppet troops." Chunlei said, "As for Ancheng, I don't know yet."

"I'm going to Ancheng." Su Yuan said.

"Let's send someone else to go." Everyone advised.

"I have other things." Su Yuan said: "It can only be me or Chunlei. Chunlei is not a local, and his accent can easily arouse the suspicion of the enemy. The spies in Ancheng have as many noses and pointy dogs as dogs."

Everyone had to give up when they heard it, "Li Zhuang, you should stay here. As for Qinglong Mountain, let Chen Xing go first, he is competent." Su Yuan arranged: "Also, since the devils have occupied Xicheng Town, there is a direction to The intention of our invasion is to protect the country with spring thunder, and you are responsible for the mobilization of the surrounding villages, when the time comes to strengthen the walls and clear the fields, let everyone evacuate to Qinglong Mountain."

"Yes." Chunlei Baoguo replied.

"Li Zhuang, you are in charge of leading people to transform the village and turn it into a fighting village that is easy to defend and fight. We can't give up easily when the devils come, at least let the devils pay the price."

"Yes." Li Zhuang replied.

"During this period, other people not only need to train the troops and improve the combat quality of the soldiers, but also prepare to fight at any time." Su Yuan finally said.

"Okay." Meng Tian, ​​Xiao Yun and others responded.

The enemy occupying Xicheng Town is building watchtowers, and the surrounding villages are forced to send migrant workers. There is a lesson from the last time they were conquered. The devils not only planned to build a bigger watchtower, but also cleared the surrounding houses to make the eyes more open. A lot of bunkers were built, and their firepower was enough to cover the open ground a hundred meters away.

"It seems that the devils have learned their lesson, and they are going to attack the developing guerrillas." Su Yuan thought when he saw the increased troops here.

As for Ancheng, it was very different from the last time I came here. Devils and traitors stepped up their investigations, and there were more devils patrolling the streets.

"We must find out the devil's strength as soon as possible." Su Yuan decided to go to the underground party Lao Wang who opened a cloth shop as a cover, but when he came to the contact point, he saw that the door of the cloth shop was closed, which surprised Su Yuan. Could it be that it has been exposed here! ?

He cautiously tried to inquire about some news, but the passers-by didn't dare to say anything about it, so Su Yuan had to try to inquire in other shops around, and finally, he inquired a little information in a restaurant.

The store clerk didn't dare to say more, but stretched out his finger and drew an eight and said cautiously: "I heard that he is this, guest officer, you'd better not ask more questions, so as not to cause trouble."

Su Yuan was secretly surprised. It seemed that the enemy had not only strengthened their troops in Ancheng, but also intensified their search for underground parties. Su Yuan put a piece of ocean on the table.

"Guest officer, what are you..." the guy said cautiously with bright eyes.

"It's nothing, this piece of ocean is for you." Su Yuan said: "I have some business dealings with this cloth store, and he still owes me a sum of money for the goods. I just want to ask how its boss is doing?"

"Run away." The man whispered back.

Su Yuan felt relieved, and he continued to ask: "By the way, I'm still in the fur business. Do you know that there is a new fur shop recently opened in the city?" The leather goods that came out opened a shop.

"I've never heard of it. Ever since the Su family's largest store in the city suddenly closed its warehouse, I haven't heard of any new ones opening recently."

"This piece of ocean belongs to you." Su Yuan said and got up to leave. The shop assistant was still in a daze, but he just looked at the ocean on the table and couldn't believe it was real. He knew the current value of this ocean very well. .

When Su Yuan walked to the street, he felt a little dazed at this moment, but after thinking about it, it was nothing. He came to spy on the devils, and if he couldn't contact the underground party, he would do it himself.

Su Yuan, who was walking on the street, was thinking, suddenly, he felt a slight tremor in his back...

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