base of war

Chapter 189

The company commander of the puppet army didn't know about Su Yuan's details. Seeing that the vice-captain of the secret service team was very polite in front of him, he regarded him as a big shot, thinking that they came here in secret, so there must be some special mission. , Let him prove how dare he is, so he politely prepares to let him go.

This was unexpected by Su Yuan. He still wanted to stay here for a while to inquire about the news. Huang San didn't want to stay here. OK.

It's hard for Su Yuan to persevere. After passing through Xicheng Town, even though Su Yuan deliberately delayed on the way, he was getting closer and closer to Sujia Village.

"Where should I settle down tonight?" Su Yuan kept thinking on the road. He couldn't go to Feiyun Mountain, nor could Qinglong Mountain.

Hearing that Su Yuan was going directly to Sujia Village, Huang San was flustered for a while, but he knew that Sujia Village had become the territory of the guerrillas, and if he was found out and caught, he would not be able to make money.

"Boss Sun." As soon as Huang Sangang opened his mouth, Su Yuan stared at him. He immediately changed his words: "Boss, let's go to another place, which is occupied by guerrillas."

"This Sujia Village is the center of the surrounding markets. We're going to do business, so where else will we go!" Su Yuan replied, seeing Huang San's worried expression, Su Yuan had a plan to hide it.

When it was getting dark, they finally arrived at the entrance of Sujia Village. A soldier standing guard at the entrance of the village stepped forward to stop them. Su Yuan signaled Huang San to step forward.Huang San bit the bullet and stepped forward. At this time, he should be the one to step forward, and the boss can't let the boss go first.

"Masters of the Eight Routes." Huang San's first sentence revealed the traitor's true nature, "It's really a dog who can't change eating shit." Su Yuan cursed inwardly.

Fortunately, the sentinel didn't notice it, "What are you doing?"

"We're here to buy mountain goods, and bring some things to sell along the way." Huang San replied carefully.

One of the two soldiers was on guard, and the other came up to check. Su Yuan pressed his hat, "What's on the car?" asked the checking soldier.

"It's just batteries, matches, soap and other groceries." Huang San immediately stopped in front of the car and said.

"Open and check." The soldier ordered.

Su Yuan was anxious, if the gun was found, the show would not be able to continue, Huang San was even more frightened, his legs began to tremble a little.

Su Yuan decided to take the risk to come forward, hoping that the other party would be flexible and silent when he recognized him. At this moment, a person came from the village and shouted: "What are you doing?"

Su Yuan knew it was Li Zhuang as soon as he heard it, "Report to the captain, they are here to collect the mountain goods, and we are preparing to check."

"Well, so many things are collected from the mountains?" Li Zhuang asked.

"It said it was a battery match or something." The soldier replied.

"Captain Su just told me not to stop those who come to the mountains to do business." Li Zhuang said.

Su Yuan's heart relaxed, and it seemed that Qing Ran had arrived ahead of time, so he came up and said, "That's right, what we brought is what you need." Su Yuan never thought that Li Zhuang had just received the news He came in a hurry, but the sentry on guard didn't know.

As soon as the sentry heard his voice, he felt familiar. When he approached and saw Su Yuan's face, he saluted without even thinking about raising his hand, and shouted: "Team..."

Su Yuan was startled, but luckily he acted quickly and reacted quickly, he immediately pretended to be panic and held down the opponent's hand, then stopped him with force and said: "Boss, don't do this, and don't say sorry."

"You..." The soldier was surprised but didn't dare to speak any more.

"He was the one who wasted your time, he should apologize." Li Zhuang who was on the side immediately said, "You continue to stand guard and let them pass." At the same time, he pulled the soldier aside.

"By the way, boss, does Grandpa Gu still live in the village?" Su Yuan didn't want any more accidents, so he asked intentionally.

"I don't know." Li Zhuang replied.

"It seems that Grandpa Gu hasn't been notified yet." Su Yuan thought.

"You can go to Su's house in Zhuangshang. Their house has a courtyard for parking vehicles and rooms for accommodation." Li Zhuang's words clearly told him that the house was ready.

"No, I told Grandpa Gu last year that I will still live in his house this year." Su Yuan said thinking about the convenience of moving in the future.

Su Yuan led the way deliberately and slowly pretending to recognize them, and finally, they came to the gate of the courtyard he set up for Grandpa Gu in the village.

"I'll go in and have a look first, you wait here." Su Yuan said to Huang San.

But the timid Huang San was too afraid to leave him, so Su Yuan had no choice but to bite the bullet and enter the courtyard, "Mr. Gu." Su Yuan shouted from the courtyard.

"Who is it?" It was Xiaoyun's voice. Xiaoyun came out of the room and saw Su Yuan and asked, "What do you do?" Su Yuan finally let go of his heart, and there will be good shows in the future... …

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