base of war

Chapter 207 Life and Death Snipe

The time to come finally came. Although he was facing devils several times his own, Su Yuan didn't care. He had fought so many blocking battles, and he was even more confident this time.

In the past at Lugouqiao, Daming and Guohe, I was only a company, but I couldn't let the devils go one step forward. Now my strength is not less than then, but the devils don't seem to have the heavy equipment at that time. A sniper with devils is absolutely capable of blocking the enemy.

The devil's first round of shelling became sparse, "Put the devil closer and hit again." Su Yuan ordered, he picked up the binoculars and watched closely the movement behind the devil, and did not find the shadow of the sniper, Su Yuan put it down slightly Heart.

The attacking devils were getting closer and closer to the position, and the twenty or thirty devils in the front spread out, moving in twos and threes in a snake shape, lying down from time to time to be hidden by the rocks in front of the mountain.

"Fight." Su Yuan ordered: "The sniper team Xiaohu shoots."

A burst of violent gunshots rang out from the battlefield. According to Su Yuan's order, only half of the machine guns on the battlefield rang out, but this made it difficult for the devils to move an inch. Coupled with Xiaohu's accurate shooting, more than a dozen devils were killed instantly, and the rest were killed. Hiding in the dry grass at the foot of the mountain.

"Grenade." Su Yuan ordered.

According to his order, the soldiers threw the captured devil grenade on the slope, and let the grenade roll down automatically.This caused great damage to the hidden devils. Now the devils can't advance, and they can't retreat. This is the most terrible thing, and the devils' shelling can't support them.

Chunlei came to Su Yuan and reported: "Captain, the folks have already retreated, and we should do the same. Bring the devils into the mountains to deal with them."

"If we have a large army ambushing in the mountains, we will be able to wipe out these devils." Su Yuan sighed: "But now we can only hang out with them."

"I went to convey the order?" Chunlei said.

"Well," Su Yuan was still observing the movement of the battlefield, and suddenly he grabbed Chun Lei and said, "Wait, let's fight again!"

"Now is the best time to retreat." Chunlei said puzzled.

"Yes, it's also the best time to deal with devil snipers." Su Yuan said.

"What? You found devil snipers! Then you should withdraw." Chunlei said, "Didn't you say that if you introduce them into the mountains, their guns won't be able to exert their power?"

"That's right, but this time the devils are attacking by a large group, and now is the best time." Su Yuan replied: "Our front is relatively open, and it is easier to find the devil's snipers."

"Yes, I understand." Chunlei replied.

"All snipers follow my orders." Su Yuan ordered: "The machine gun team is ready, and the rest are under covert observation." Su Yuan stared closely at the discovered target with a telescope.

"One point, 500 meters ahead, a mound of soil 20 meters to the right." Su Yuan guided accurately.

A devil advanced concealedly with a sniper rifle. He had just chosen a concealed sniper position for himself, and immediately poked out his gun from the right side of the mound to observe and aim.

"The left side of the mound, hit me hard!" Su Yuan ordered.

Immediately, three or four machine guns fired dense bullets at a target at the same time. Su Yuan clearly saw through the binoculars that the devil's helmet was blown away, and his head was almost blown off. There was only a mass of splashed flesh and blood.

At this moment, a soldier in the machine gun team was shot in the chest, and then another bullet hit the side of another machine gunner's head, leaving a bullet mark.

"Damn it, there's another sniper." Su Yuan cursed and ordered, "The machine gun team waits for the enemy in cover!" He searched for targets on the battlefield.

"I found out." Almost at the same time, Xiaoyun and Chen Xing shouted.

"What are you talking about!" Su Yuan shouted immediately, "You still don't shoot?"

Chen Xing hesitated. It was his first time to use this sniper rifle. Although he saw that the devil's head was firmly attached to the center of the cross, the distance was too far. Who knows if the bullets flew out with any deviation? He was still judging carefully.The same is true for Xiao Yun on the other side, but she immediately dropped the sniper rifle in her hand and grabbed the [-] rifle that she had prepared earlier.

Hearing Su Yuan's order, the two shot almost at the same time. Su Yuan observed that the devil's sniper's head was pierced. "Hit, cover up." Su Yuan shouted immediately.

Xiaoyun and Chen Xing took cover immediately, but Xiaohu on the other side didn't care. Although he heard the captain's strict order that those responsible for dealing with the devil snipers must pay attention to concealment, Xiaohu couldn't see the target to be attacked, so impatiently he aimed at the target. The attacking devils shot again and again.

Su Yuan just wanted to remind, but then he realized that Xiaohu's shooting time has exceeded the time for a sniper to snipe, and it seems that all the devil's snipers have been killed.

Su Yuan breathed a sigh of relief. He just poked his head out to observe the situation on the battlefield carefully, but when he saw that the devil's attack did not stop at all, Su Yuan's heart tightened. Could it be that the devil is not afraid of being killed by a sniper.

"It seems that Xiaohu's performance did not attract the attention of the other party." Su Yuan thought to himself, "If there is a devil sniper, he must be looking for a real opponent, or even looking for himself."

"Chen Xing, give me two shots at the commander and machine gunner who aimed at the devil." Su Yuan ordered: "Attention, be quick, move to cover immediately after one shot."

"Yes." Chen Xing took the order and immediately launched a sniper attack. Until Chen Xing killed two devils in a row, Su Yuan still didn't see the sniper in the distance.

"Did I make a mistake in my judgment? It seems that I was too nervous." Su Yuan couldn't help thinking.

"Let me shoot two shots too." Xiaoyun asked for instructions: "Chen Xing is not as good as me, he missed just now."

"Yeah." Su Yuan nodded, seeing Xiaoyun raised his gun, Su Yuan's heart was excited, he pulled Xiaoyun down, and at this moment, a bullet roared towards Xiaoyun hair through.

"This is the most cunning devil sniper." Su Yuan immediately understood that the devil just now shot from Xiaohu and Chen Xing. It can be seen that they are not real sharpshooters. Seeing Xiaoyun holding a [-] rifle, it can be seen that the other party is unusual.

Su Yuan decided to do it himself, he asked Xiao Yun: "Can you feel the direction of the bullet?"

Xiaoyun's heart was pounding, she thought for a while and replied: "It should be from ten o'clock to twelve o'clock."

Su Yuan took her rifle and ordered: "Lie down and don't move." Then he rushed to Li Zhuang not far away in concealment.

"Li Zhuang, let's see our two brothers." Su Yuan said: "The devil is between ten o'clock and twelve o'clock, and the distance is unknown for the time being. I'll lure this guy. If I can't beat you, you know his location. Give him a shot."

"Company commander, no, it's too dangerous." Li Zhuang shouted anxiously, but Su Yuan had already jumped out of the position holding his gun...

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