base of war

Chapter 233 Lure the Enemy into the Net

The greedy Yuan Yongfu eagerly hoped to get a large number of antique porcelains from the Ming Dynasty, but two subordinates brought back a bunch of wild goods for him. Seeing the walnut wool in the car, Yuan Yongfu's nose was crooked.

"What's going on!?" Yuan Yongfu shouted at the two subordinates he sent.

"Reporting to the captain, we met the guerrillas on the way. They intercepted those antiques and gave them away because they said they could not be sold out." One of the subordinates replied cautiously.

"What about the one surnamed Sun?" Yuan Yongfu asked.

"It was detained, and it was said that he was asked to help collect the mountain goods, and that we should continue to deliver things to the mountain." Another subordinate replied.

"Damn it, I've become a solicitor for them." Yuan Yongfu said angrily.

"Captain, we don't suffer a loss. I think this business is not bad. You can make a lot of money every time you go in and out." The two guys wanted to dispel Yuan Yongfu's anger.

Yuan Yongfu breathed a sigh of relief but then asked: "What did you change and was intercepted by the guerrillas, and, have you entered that village, and the road looks good?"

"We were stopped as soon as we went. I heard that the village captured a lot of guerrilla prisoners. They let them go to save people and goods, but left us as hostages." One of the subordinates replied.

"They didn't reach an agreement at the beginning. Later, it seemed that Taoyuan Village agreed to release the people, but the guerrillas couldn't stop their goods." Another subordinate added.

"This is a way of making money." Yuan Yongfu nodded.

"It's a pity that the things in the village can't be shipped out, Captain, you don't know..." His words made the other person panic. The two had originally agreed to try not to mention the value of those things in order to avoid trouble, but it was too late to stop talking Leaky fellow.

He immediately said: "Boss Sun has bought a lot of good things, what a pity."

"What?" Yuan Yongfu asked immediately.

"I don't know anything else, but some guerrilla instructor took out a big vase and said it was the Yongle Year System."

"What!?" Yuan Yongfu seemed to have been gouged out by a knife.

"That instructor said that this is enough to feed a squadron for a year." The words of another subordinate made Yuan Yongfu even more disturbed, and he was determined to find ways to make a fortune in that Taoyuan Village.

However, relying on his own special agent team is absolutely not enough, and he still doesn't know the way to enter the village.It seems that he can only rely on Boss Sun to find the way, and at the same time, he has to contact the troops, but his strength is still far from enough. Even if he unites the Imperial Association Army, he can't deal with the guerrillas, not to mention that this will surely alarm the Japanese.

If the Japanese intervenes, I’m afraid I won’t be able to touch that thing. Yuan Yongfu hesitated over and over again. Finally, the nature of traitors and villains prevailed, and if he couldn’t get it, he couldn’t let others get it. Tell Fujino that he might get rewards and promotions from the Japanese, not to mention that he might get some good things by fishing in troubled waters during the operation.

Be careful, he immediately went to report to Fujino, in order to prove what he said was true, he also brought a few antiques that Su Yuan brought for the first time.

Sure enough, Fujino showed great interest in this. Fujino was not greedy for money. According to the early orders of the base camp, all troops should try their best to obtain ancient Chinese cultural relics and send them back to China.And now there is one more command.

It has been two years since Japan launched a full-scale war of aggression against China. Japan’s military expenditures have continued to rise, causing financial difficulties. For this reason, the Japanese army has reduced its troops in China, returned some veterans to the country, and rotated recruits to reduce military expenditures.At the same time, the plan of "supporting war with war" was adopted in China, that is, to use more puppet troops to fight in China, and at the same time step up the looting of Chinese materials and transport them back to the country.

Fujino was excited when he heard Yuan Yongfu's report, but this cunning guy immediately became suspicious of it.

Gao Peng, the translator beside him, immediately said: "Commander, this matter may be true."

"Gao Sang, what do you mean?" Fujino asked.

"When I was a child, I heard from my father that there are savages in the depths of the Taihang Mountains. They use bows and arrows to hunt, and they are extremely agile, but no one has ever been able to go in and see that village." Gao Peng said.

"Is there no one going into the deep mountains?" Fujino asked, "Where are those hunters and woodcutters?"

"I heard that some hunters disappeared in the mountains earlier. People thought they got lost in the mountains or were eaten by wild animals." Gao Peng replied.

"Well, ask someone to take a look at these things." Fujino was still a little worried.

Soon, it was confirmed that the things were all from the Ming Dynasty. Fujino finally decided to take action, and he quickly made a careful deployment.

In order to confuse and attract the guerrillas, he specially mobilized the troops to gradually press up the mountains, but instead of attacking quickly, he began to establish strongholds in the villages along the road, hoping to contain or attract the guerrillas to counterattack. Sure enough, the two guerrillas One squadron started to attack, and the other stayed behind in Sujia Village.

Now the most important thing is to find out the road leading to Taoyuan Village in the deep mountain. This matter can only fall on one person, that is Su Yuan. In order to be able to contact that Sun Pingyuan again, Fujino signaled Yuan Yongfu to prepare some goods needed in the mountain. , and send capable men to transport it, be sure to leave marks along the way.

At the same time, Fujino asked Gu Feihu, who is familiar with the terrain and roads of Feiyun Mountain, to lead some troops to lead the way, while he personally led a squadron to prepare to enter the mountain. He would never let Yuan Yongfu and the Huangxie Army dispatch for this matter, so he ordered them Then respond.

The action gradually unfolded. Fujino judged that there were no guerrillas in the direction of Feiyun Mountain. The three guerrilla squadrons had already been dispatched, but he still did not dare to alarm. The troops had been advancing secretly. Fortunately, Gu Feihu was familiar with the terrain, and they followed the signs Gradually into the mountains.

When the mark disappeared, Gu Feihu met two spies who had followed Su Yuan, and they were not allowed to go forward here, so Gu Feihu had no choice but to wait here.

Soon, Fujino led the team to catch up. This was within his expectation, so he had already made preparations. He ordered someone to place something with a special smell in the delivered goods. This time he brought the hound again.

Smelling the smell, the two hounds moved forward quickly. There was no road in front of them. The dense forest, shrubs and steep hillsides became more and more difficult to walk. Fujino couldn't help hesitating. Although everything in front of him showed that Taoyuan Village was indeed hidden, it was also extremely dangerous. Once encountering an ambush, it is impossible to escape.

"Stop advancing." The treacherous Fujino ordered the troops to stop advancing, and he sent sharp soldiers to conduct reconnaissance on the front and both sides.

At this time, Gu Feihu took the opportunity to rest and talked to the two spies leading the way. He didn't know the purpose of this operation. He was a little regretful when he heard it at first. There is no need to go this far.

He inadvertently asked about the situation on Feiyun Mountain that the two of them had seen. A secret agent inadvertently said Sun Pingyuan's name. Gu Feihu was too sensitive now, and he suddenly seemed to hear Su Yuan's name.

He immediately asked about Sun Pingyuan's situation, and soon, Su Yuan's face appeared in front of his eyes, and he couldn't help but panic... At this moment, a devil's scream was heard not far away!

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