base of war

Chapter 236 Breaking the Blockade

Fujino ordered Gu Feihu's subordinates to take off the clothes of the imperial association army in the forest, but this was not enough, only more than 30 devils changed into clothes, and he himself didn't care about the majesty of the imperial army, he didn't want to fall behind Su Yuan’s hands, so he also found a suit of clothes to change into. Obviously, there were no clothes suitable for him. His short and fat body couldn’t even button up his upper body after putting them on, and his trousers still fell on the ground and were constantly stepped on. In the end, he had to mess around. A pair of leggings was tied to cope with walking.

He understands the policies of the Eighth Route Army, and he also has some understanding of Su Yuan's personality, so he ordered some stretchers to carry the wounded. He would attack the wounded they pretended to be and the subordinates who were transporting them. Sure enough, Su Yuan let them go.Although he met another team later, fortunately they were let go after Gu Feihu's pleading. The gunshots behind him gradually became fierce, but he couldn't care less. Ancheng.

Fujino, who returned from a disastrous defeat, never dared to move out easily again. For this reason, he ordered all the troops to shrink, and used various strongholds to resist, barely stabilizing the situation around Ancheng.

In order to guard against the attack of Suyuan troops, he asked for support from above, and at the same time contacted the Japanese and puppet forces in the surrounding counties. In order to defend and protect the traffic going south, he adopted a defensive posture.

In the counties around Ancheng, watchtowers and blockhouses began to be built along the Taihang Mountains from the Yellow River in the south. The strongholds were connected by telephone, and the strongholds were built along the roads to facilitate mutual support. At the same time, Fujino ordered people to dig a deep road along the stronghold. As for the wide blockade ditch, Fujino wanted to control Suyuan's guerrillas to develop on the plains, and he tried to cut off the exchange of materials between the mountains and the plains by this means, so he ordered the strongholds to never allow the transportation of food, oil and other materials. When entering the mountains, things in the mountains are not allowed to be transported out.

Fujino's plan is indeed vicious. For this reason, he arrested many civilians to build bunker strongholds, and at the same time cleaned up the villages on the front line of the blockade ditch, inflicting great persecution on the local people.

Because the devils strengthened the alliance between the counties, and the solid strongholds were not suitable for conquering, Su Yuan had to temporarily suspend his plan to develop to the plains.

The failure of the attack made Su Yuan realize that although his army developed rapidly, he had not yet established a regularized army. After all, the composition of the army was very complicated. In the future, the devil's blockade can be broken.

For this reason, Su Yuan asked Chunlei to report the situation here to the military region, hoping that the superior would send a group of military and political cadres, not only for the development of the army, but also for the establishment of the local government in the newly established base area and the propaganda of the Eighth Route Army policy.

During this period of time, Su Yuan and the others started large-scale troop training. Su Yuan saw that, except for the company of the Eighth Route Army and Wang Jianmin's company anyway, the combat quality of the other troops was not very high. Many troops are developing rapidly, but their combat effectiveness has declined. This situation must be changed.

Su Yuan, Li Zhuang and others formulated a strict military training plan, and the troops quickly developed. However, the base area encountered new problems. One was the establishment of local government. Chunlei went to protect the country, but he couldn't be too busy. In the end, Su Yuan had to transfer cadres from the Eighth Route Army company from the large army to deal with it.

These can still be handled, but the life of the people in the mountains has encountered difficulties.Due to the devil's blockade, the special products in the mountains cannot be transported out, and at the same time, the necessities such as grain and salt needed in the mountains cannot be transported in. The life of the common people has gradually become difficult.

As an army of ordinary people, it is necessary to solve the difficulties of the masses. For this reason, Su Yuan asked his father to set up a cooperative in Sujia Village to buy goods from ordinary people, but the next step is to transport these things out in exchange for what they need. s things.

It is far from enough to rely solely on saving and resolutely curbing waste. Everything must be done with one's own hands. In order to reduce the burden on the people in the mountainous areas, Su Yuan ordered all the troops to start doing it themselves, and at the same time lead the people in the base areas to open up wasteland and farm land and start to benefit the mountains. Developed animal husbandry.

It is necessary to establish a contact with the plains for material exchange, because there are still many things that cannot be solved in the mountains, not to mention medicine and food, only salt is indispensable. The soldiers are weak due to lack of salt, so how can we fight!

Su Yuan decided to go to Pingyuan to establish a contact line, hoping to complete the circulation of materials through his father's former business partner. For this reason, he brought Hong Hai with him.

In addition, Qingran also went with him. According to Qingran's suggestion, she used to be a reporter and met many fake officials and businessmen in the enemy-occupied areas. Sell ​​it out, and at the same time buy back the materials needed in the mountains through them.

It was not suitable for Ancheng to go, so the three of them went to Yangcheng in the north. Sure enough, the puppet magistrate of Yangcheng and the businessman introduced by Qingran found it beneficial, especially when Qingran introduced Su Yuan as her husband. Don't worry, in fact, they don't care who the other party is, as long as they don't hide it from the devils, they can even provide guns and ammunition.

It is mainly the traffic along the road, which is easy to solve on both sides. It is mainly the strongholds on the blockade. The pseudo county magistrate provided the list of the puppet army leaders guarding several strongholds in Suyuan, hoping that he can bribe them and exert some influence on his own side.

The puppet soldiers were originally just to make a living. With the letter of introduction from the county magistrate and the white ocean in front of them, the puppet troops guarding the blockade immediately agreed that the goods could pass.

However, these passages have some disadvantages, that is, they are relatively remote, and the main passages are often guarded by devils, which is not easy to solve.

With the blockade, there will be opportunities to make money, and the benefits will increase with the increase of risks. Some related parties are unwilling to let go of this opportunity. Su Yuan never thought that a Japanese businessman would come to the door in person. Come.

Su Yuan appeared in Yangcheng as a businessman, and he was able to buy special products from the mountains. The Japanese businessman Xiao Ye saw the benefits, so he took the initiative to visit and expressed his willingness to cooperate.

"You can't do business with the Japanese!" Privately, he expressed his objection clearly.

"What's the matter? We have already dealt with the traitors." Su Yuan said, "Besides, this is for the needs of the mountains. With Xiao Ye, our road will be wider."

Seeing that Qingran was not happy, Su Yuan said with a smile: "It's nothing, the credit is all yours, as for what happens in the future, I will bear it."

"That's not what I meant." Qingran immediately said, "I am willing to shoulder this responsibility with you."

"That's good, it's settled." Su Yuan said.

Sure enough, with Ono responsible for purchasing and providing them with the materials they need, some strategic materials can also be obtained, not only food, oil and salt, but also medicine, batteries, gasoline, and even guns and ammunition. At the same time, local products such as walnut, pepper, wool, etc. were also shipped out smoothly.

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