base of war

Chapter 265 Sniper Squad

Everyone just breathed a sigh of relief, but Su Yuan went on to say: "But the wind has an effect on the bullet. When it is downwind, it will be farther away, and when it is headwind, it will be closer. Similarly, this needs to be corrected at a distance of 400 meters."

Everyone understands this, but they don't understand how to correct it. Su Yuan said in detail: "We can increase or decrease the aiming point slightly, and the other is the crosswind, the wind blows from right to left, and the bullet is deflected to the left. It is necessary to correct the aiming point to the direction from which the wind blows."

"Sir, but how to judge the size of the correction point?" Someone immediately asked with some clarity.

"Good question." Su Yuan said: "We can divide the air volume into three grades, and it will be easy if you master the air volume in the middle. Listen up, everyone, as long as you feel that you can open your eyes facing the wind and hear the whirring sound in your ears, The surrounding grass and branches shake, and the gunpowder smoke on the battlefield tilts, which is a stroke, and the two sides are weak and strong winds. Then find the aiming point according to the distance."

Everyone finally understood the difficulty of accurate shooting. At this time, someone in the team raised a new question. "Sir, I have paid attention to this when I was shooting just now. I have hit devils at long distances before, but today is very strange..."

"Do you want to know the reason?" Su Yuan felt a little relieved.

"Yes, sir, please clarify." Everyone asked.

Su Yuan went on to explain the last factor about shooting, "Just now everyone was shooting up the mountain, which is relatively steep, so there is a problem of high and low angles. You said that you have hit long-distance devils before, so it must be on flat ground In terms of distance, or a hillside that is not too steep." Su Yuan analyzed.

The soldier who asked the question replied in amazement: "Sir, how do you know?"

"Let me explain to everyone." Su Yuan continued: "The three-point line when we shoot is called the aiming line. It has an angle with the horizontal plane of your muzzle. We shot upwards just now, which is the vertical angle. When shooting down hills, the line of sight is below muzzle level, which is negative elevation. Their corrections are a little different, but not too far off."

"We just think it's hard to hit the target with this kind of shooting." The crowd replied.

"I'll understand once I explain it to everyone." Su Yuan explained: "When shooting in this situation, the bullet flies close to the aiming line, and the vertical height from the aiming line decreases accordingly. When the height is greater, the flying distance of the bullet also increases It will be farther than flat shooting, which requires re-selecting the aiming point, reducing the scale division or lowering the aiming point."

Everyone couldn't understand these for a while, so Su Yuan directly explained the points to pay attention to when shooting: "When we shoot, the elevation angle must be corrected if it exceeds 400 degrees. Within a distance of 400 meters, for every [-] degrees increased, the scale will be reduced by half a division. More than [-] degrees [-] meters, then reduce one division."

Everyone seemed to understand, but Su Yuan began to lead everyone to gradually master it in practice. Although everyone did not understand the theory, they quickly mastered the essentials of shooting in practice.

Seeing that the level of everyone is improving rapidly, Su Yuan also taught the experience of attacking moving targets, "For moving targets, it is up to you to learn gradually in actual combat. Let me briefly tell you that it is based on distance and enemy movement. Choose the aiming point according to the direction and speed of the target. That is to say, the target we hit does not have a devil or is not the devil's vital point. We have to wait for the devil to get up and take the bullet. Hit the head or the top of him."

After Su Yuan's careful teaching, everyone has improved very quickly. After all, they are all fighters with high marksmanship and have certain combat experience. They are connected with themselves on the battlefield. Everyone understands the truth. What is lacking now is to practice. .

Although Su Yuan is still a little worried, it is okay for these people to deal with ordinary devils at this time, but what they have to deal with is the devil's snipers, even if they face it by themselves, they must be cautious, which requires extremely careful observation and extremely high reaction Speed, but now the battle is fierce, and training a sniper is not something that can be done overnight.

However, the combat order came down soon, so Su Yuan had to tell his experience against the enemy and make corresponding arrangements during the march. Looking at these outstanding fighters, Su Yuan was also trembling in his heart. Perhaps after the confrontation, among these people There will be many who will fall...

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