base of war

Chapter 297

An alliance actually suffered a disastrous defeat in Ancheng, which caused quite a shock in the devil's headquarters. The devil never expected that even though they sent a second-tier alliance, they were defeated in a single encounter. Unbelievable, it was carefully selected, and equipped with a lot of heavy weapons, and the opponent was just an ordinary Chinese regiment organized in a local area.

Judging from this incident, the combat quality of the Chinese army is constantly improving, and the weapons are also more sophisticated, which undoubtedly casts a haze on their upcoming large-scale operations.They are not only worried that the Chinese army is prepared, but also worried about the stubborn resistance that will be encountered during the attack. However, the matter has come to this point, and the large-scale attack cannot be changed or stopped. It was originally the first brigade as the vanguard.

Judging from the deployment of the devil's base camp, they have already attached great importance to Ancheng. In addition to strictly ordering the first brigade to take Ancheng within a day, so as to prevent the surprise attack from being noticed by the Chinese army, they also want to wipe out all Ancheng. The defenders regained their morale, and the devil's follow-up troops also launched operations immediately.

Su Yuan, who was stationed in Ancheng, soon got the news that the devils had come. He was relieved but also felt heavy pressure.He immediately asked Li Qian to report to the theater again, but this time he was still disappointed.

The war zone only learned that the Japanese First Brigade was about to launch an attack on Ancheng, but they still didn't notice the large number of Japanese troops behind it. They thought it was a revenge action taken by the Japanese army, so they asked Su Yuan to stick to Ancheng to repel the devils invasion.For Su Yuan's commanding troops to defeat the Yoshino United, the war zone issued a commendation order, but did not give any substantive support.

"Damn it!" Li Zhuang, who knew the situation, couldn't help cursing, "Even if there is no large-scale operation by the devils, how can we stop this brigade? They should send us some reinforcements."

"We can't defend Ancheng no matter what." Meng Tianze said.

"But Shangfeng asked us to stick to it, what should we do?" Zhang Hao said worriedly.

"The war zone still doesn't believe what we reported." Su Yuan said worriedly: "It seems that only by fighting the devils can they pay attention."

"Tuan Zuo, do you really want to stick to Ancheng?" Meng Tian asked.

"Then what do you think we should do?" Su Yuan had never hesitated like this before. What he is most worried about now is that the devils will surround Ancheng, and if the devil's large army continues to go south, then his persistence will be worthless, and his brothers who live and die will also die. There will be a terrible price to be paid for this, and he has not advocated such a fight.

"Then let's retreat to the mountains and take care of those fucking officials." Li Zhuang replied first, he had experienced it before, and the bloody battle in Daming made him feel scruples.

"This is not good." Zhang Hao said: "If we retreat privately, we will be dealt with by military law."

Su Yuan thought over and over again, it seems that this battle must be fought, only through the battle to prove the actions of the devils and buy time for the war zone, as for what to do after the fight, it can only be handled according to the situation at that time .

"Our purpose is to let the war zone know and buy time to prepare for the war. This is of great importance, so we must stick to Ancheng." Su Yuan said.He then said to Li Qian: "Li Qian, you can report the battle situation here at any time. If the war zone believes what we say, then we will evacuate and try to hold the devils around."

"It seems that's all there is to it." The head of the regiment had already ordered, and everyone felt that this was all there was to it. Everyone began to lead their troops to strengthen their preparations according to Su Yuan's deployment.

Su Yuan shrank his troops and prepared to stand firm. In order to be able to evacuate in time, he sent a force to defend the west town, which is the passage to the mountainous area.

The brutality of the battle was beyond Su Yuan's expectation, and what made Su Yuan even more worried was that the devils really launched an encircling attack on them. In one day, the devils launched more than ten attacks on them, and the city fell. The corpses of countless devils were destroyed, but the defenders also suffered heavy casualties, but they finally held on.

When the sky was about to get dark, the devils stopped attacking. Su Yuan just breathed a sigh of relief, but the news that was sent immediately felt crisis and shock.

The first is the news of the fall of Xicheng Town. Now they are completely surrounded by devils. Although Su Yuan is worried about this, he doesn't feel too much pressure. If they lose it, they can open it in the breakout.

Su Yuan was disappointed that he had led his troops to fight for a whole day, and the war zone still didn't pay attention to the future battle. According to the reconnaissance, the large army of devils showed signs of bypassing Ancheng and heading south. This was what Su Yuan was most worried about.

Su Yuan got angry with Li Qian, and Li Qian also felt aggrieved. The reply from the theater was still to ask them to stick to the military law otherwise.

After hearing Li Qian's report, Su Yuan's heart suddenly moved. It seems that the report on the theater is useless, and Li Qian doesn't have the ability to go up, so he can only make things bigger.

"Li Qian, you immediately send the message in plain code, keep sending it to me, introduce our battle situation today to all the radio stations that can receive it, and explain that the devil's army has bypassed Ancheng and went south. Their goal is not only Henan , but threatened Chongqing."

"This..." Li Qian understood that this was the best way, but it was beyond the scope of her authority, but when she saw Su Yuan whose eyes were flaming, she still agreed.

That night, not only the war zone, but also Chongqing, the Devils, and the surrounding Eighth Route Army and New Fourth Army all received this important news, and they quickly reacted differently to it.

The Japanese army reacted quickly. On the one hand, they ordered the troops going south to speed up their advance, preparing to be caught off guard by the Chinese army that had just been on guard. To wipe out this Chinese army that sabotaged their battle, the devils now hate Su Yuan to the bone.

The war zone also began to be a little worried about Su Yuan's report, which must have alarmed Chongqing. Sure enough, Chongqing, which received the plain code telegram, responded immediately. The telegram said that the Japanese army was going to threaten Chongqing. The Chongqing side immediately ordered the theater to prepare for war. But it was too late at this time.

Similarly, Yan'an also received a clear-coded telegram from Ancheng, and they immediately ordered the nearby troops to respond and deploy.

At this time, Su Yuan seemed to have relieved a heavy burden. He had already tried his best, and it was meaningless to hold on. He began to make preparations to break through, but it was too late tonight, and he had to break through tomorrow night. Facing the crazy attack of the devils during the day, the devils must have gone crazy at this time. Whether they can hold on for another day is the key to the survival of their troops.

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