base of war

Chapter 4 Aiming

When it was time to shoot, Su Yuan realized that it was not an easy task. First of all, according to Li Dayong's teaching, he could not do it by closing his left eye and aiming at Su Yuan. The seemingly simplest thing was not easy to do.

Su Yuan can't close his left eye, so Su Yuan is a little annoyed by this, what a fart, Li Dayong explained to him: "This is what many people encountered in the beginning, and I did the same at the beginning, the veteran who taught me how to shoot a gun Let me get up in the morning and close my left eye with my hand, and keep my right eye open, and then let go of it and keep practicing like this, and I will get used to it soon after practicing more."

According to what Li Dayong said, Su Yuan began to practice every day. Naturally, Hong Hai and Shan Zi also accompanied him. After a week, Su Yuan could close his left eye proficiently, but Hong Hai and Shan Zi could not do it.

Su Yuan was no longer in a hurry to shoot, but began to practice aiming with the gun every day, but as he practiced, his eyes began to ache, and the aiming target began to blur. Su Yuan knew that this was caused by eye fatigue, and he focused on He knew it was caused by aiming and sunlight and other stimuli, so he began to practice intermittently, resting after aiming for a while, and soon his eyes got used to it. At this time, Hong Hai and Shanzi had just learned I closed my left eye.

Su Yuan decided to start shooting. Li Dayong taught by the side, holding the position of the gun with both hands, the butt of the gun tightly against the shoulder socket to prevent recoil, his cheek on the butt, and his elbows raised steadily. Su Yuan After getting used to it, he gradually felt that he was integrated with the gun. The notch, the front sight and the target were three points and one line. Su Yuan aimed at a jar 30 meters away.

Finally, Su Yuan felt that it was ok, he stopped his steady breath, held his breath, and lightly tapped the trigger to fire. When he pressed the first fire, he felt full of confidence. Isn't it very simple, then he pointed Continuing to press the second fire, it was very steady, without breaking the line of sight, Su Yuan heard the longing gunshot.

But unfortunately, there was no movement from the jar in the distance, and Su Yuan's first shot went flying.Then Su Yuan aimed more carefully, but the second shot still missed the target.

"It can't be that the gun is inaccurate?" Su Yuan said discouragedly.

"No." Li Dayong said as he took the gun, and he only aimed a little and smashed the jar in the distance. "Try shooting a few shots. Don't be impatient. It's not easy to shoot right away." Li Dayong explained.

"Let's wait. There are not many bullets. Forget it today. Let me analyze the reason. It may be that the position of the front sight in the gap is not easy to grasp." Su Yuan said.

After several days of thinking, Su Yuan finally figured out how to accurately practice the three-point and one-line aiming method. He asked Shanzi to find a carpenter to build a heavy gun rack, and then tied the gun to the gun rack securely. Aim the gun at the courtyard wall 20 meters away.

Li Dayong didn't understand this, everyone didn't know what Su Yuan wanted to do, so they had to watch from the sidelines, but Su Yuan pulled the trigger casually, the three of them were wondering what he was doing, and they were usually stingy with bullets of.

"Go, Shanzi, take a brush and draw a circle on the bullet hole on the wall." Su Yuan ordered.

"Young master, I understand. People always say that you can hit wherever you point, but you are better. You can point to whatever you hit, but it is accurate enough." Shanzi joked.

"What do you know! Go!" Su Yuan ordered, and then asked Li Dayong: "Dayong, didn't you see the airs move?"

"No, Mosi didn't move." Li Dayong looked at the shelf, then glanced at the black circle that Miao Shanzi had drawn and said.

"That's good, try another shot." Su Yuan fired the second shot as he said, and the second bullet still hit the circle. Although it was close to each other, it didn't hit the first bullet as everyone imagined. hole.

"Could it be that it moved a little bit?" said Hong Hai at the side.

"If you move a little here, the bullet will miss a lot." Li Dayong said beside him.

"Then why didn't you hit a single bullet hole?" Shan Zi asked scoldingly.

"I don't understand. These bullets look exactly the same, but there are still differences, such as the shape and weight of the bullet, the performance of the gunpowder inside, and the amount of gunpowder inside. Although there is a small difference, there is still a difference. There will be a difference if you are far away." Su Yuan explained from the side.

"Master Su, how do you know so much?" Li Dayong said in amazement, "I never thought about it."

"I want to be a sharpshooter, so naturally I think too much." Su Yuan said: "Okay, this is an accurate three-point line, and I can accurately grasp the position of the crosshair in the gap." Su Yuan's words made everyone finally After realizing it, everyone not only took turns to watch, but also praised this method as good.

Before that, when Su Yuan was aiming, the notch of the gun would reflect under the sunlight, and there were three layers of notch and front sight at the notch. Su Yuan had never grasped which layer was the most accurate, and it was already obvious at this time Now, the target is clear, it is in the outer reflection layer and the middle refraction layer, the junction is the real top edge of the gap, Su Yuan gradually grasped the real three-point line.

Li Dayong seemed very surprised by this, but he didn't know this before, and he, Hong Hai and Shanzi also took turns to watch and grasp it.Until the evening, when they were about to put away their guns, Su Yuan looked at it for the last time. He suddenly noticed that the gap on the third floor had become two floors. Through the front sight and the target, Su Yuan could see that the real gap was in the The upper part of the phantom seems to be different in dim conditions. If you want to aim at the target, you have to aim at the upper part of the phantom.

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