base of war

Chapter 92

Su Yuan pointed the gun at a guy with a command knife. With a gunshot, the devil's head in Su Yuan's eyes seemed to be blown off, and a cloud of blood sprayed up, and the machine guns on both sides also fired immediately, and the two machine guns were fierce. Combined with Su Yuan's accurate shooting, the non-commissioned officers of those devils wanted to direct their men to covertly resist in panic, but they were killed one by one immediately, and the devils who had no command soon fell into chaos.

Immediately afterwards, grenades fell like raindrops, and clusters of flames flashed in the group of devils and raised black clouds. In the rumbling explosion, the bullets swept across the shrapnel, and the condescending blow made the devils have nowhere to hide. Those frightened mules and horses running wildly around with carts made the devils even more tired of coping.

Countless ghosts who fell to the ground were trampled by mules and horses and crushed by wheels. There were screams one after another. The trembling devils completely lost the ability and confidence to resist. They thought they were attacked by a large force of the Eighth Route Army, and the rest began to flee in all directions. .

"Go down!" Su Yuan ordered immediately seeing the opportunity.

Chen Xing immediately grabbed the gun and slid down, and Xiao Wu also slid down immediately. According to the previous deployment, he opened a passage to the south with firepower and rushed.Su Yuan and Li Zhuang took cover on the cliff.

Soon, the little five and four chased the fleeing devils and occupied a high ground, "Company commander, the devils behind are coming up, let's retreat."

"Give them a shuttle." Shouted Su Yuan, who watched the approach but didn't know the situation and didn't dare to fire.

The two turned around and fought back for less than a minute, then they also slid down the cliff and retreated under the cover of Xiao Wu and the others. Before Su Yuan could reach the high ground occupied by Xiao Wu, continuous shelling and violent gunfire sounded from behind. , The devils began to suppress fire on the cliff.

But Su Yuan and the others took the opportunity to rush out...

Hearing that the besieged Eighth Route Army rushed out, this made Captain Guizi feel unbelievable. He didn't believe that he was well prepared, but he just surrounded a small team with a few people, and his transport squadron was killed in an instant. The defeat made him believe that it was a large army from the Eighth Route Army that escaped. He still firmly believed in the ability of his subordinates. Although they were only supply troops, their combat effectiveness was still very strong.

The only thing he couldn't figure out was that since it was a large force of the Eighth Route, how could his two squadrons fail to discover the encirclement. With doubts, he immediately ordered the two squadrons in charge of the encirclement to quickly catch up with Su Yuan and the others.

The devil made a wrong judgment in his blind self-confidence. The captain of the devil ordered the squadron that was chasing Company Commander Sun to guard the pass leading to the hilly area. not going back.

With the flaws revealed by the devil's deployment, Captain Li quickly found the target according to the intelligence, which was the devil squadron occupying the pass. firmly holds the advantage.

Immediately, according to Captain Li's proposal, the supplementary regiment first captured a high ground to the south of the pass, where they could not only suppress the devils in the pass with firepower, but also block the way for the devils to escape.

Seeing that the devil's retreat had been blocked, Captain Li immediately ordered the whole regiment to launch an attack in order to make a quick decision. The first battalion cooperated with the second battalion who had previously ambushed here and was familiar with the surrounding terrain to launch a left and right offensive. In order for the reserve team to go into battle at any time, a fierce battle soon started.

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