country sex

Chapter 137 Whose Dad?

In the police station, it would be much quieter without that kid Chen Yufei.But Yanxiang didn't have to play tricks and had a lot less fun.

Everyone else is out on patrol.Yan Xiang stayed at the police station alone to guard, and could swatt flies if he was bored.Looking left and right, there was no one there, and even after drinking a cup of tea, he felt urgent to urinate, so Yan Xiang got up to go to the toilet.

Come back from the toilet.Yanxiang found a middle-aged man in a black suit poking around in the police station, sneaking around.

Yan Xiang walked out with his head held high, and he looked at the middle-aged man with a majestic look on his face and said, "What's the matter with you? We are here to find people, things, and trivial matters, but we don't recharge the phone bill. What do you ask for?" Just say it."

The middle-aged man looked at Yan Xiang, and said neither humble nor overbearing, "I'm looking for my daughter!"

"What? My daughter disappeared. This is a big deal. Sit down and talk slowly. Did you get kidnapped, ran away with someone, or was trafficked?" Yan Xiang pressed the middle-aged man on the seat.

It is rare to meet a big event in such a boring day, how can Yan Xiang not be excited, not excited.

"Uncle, do you drink water?"

"Need not."

"Uncle, do you eat apples?"

"Need not."

"Oh, then you can start." Yan Xiang returned to his seat and looked at the middle-aged man expectantly.I hope the middle-aged man can say something big that makes him feel anxious.

The middle-aged man smiled and said, "I'm here to find my daughter..."

"Wait, don't say it yet. Let me speculate." Yan Xiang suddenly frowned and put his hand on his chin.He looked at the middle-aged man with a detective face.

After pondering for a long time, he said slowly, "From the outside, uncle, you are well-dressed, with a suit and leather shoes, and shiny hair. You should be a rich man."

The middle-aged man smiled and nodded, feeling that what Yan Xiang said was somewhat meaningful.He waited patiently for Yanxiang to continue.

Yan Xiang said, "I thought that a rich man like you should live in the city, but now he ran to this small village. Just now you said that you were looking for your daughter. If I guessed correctly, your daughter should have gone to this village Here we come. And why did a rich lady run to the village? Apart from important things, she ran away with others. Seeing the flowers in your hand, you must not come to this village to be a mistress, but to persuade your daughter to go back. But you don’t know Where is your daughter, so I found the police station. I want to ask us to help you find it!"

There was a strange look in the eyes of the middle-aged man, he really didn't expect that Yan Xiang could guess that he was inseparable just by observing.Compared with him, this vision is even worse.Unexpectedly, this mountain village is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and there are such talented people.The middle-aged man looked at Yan Xiang with a light in his eyes.

The middle-aged man also wanted to praise Yanxiang a few words.However, Yanxiang continued to talk to himself narcissistically, "Girls these days just don't know how to be considerate of their parents. Parents work so hard! Like our rural areas, we have to pick up manure and water. Pulling shit and urine big, In the end, he turned his elbow outward. How boring you are!"

Although Yan Xiang's words were a bit crude.But it still speaks to the hearts of middle-aged people.The middle-aged man gave a thumbs up and said in agreement, "Little brother, brilliant!"

Yan Xiang smiled and said, "What's the point, I have no father or mother since I was a child, so I envy the life of having parents. If I had parents, I would definitely put them on the top of my head and worship them every day."

The middle-aged man sympathized and said, "Little brother, I didn't expect your life experience to be so miserable." Then he thought for a while and asked, "Do you really want a father?"

Yan Xiang said with tears in his eyes, "Of course I want to, even in my dreams."

"Then I..."

"I'm back!" At this moment, Hu Xiaoqing walked in from the outside with a smile all over her face.Looks like a good mood.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he asked Yan Xiang, "Guess what I brought back?"

Yanxiang stared at it, and activated the see-through eyes, so don't see Hu Xiaoqing holding two yellow chrysanthemums with her hands behind her back.This chrysanthemum is not that chrysanthemum.

Yan Xiang said, "Didn't I just pick two chrysanthemums. What's there to be happy about? It's disgusting to death!"

"Hey, how did you know? But what are you talking about? Chrysanthemums are so beautiful, and they can make tea." Hu Xiaoqing turned her head while talking, only to find the middle-aged man standing quietly next to her.

He shouted with joy, "Dad? Why are you here?"

"What father? Whose father?" Yan Xiang looked around in a daze.The next moment it was discovered that Hu Xiaoqing had thrown herself into the middle-aged man's arms like a little girl.

Yan Xiang looked at the middle-aged man in surprise, "Are you her father?"

The middle-aged man smiled and said, "Yes, my name is Hu Hai."

Yan Xiang sighed, "There are so many things in the world. The difference between you two father and daughter is too big. It's like a sky and a ground, a bull's head and a horse's mouth!"

Isn't Yan Xiang a curse?Hu Xiaoqing stared and said, "What did you say?"

Hu Hai laughed and said, "Interesting, interesting. This brother is very interesting and has the potential to be a policeman."

Yanxiang smiled at Hu Xiaoqing, "Did you hear that? That's the difference. Uncle Hu is called knowing a hero with insight."

Seeing Yan Xiang's appearance of a villain gaining power, Hu Xiaoqing said angrily, "Dad, this kid is a first-rate gangster. He is very shameless. How could he have the potential to be a policeman?"

Hu Hai said with a friendly smile on his resolute face, "You are judging people with prejudice again. I told you a long time ago that you must be objective in judging people and things. This way it will not affect your judgment. Why are you doing this? Have some achievements in this line of work? On the contrary, this little brother, chatted with me very speculatively, and can guess my purpose exactly based on observation. This is the talent that a policeman should have. "

Hu Hai looked at Yanxiang with the eyes of discovering rare jewels.

Although Yan Xiang didn't know Hu Hai's identity.But from the fact that he is Hu Xiaoqing's father, it can be seen that Hu Hai has a high status.Yan Xiang proudly raised his eyebrows and said, "So I was born to be a policeman. I finally know what the heavens have given me with the talent of observing subtleties. It is to let me solve strange cases, punish evil and eradicate evil!"

Hu Xiaoqing rolled her eyes and said, "I'm not ashamed. I don't even know what your face is made of?"

Yan Xiang giggled and said, "My face is inlaid with gold. Kiss more when you have time, and you will be prosperous!"

Hu Hai looked at Yanxiang and said, "Just now I heard you said that you have no father and no mother. I also want to have parents. I also want to accept a closed disciple. If you don't dislike it, be my godson. I will teach you how to write in the future. The ability to solve cases. You will go very brilliantly on this road!"

Climb to a very powerful uncle.Yan Xiang beamed with joy and said, "Okay!"

"No, no, absolutely not." Unexpectedly, Hu Xiaoqing retorted resolutely.

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