country sex

Chapter 174 What should I do when my aunt comes?

Chapter 174 What should I do when my aunt comes?

The school bell is ringing...

"Hello, Mr. Gao is sick. So let me take the time to substitute for her. My name is Yan Xiang, and you can also call me Teacher Yan." First, he introduced himself, and Yan Xiang straightened his collar.It was an eye-catching move, one that drew attention to him.

Yan Xiang deliberately dressed up in the morning, just to attract the attention of the students and admire his incomparably handsome side.Unexpectedly, there was no reaction at all.The students below all looked at him, but their eyes were a little weird.And the classroom is very quiet, very quiet.

Yan Xiang coughed twice and said, "Then let's start the class first." Yan Xiang didn't learn well by himself, so how can he teach others?But these students don't talk, and he can't find something to say.It's better to write two strokes according to the book first, and scare these students.

However, Yanxiang hadn't decided what to write yet, and the place below exploded with a bang.

"The new substitute teacher? Teacher Yan, how old are you?" Amidst the noise, a student stood up first and asked.

Yan Xiang had long expected that someone would ask such a question, and calmly replied, "I am 22 years old. Although I look young, I am actually about to marry a wife and have children."

In order to make this group of students feel safe, Yan Xiang intentionally reported his age too high.Everyone wants others to say that they are young, but now Yan Xiang says that he is old.

"Only 22 years old, so young."

"Yeah, I guess I just graduated from university, so I can teach us."

"It's no wonder that those who preach social thoughts may not have stayed in society."

The group below is noisy and discussing non-stop.He simply treats the teacher Yanxiang as nothing.Another student stood up and asked, "Teacher, do you know Teacher Gao Lan?"

Yan Xiang smiled and said, "Of course I know."

"Then what is your relationship with Teacher Gao Lan?"

Students gossip too.Yan Xiang patiently explained, "Friendship."

"Oh, what a close friend that is?"

This question is a girl, and it is normal to be more interested in this aspect of the question.Yan Xiang smiled patiently and replied, "The very intimate kind."

"Are you Teacher Gao Lan's boyfriend?" The student finally asked the question he cared about most.The whole class booed, and everyone waited eagerly for Yanxiang's answer.

Yan Xiang smiled and said, "You can just ask me this question. Don't ask Teacher Gao Lan. Others will be embarrassed!"

"Oh, that's right. I said that Teacher Gao Lan is so beautiful, why doesn't she have a boyfriend. It turns out that she has a handsome guy in her collection. We wouldn't know if Teacher Yan didn't come to substitute for the class today." The whole class began to gossip again. Nobody seemed interested in class.

Regarding the discussion of the crowd, Yan Xiang neither admitted nor denied it.Gao Lan is so beautiful, of course he hopes to have some relationship.But if he said that he was Gao Lan's boyfriend too directly, Gao Lan would be angry if he heard it.After all, Gao Lan has children!When Gao Lan was born, Yan Xiang would have no chance.

Yanxiang said to the girl who asked the question, "Okay, there is no question. Sit down and start class!"

The girl didn't sit down right away, but stared at Yanxiang and said, "Teacher, I'll ask one last question. You answer me, and we'll have no problem."

Yan Xiang put his arms around his arms and said, "Any more questions? Ask?"

The girl thought for a while and asked loudly, "Teacher, what should I do if my aunt is here?"

As soon as this question came out, Yan Xiang was stunned.Today's students are too open-minded, they can ask such questions out loud.Although Yan Xiang is not very old, it is the first time he has seen such an open girl.Are the girls in the city different?And the other boys and girls laughed so hard that they couldn't close their mouths.

Yan Xiang was stunned, and said with a smirk, "Auntie is here. That's easy, just catch a leech and put it in. Whatever blood you bleed, I'll suck it up for you!"

Everyone never expected Yan Xiang's answer to be even more shocking, and after three seconds of stunned, they burst into even stronger laughter.The girl who asked the question blushed with embarrassment.When she asked this question, she deliberately wanted to punish Yanxiang, making it difficult for Yanxiang to step down.Unexpectedly, Yanxiang's answer made her unable to step down from the stage.

Yan Xiang looked at the girl with a half-smile and said, "But don't let the locusts go casually. Otherwise, you will have to spend time in the hospital. Well, this class is not a biology class. Sit down after asking the questions. Next Classes begin!"

The girl blushed and glanced at Yan Xiang unhappily, sat down and chatted with her deskmate.The other students were also chattering non-stop.Yan Xiang was puzzled, how did Gao Lan manage to get into such a classroom discipline?Even in Shuiyun Village, there has never been such a chaotic classroom.

No wonder Gao Lan said that a teacher must be there to watch, otherwise the students would be in trouble.

Yan Xiang patted the desk heavily with his hands, making a loud bang.Yan Xiang stared at everyone with cold eyes and said, "It's class now, if you think chatting is interesting, you can talk after class. Listen to my lecture now!"

Everyone just froze for a few seconds.Then they started talking and chatting, completely ignoring Yan Xiang.

Is this the other way around?The teacher dared not listen to what he said.When Yan Xiang came, he was in a good mood, happy with the spring breeze.But now his stomach is full of anger, and his temper has been completely provoked by these students.

Yanxiang didn't knock on the table again, because that didn't work.He stepped off the podium and slowly walked towards a classmate who spoke the loudest.

The others were chatting happily.But seeing Yan Xiang walking down, they couldn't help but shut their mouths, watching Yan Xiang's actions.I don't know what Yanxiang wants to do!

Yan Xiang walked up to a fat man, stared at the fat man and asked, "Did you hear me when I said don't talk?"

The fat man gave Yan Xiang a slanted look, his face full of disdain, and he didn't speak.

Nima, this rebellious period is quite serious.But it's a disease that needs to be cured.Yanxiang can't cure any disease, but he has the best experience in treating arrogant people.

Yan Xiang lowered his head slowly, looked at the fat man and said, "Don't you understand me?"

The fat man took a look at Yanxiang, and said with dissatisfaction on his face, "So what about talking? There are so many people talking, why do you just care about me?"

Yan Xiang said expressionlessly, "Because I only hear you speak the loudest."

"Cut!" The fat man turned his head with disdain, ignoring Yan Xiang.

"What's wrong, don't you agree?" Yan Xiang reached out and grabbed the fat man by the collar.Lift the fat man from his seat.The other students' eyes widened. They never thought that Yan Xiang, the new teacher, would be so violent.The most violent physical education teachers in the past did not dare to do this to them.

Yan Xiang is not very old.Why is it so horizontal?Everyone looked at Yanxiang in surprise.I don't know what Yan Xiang will do to Fatty next moment.

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