country sex

Chapter 192 Her name is Ruhua

Chapter 192 Her name is Ruhua

The beautiful woman was wrapped in a bath towel with pear blossoms and rain, crying non-stop.Yan Xiang was at a loss by the side, neither comforting nor not comforting.

Yan Xiang thought about whether to throw down a few hundred dollars to make up for the beauty's psychological trauma, and then he walked away.But that would be so indecent and insulting.

At this moment, the beauty suddenly stood up, and slapped Yan Xiang with a crisp hand.He said bitterly, "Remember, I will never end with you!" Then he turned around and walked out quickly, as if he was afraid that Yan Xiang would see him again.

Yan Xiang was stunned, with his skill, it was not difficult to avoid the slap.But how could he have imagined that this woman's temper would change so quickly.One second she was crying like hell, and the next second she suddenly became an adult.Yan Xiang was upset, rushed out of the room, and shouted at the beauty's back, "Girl, it's wrong for you to do this. If you have the guts, come back and fight!"

However, the beauty ignored him.What a shame, the most he can do is enter the room without consent.Afterwards, all the beauties recruited themselves, so it seems like he made a big mistake!

At this moment, a police officer walked by, Yan Xiang hurriedly stopped the police officer and asked, "Whose room does this belong to? Why is there a woman in it?"

The policeman looked at Yanxiang suspiciously and asked, "Who are you?"

Yan Xiang replied, "My name is Yan Xiang."

The police officer suddenly said, "Oh, so you are Yan Xiang. I just heard that Uncle Hu brought his apprentice here, and I want to meet him. By the way, why did you come here?"

Yan Xiang said, "I just wandered around. Then I entered this room, and I met a beautiful woman in this room."

The policeman looked at the red fingerprints on Yanxiang's face, and said with a dumbfounded smile, "You won't provoke her, will you?"

Yan Xiang raised his eyebrows and said, "Who is she?"

The police officer said with a half-smile, "She is the second daughter of the director Li Qingquan, named Li Ruhua. She is the policewoman in our office, but she has a bad temper. She is a well-deserved tigress. You provoked her when you came, and I am afraid that you will be a woman in the future." You will suffer. It is better to advise you to stay far away."

Yan Xiang was surprised and said, "It can't be so scary. And she doesn't look like a flower!"

The policeman rolled his eyes and said, "Do you think that if you are called Ruhua, you have to be like Ruhua? Ruhua is more beautiful than Hua, and she is the goddess in the hearts of many policemen. Unfortunately, she is so tough that no one dares to criticize her." Well, I don’t think you know the way, so I’ll take you outside to have a look!”

Yan Xiang said, "Thank you, what's your name?"

The police officer said, "My name is Zhang Feng. You can call me Xiao Zhang."

Xiao Zhang took Yan Xiang back to the front lobby.A group of police officers knew that Yanxiang's master was Hu Hai, and immediately greeted Yanxiang with care and love.Yan Xiang dealt with them one by one, and then sat leisurely on the chair beside him to rest.

Suddenly, Yan Xiang saw an acquaintance walking in through the door with a bouquet of bright roses.Yan Xiang became interested, leaned over and asked with a smile, "Song Zhong, why are you here again? Do you want to practice with me?" As he said, Yan Xiang rubbed his hands together, his knuckles crackling.

Seeing Yan Xiang, Song Zhong suddenly remembered the previous competition with Yan Xiang.That time I really lost my lord, I forced Yan Xiang to go in like humiliating Yan Xiang.Who knew that Yanxiang would not be able to get up after being kicked and knocked to the ground.After that, no one believed that he was a seventh-dan taekwondo.

The memory came to mind again, Song Zhong hurriedly covered his crotch, took a step back, stared at Yanxiang warily and asked, "What do you want to do?"

Yan Xiang smiled and said, "I don't want to do anything. I just want to ask you if you can compare?"

Song Zhong shook his head and said, "I don't want to compare, I still have something to do. I will compare with you another day."

Yan Xiang smiled and said, "Don't worry about it, I'm so idle right now."

Song Zhong had a headache.How can I find this product anywhere.It was better before, but now with the shadow of last time, he really didn't dare to fight Yan Xiang.But now that Yan Xiang is acting like a villain, Yan Xiang will definitely not let him go easily.He could have turned around and left, but he still had work to do.

Song Zhong looked at the flowers in his hand, and made up his mind that even if Yan Xiang kicked his crotch again, he had to finish this matter.

And at this moment, a clear shout came from behind Yanxiang.

"Get out of the way, all of you, Miss Ben is going to kill people today."

Yan Xiang looked back, and saw that Li Ruhua, the beautiful woman whom he had been looking at just now, was holding a long sword with a cold light, and was stabbing Yan Xiang.

The police officers next to him saw that the momentum was wrong, and stepped aside one after another.With sharp eyes and quick hands, Yan Xiang jumped to the side, dodging Li Ruhua's attack.But Li Ruhua refused to give up, and chased Yan Xiang's chest with a long sword. The distance between the tip of the sword and Yan Xiang's chest was only a few centimeters, which was very dangerous.

This woman is indeed a tigress, she draws her sword and stabs people at every turn.However, this woman's kung fu doesn't seem to be deep, even if she holds a long sword, she can't hurt Yan Xiang.

Yan Xiang retreated quickly, and Yan Xiang swept a feather duster on the cabinet next to him.He picked up the feather duster to block Li Ruhua's long sword, and slapped it on Li Ruhua's wrist.Feather dusters fend off sharp swords, which is skillful.If it hit the blade, the feather duster would have to snap in two.So you have to look at the position and knock on the middle of the long sword, on the blade, so as not to damage the feather duster.

Being hit by Yanxiang's feather duster on the wrist, Li Ruhua suffered pain, and the long sword left his hand and fell to the ground.Yan Xiang took advantage of the momentum to attack, and Li Ruhua was dazzled by the feather duster dance.Then it hit Li Ruhua's buttocks, and Li Ruhua let out a cry.Yan Xiang didn't stop, and pumped several times in a row, all of which hit Li Ruhua's buttocks.

It is estimated that Li Ruhua's white and tender buttocks under the trousers have been drawn several red marks by Yanxiang.Li Ruhua was so painful that tears rolled in her eyes, and then flowed out uncontrollably, and retreated to the corner of the wall rubbing her buttocks.Song Zhong, who was watching the play, rushed to Li Ruhua's side, and asked with concern, "Sister Ruhua, are you okay?"

Li Ruhua glared and said, "Asshole, why didn't you go up just now. Didn't you say that you are a seventh-dan taekwondo, how good are you? Why don't you go up and help me beat him up."

Song Zhong glanced at Yan Xiang, then saw the feather duster in Yan Xiang's hand, and said with a mournful face, "Sister Ruhua, I don't dare!"

He was also kicked by Yanxiang before Zisungen, and stayed in bed for several days.Now that Yan Xiang had another feather duster in his hand, he didn't dare to use it casually.Moreover, Li Ruhua, who had always been proud and arrogant, was no match for Yanxiang, so how could he dare to fight, unless he really didn't want to live anymore.

Li Ruhua glared at Song Zhong angrily with red eyes and said angrily, "You useless thing, don't call me, get out of here."

Song Zhong comforted, "Sister Ruhua, don't cry. We are not his opponents, we can go to the director to help me uphold justice!"

Li Ruhua slapped Song Zhong and said, "You are a wimp, you can't handle this kind of thing and you still need to find my dad. I don't want to see you in the future, you disappear!"

Restore eight thousand words!

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