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Chapter 226 You're Unworthy

Chapter 226 You're Unworthy

The outside buildings and this spacious hall are indeed amazing.When Yanxiang came in, he also looked like Chai Jin.But he didn't expect Chai Jin to pass the test so quickly.Based on his understanding of Wen Ren, Wen Ren should use many methods to test Chai Jincai.

Yanxiang didn't understand.There are only three conditions for cultivating the Tao.The first is aptitude, the second is character, and the third is unwavering determination.

Chai Jin already met the last two conditions. As for the first condition, you can find out after a little testing.

Master Qingfeng looked at Wen Rendao, "What you brought is not a practitioner."

Ascetics can more or less exude a special aura.This may be imperceptible to ordinary people.But it is easy for Master Qingfeng with advanced cultivation to understand.

He could tell at a glance that Yan Xiang was a cultivator because of the distinctive aura exuding from Yan Xiang.But from Chai Jin, he couldn't see any difference.

Wen Ren is much more cautious in front of Master Qingfeng, not as loose and unscrupulous as Zi Yan.He replied, "This child came up the mountain to learn from his teacher."

Wen Ren's small body said that Chai Jin, who was much taller than him, was a child, which seemed so weird.

Master Qingfeng asked blankly, "Is he qualified enough to practice Taoism?"

Speaking of this topic.Chai Jin also became nervous.This can be related to his own pursuit.He has already come to this point, if he suddenly says that he is not qualified enough and drives him down the mountain, then he will be depressed to death.The immortal life within reach is in front of him, and he doesn't want this to turn into a dream.

Fortunately, Wen Ren's answer made him feel relieved.

"Enough, I have tested it myself. Both moral character and mind are excellent." Wen Ren replied.

Qingfeng Zhenren said, "I'm not referring to this. It's the innate aptitude for cultivating the Tao. Is he enough?"

Wen Ren's expression remained unchanged and he said, "That's enough, he definitely has the qualifications to practice inner strength."

Master Qingfeng nodded and said, "Okay, then he will worship you as his teacher first, and you can teach him his skills."

Wen Ren said respectfully, "Yes."

Zi Yan happily shouted, "Okay, I have another junior brother."

Daoist Qingfeng laughed dumbly and said, "It's not my junior brother, it's your senior nephew. Don't bully him."

Zi Yan blinked her big innocent eyes and said, "Why, I never bully those who are lower than me."

Wen Ren went in with firewood.Chai Jin also looked back at Yanxiang several times, but didn't speak.He knew that not everything could be said about this majestic place.After the person left, Master Qingfeng looked at Yanxiang and said, "This Shushan Mountain is full of aura, so you can cultivate with confidence. I wanted to help you, but you learned pure Yang internal strength, which is very different from my Shushan Mountain. So It's up to you, I can't help you."

Yanxiang did want Qingfeng to guide him.Hearing what Qingfeng said, he was also a little disappointed.Relying on himself, he doesn't know when he will be able to practice to the level of saving Qin Juan.Thinking of this, Yanxiang looked at Qingfeng and asked, "Is there no other way? To be honest, I have an important person who is suffering, and I need to improve my strength as soon as possible to save her. Can you help me, real?" "

Qingfeng Zhenren said, "Everything has its own rules. I can't help you. Wherever you go in your cultivation and what you will achieve in the future, it all depends on your own good fortune!"

In the end, Master Qingfeng still disagreed to help Yanxiang.Yanxiang had no choice, but he couldn't get up.He can definitely do it.He couldn't let Qin Juan suffer in the Weihu faction, his cultivation.Use all methods to cultivate, and use the fastest speed to improve your cultivation base.

At night, the entire mountain was silent.It seemed very quiet.The sky is dotted with a few not very bright stars, and the crescent moon is also very hazy.Beautiful things in the world are always flawed, and good things are always imperfect.

Yanxiang is like this.He thought that he could improve his cultivation as soon as possible after going to Mount Shu.Qin Juan can be rescued quickly.But now it seems that it is not so easy.Sitting by the pool, he was very lonely.Is there really no other way?Can only let Qin Juan suffer in the Weihu faction?

Zi Yan was also sitting beside him, leaning her head on Yan Xiang's body, her eyes were also absorbed.He muttered in his mouth, "The master said that he would open up the dusty memories for me. If I become a different person in the future, will you still like me, my husband?"

Yan Xiang was thinking about other things in his mind, and replied absently, "I like it, I like whatever you become."

Zi Yan said, "It's good that what you said is true. Seeing that you look lost, what are you worried about?"

Yanxiang said, "I worry a lot. But I am most worried about my cousin. Cousin Qinjuan, you know her. That woman is as beautiful as a fairy. Now, she is suffering for me. I want to save her, but I cannot Not enough. When will I be able to save her? What should I do?"

Zi Yan pursed her mouth and said dissatisfiedly, "You are still thinking of other women when you are by my side."

Yan Xiang said, "I can't think about it. He is suffering, but I can only watch. I can't do anything. You say I am still a man!"

Yan Xiang felt endless self-blame.Over the past few days, he has also thought about it carefully.Qin Juan will go back to the Mihu faction to suffer, most of the reasons are because of him.Qin Juan had said at the beginning that she came to investigate Yan Xiang's pure yang power.Or kill Yanxiang.Then even if the task is completed.But in the end Qin Juan not only did not go back to return to her command, nor did she kill Yan Xiang, she still lived by Yan Xiang's side.

For the monastic world, how big is such a crime of rebellion?Yan Xiang can imagine.The most important thing is that when Qin Juan was about to leave, she risked her life to protect Yan Xiang's safety.Yanxiang couldn't express the emotion in his heart.He has always thought that he is very powerful, and he has always been very confident.But now he felt that he was so cowardly that he couldn't even protect a woman.

Zi Yan said jealously, "I know, you miss her. She is prettier than me, she is a woman, she can sleep with you."

Yan Xiang couldn't help laughing, then straightened Zi Yan's small body, looked at Zi Yan and said, "Although you can't sleep with me, I like you just the same. If anything happens to you, I will die for you. Don't think about it. It's a good thing for Master to help you release your memory, be happy."

Ziyan looked into Yanxiang's eyes, and suddenly leaned in and kissed Yanxiang on the mouth, blushing and said, "I know. I'm just a little worried that I won't know you after I change my person."

Yan Xiang hugged Zi Yan in his arms and smiled, "No way. You will always be my good Zi Yan!"

"Sir, you are so kind to me. I want to give you something too." Zi Yan took out a small delicate box from her bosom and handed it to Yan Xiang, "It contains a elixir called Tongming Pill. Eating it will allow your body to resonate with the outside world. Not only will it enhance your skills, but it will also allow you to comprehend the integration and matching of your internal strength and moves, as well as the surrounding world."

Although Yanxiang doesn't understand.But hearing what Zi Yan said, Yan Xiang also knew that this elixir was extremely precious.He wanted to open it and have a look.But Ziyan stopped him and said, "It cannot be opened now. This Tongming Pill will melt five seconds after it comes into contact with the outside world. So you need to find a quiet place suitable for cultivation to take it, so that it can exert its effect."

Yan Xiang looked at Zi Yan and asked, "This elixir is so precious, how did you get it?"

Zi Yan smiled and said, "I stole it from the Pill Pavilion. The old man guarding the Pill Pavilion is very troublesome, and I purposely knocked him unconscious."

Yan Xiang said, "Master, won't you blame me if you know?"

Zi Yan smiled brightly and said, "Master will not blame me."

Yan Xiang was moved.Why are women so nice to him.This made him think of Qin Juan again, and the guilt in his heart deepened.No matter how difficult it is, he must redouble his cultivation to save Qin Juan.Cousin Qin Juan, I will not let you down.

After that, Yanxiang lived in Shushan.In the next few days, Ziyan took Yanxiang everywhere to familiarize himself with the environment.Looking at this cloud-shrouded, beautiful architectural scenery.Yanxiang also gradually let go of the troubles in his heart, and his mood began to improve.

In the eyes of outsiders, Yanxiang and Ziyan are really like a young couple.Because Zi Yan always called Yan Xiang his husband, and the two were still inseparable.This is more intimate than a couple.Of course, gossip is indispensable in this way.But Zi Yan didn't care at all.

That's right, Zi Yan is still young.She just knows that it's best to be happy.What else would you care about!

But this caused Yan Xiang a lot of trouble.

This day, Ziyan was not by Yanxiang's side.Yan Xiang took a walk in the green grass garden.However, when he raised his head, a young man with pockmarked face blocked Yan Xiang's way.This young man, Yan Xiang, still remembered that it was the young man he bumped into at the gate of the main hall when he first entered Shushan.

But do not know each other's name.Yan Xiang could only show a friendly smile and ask, "Is there something wrong?"

The young man said with a sullen face, "Yes."

Yan Xiang asked, "What's the matter?"

The young man did not answer Yan Xiang's question, but introduced himself, "My name is Tian Xiu. It has been a long time since I entered Shushan Mountain. It has been so long that I don't even remember the year and month. But I clearly remember when the master took me to enter Shushan Mountain for the first time. , I saw a girl who fascinated me. That is Senior Sister Ziyan. For so many years, she is the only beauty in my heart."

Yanxiang seemed to understand what was going on.The smile on his face also disappeared and said, "But Ziyan is still young."

Tian Xiu said, "When I saw her, she was not like this. She was so beautiful at that time, so beautiful that people couldn't close their eyes."

Yan Xiang smiled lightly and said, "I understand. You are jealous!"

Tian Xiu suddenly said loudly, "Yes, I'm jealous. I'm jealous that Senior Sister Ziyan doesn't even look at me when she comes back. But she goes in and out with you every day, and they are inseparable. She even calls you husband. Are you worthy? What are you?" Shi, you have only been in Shushan for a few days, are you worthy of Senior Sister Ziyan?"

Yan Xiang looked at Tian Xiu disapprovingly and said, "Who Ziyan likes, and whoever she's with is hers. You've got too much control!"

Tian Xiu said angrily, "No. Ziyan can like anyone, but he can't if he likes you. Because you are not worthy! You are not worthy of Senior Sister Ziyan's beauty and temperament. Even now, you are not worthy of Senior Sister Ziyan's innocence and beauty. There is also the simplest point, strength."

"In terms of strength, you are just a waste that has not even stepped into the innate realm. What qualifications do you have to walk with Senior Sister Ziyan?"

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