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Chapter 239 Three Years, Coming Out of the Mountain

Chapter 239 Three years, coming out of the mountain

In three years, time has passed and circumstances have changed, and things have changed.

It seems that everyone in Shushan has forgotten that there is another person in the sky outside the cave.Originally, the Heaven Outside the Cave could be entered by one person every year to practice, but in the past three years, too many things have happened in Shushan Mountain, and too many changes have taken place.The people of Shushan seem to have forgotten that there is still Tianwaitian competing for this competition.

It also caused Yanxiang to stay outside the cave for three years.

On this day, a strong explosion occurred on the top of Shushan Mountain.Smoke and dust rose everywhere, flying sand and rocks scattered a few white clouds.Everyone in Shushan Mountain was shocked, looking up at the top of the mountain where there was a change, in a daze.Then, the Shushan disciple vaguely saw a person coming down from the top of the mountain.

But in the blink of an eye, the man disappeared again.Estimated to be dazzled!

Yinyue Swordsman doesn't think he is dazzled.Seeing the strange movement on the mountain, he immediately remembered that disciple of Chunyang who cut off his apprentice's arm three years ago.

But no one can stay on it for three years.The longest is only three months.Because although the aura above is rich, it needs to rely on understanding.Otherwise, there is no difference between practicing on the mountain and practicing at the foot of the mountain.Some disciples didn't even have a chance to practice, and their minds were sucked in by that word, and they became completely vegetative.

Yan Xiang didn't respond for three years, Yinyue Swordsman thought Yan Xiang would end up in the same way.Who knew that the other party had actually stayed there for three years.

And judging from the explosion just now, the other party seems to have made great progress in cultivation.Because he felt an aura that soared to the sky, covering the sky and covering the sun.The sky outside the cave was also destroyed, so no one would have the chance to go up there to practice.

This is broken!

It's not that the sky outside the cave is broken, but that his major event is going to be broken.If Yan Xiang's cultivation base has improved greatly inside, the first purpose of going down the mountain must be to seek revenge from him.He is not afraid of Yan Xiang.Even if his cultivation base is not as high as Yan Xiang's, it doesn't matter if he is killed.But now Shushan is in danger, and there are still demons watching from below.

If he has three ups and two downs, Shushan will not be able to keep it.

He thought of someone.Wen Ren, bring Wen Ren back to preside over the overall situation in Shushan, maybe he can bring back this sect that is about to fall.But on second thought, it won't work. Wen Ren and him are like fire and water, and he will definitely not let him go easily when he comes back.At that time, let alone restore the general situation of Shushan, I am afraid that internal disputes will not be resolved.

But what to do?

"Master, what are you worrying about? Are you worried about the explosion on the top of the mountain?" Tian Xiu walked in and saw the Yinyue swordsman with a sad face.

Tian Xiu still looked the same, with distinct pockmarks all over his face.However, the appearance and temperament seem to be more mature, more like a master.Every move has the style of a master.

The Yinyue swordsman picked up the brush that was on the table, dipped it in black ink, and drew dragons and snakes on the white paper in front of him.After a while, a big Dao word appeared on the paper.

"Master, what do you mean?" Tian Xiu frowned.

"I'm thinking." The Yinyue swordsman looked up at Tian Xiu, sighed, "I was thinking whether what we did was right or wrong. We aspirants only ask for a word of Tao. But we are chasing after fame." Li, became a vulgar school. Shushan has also weakened to this point in our hands. Did we do something wrong?"

Tian Xiu quickly knelt on the ground, bowed his head and said, "Master, I know I was wrong. You worked so hard to snatch Shushan back to me, but I didn't know how to take care of it, so I made Shushan like this."

Yinyue Swordsman hastily supported Tian Xiu's shoulders, helped Tian Xiu up and said, "Don't care about your business. It's the fate of Shushan!"

Touching Tian Xiu's broken right arm, Yinyue Swordsman sighed heavily again, "If you want to blame it, it's also my fault. Blame me for not handling the matter well three years ago, which caused you to lose your broken arm. If your hand didn't break, it would take three years. , with the help of this Shushan environment, your cultivation base will definitely be able to advance to a higher level. What realm have you reached now?"

Tian Xiu said with shame on his face, "This disciple is useless. With the help of various pills. A year ago, this disciple managed to break through to the early stage of fusion, and his cultivation has not improved any more."

The Yinyue swordsman looked at the words of Dao on the table, his eyes were a little complicated, "Is it true that the sky is going to kill me in Shushan? Have you sent a letter of appeal to the righteous sect?"

Tian Xiu nodded and said, "Sent. Emei, Wudang, Kunlun, etc. have all sent letters for help. I believe there will be a response within ten days!"

Yinyue Swordsman said, "I hope they can help."

Shushan back door.

Ah Qiang is the gatekeeper disciple of Shushan.As usual, he stood by the door dutifully.But suddenly I saw a man in ragged clothes walking towards this side.Could it be that the people in the magic way want to attack?Ah Qiang felt a little nervous, so he took a step forward, puffed up his chest and asked the people who came, "Who are you? You can't trespass in the important land of Shushan."

"Ask Yinyue Swordsman to come out and meet me!" Unexpectedly, the other party only said such a sentence in a hoarse voice.

Ah Qiang was slightly taken aback.He knew that Yinyue Swordsman was the master of the sect.Rights are unique in Shushan.Even secretly, no one dared to claim the name 'Yinyue Swordsman' in vain.They are all respectfully called the Supreme Master.But now, there is a person who came out of nowhere and dared to call 'Yinyue Swordsman' directly.

The head of the Taishang is a person whom Ah Qiang respects and respects very much.Now this stranger is so rude to the Supreme Master, which makes him feel very uncomfortable.

He clenched the sword in his hand, and said to the visitor, "You bastard, you don't tell me where you came from. You are full of nonsense. I don't think you are a good person. Maybe you are a spy sent by the Demonic Dao at the foot of the mountain. I will deal with you first today." .”

As he said that, he had drawn out his sword and stabbed at the person who came.However, before his sword landed on the opponent, he had already been slapped a few feet away by the opponent with a light wave of his palm, and fell to the ground.He thought that if he didn't die, he would be seriously injured.Unexpectedly, when he touched his chest, he was still fine, and his breathing was not uncomfortable.

The opponent is so powerful that he doesn't hurt him?He was a little surprised!

And the man didn't stop, and didn't even look at him.He walked straight to the door, pushed it, but didn't push it away.

"It's useless, this door is bounded by a magical enchantment. Without the permission of the elders of Shushan, strangers are not allowed to enter." Ah Qiang reminded.He also didn't know why he had to remind this stranger who looked like a beggar and looked fierce.But he reminded that maybe the other party didn't hurt him.

After Ah Qiang said it, he also regretted it.Because he thought that this person might come in danger, he forced him to ask how to get in.

But no, obviously he was thinking too much!

The man took a step back, and the sword in his hand suddenly came out of its sheath.A white light suddenly appeared and hit the door.There was also a white light on the door, like a transparent wall.

Ah Qiang couldn't help laughing.It is impossible to split the spell barrier with brute force.It was set up by the head of Shu Mountain hundreds of years ago. I am afraid that only the head of the mountain can break it with brute force.And this guy in front of him actually wants to break through with brute force, which is absolutely impossible.

In the next moment, Ah Qiang's mouth grew wide, and he couldn't close it.Because when he saw this person, he began to swing his sword at the spell barrier crazily.What's even more strange is that the talisman barrier kept shaking under this person's attack, and it actually had a tendency to collapse.How is this going?Who is this?What the hell?Ah Qiang couldn't believe it.

"Boom..." Under Yan Xiang's frequent attacks, white light flickered, and the talisman barrier shattered like glass. He easily opened the door and walked in.

This talisman enchantment is indeed quite strange, and the aura on it is also very strong.Ordinary people's attacks on the top not only have no effect, but may also be shocked.

But just now Yan Xiang stretched out his hand to detect it.The strength of this aura is at most only one-third of his skill, so it is not difficult to split it with sword energy.And he also observed that this enchantment seems to be strong, but it is actually slowly weakening.It is estimated that this enchantment has been set up for many years, and the aura on it has collapsed to a certain extent, so he can attack without any effort.

"Elder Wang, elder. The barrier at the back door has been forcibly breached!" A Shushan disciple rushed to a white-haired old man and knelt down to report.

"What?" Elder Wang's complexion changed drastically, and he stood up abruptly.He couldn't sit still anymore, someone actually forcibly broke through the barrier?Could it be that the magic way has invaded?But there is no such strong master in the magic way who can forcibly break through the barrier of Shushan's gate.

Elder Wang hurried to the backyard with his disciples.Only then did he see a guy whose clothes were rotten like rags and whose hair was messed up so he couldn't see clearly. He was surrounded by more than 20 Shushan disciples holding swords.This made him even more confused. He thought that it was the joint efforts of several people to break through the barrier, but unexpectedly it was only one person.This is too incredible!

Elder Wang separated from the crowd, stared at Yanxiang and asked, "My friend, where did you come from? Can you report your name? If it is a fellow, I will host a banquet in Shushan. If it is a demon heretic, no wonder I am cruel and merciless."

Yan Xiang looked up at the white-haired old man who rushed over.He still has impressions.This old man was one of the five great elders who presided over the contest before he entered the cave.

But Yan Xiang didn't want to exchange pleasantries at this time.He didn't have a good impression of Shushan either.Neither the gloomy and scheming Yinyue swordsman nor the petty and arrogant Tian Xiu left a good impression on him.And in his eyes, these elders are just old fellows who live in poverty and are waiting to die.

"Get out of the way, I don't want to kill innocent people indiscriminately. Tell Yinyue Swordsman to come down to see me!" This is his only purpose now, to kill Yinyue Swordsman and Tian Xiu.Then take Ziyan and Xiaoshi down the mountain to rescue Qin Juan.What he had to do was done, and he could breathe a sigh of relief.

"Who the hell are you? How dare you call the Grand Master directly?" Elder Wang frowned, staring at Yan Xiang cautiously.He could feel that Yanxiang was not easy.

"My patience is limited. I don't want to kill innocent people indiscriminately. Call me Yinyue Swordsman." Yan Xiang's voice gradually became colder, and his eyes also became colder.No one could see his expression clearly.But everyone paid attention to his hand, which was already on the hilt of the sword.

The atmosphere is tense!

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